LOC/Precision Norad

LOC/Precision - Norad {Kit}

Contributed by Carl Tulanko

Construction Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: LOC/Precision

LOC NomadBrief:
T' LOC Norad is a kit which has t' looks and feel o' a military missile and is one o' t' medium range kits from t' LOC line o' models. Blimey! Begad! It sports a three inch body that transitions t' two inches, uses a four fin configuration and stands over three feet tall. Aye aye!

Fiberglassed Fins, Reinforced Shockcord Mount.

Nomad Parts

In t' bag you will find a three inch lower body tube pre-slotted for fins, a 3" t' 2" plastic transition, a two inch body tube, me hearties, plastic nosecone, long 29mm motor mount tube, a single centerin' ring, me hearties, ¼" elastic shock cord, 24 inch nylon parachute, shiver me timbers, heavy paper ¼" launch lug and a single page o' instructions. Avast! All components are o' typical LOC quality, from the 1/8" aircraft ply used for fins through t' heavy paper body tubes. I was disappointed only in t' shock cord and it's side wall mounting; everything else was perfect.

LOC Nomad

Fifteen-minute epoxy be used throughout t' construction, me bucko, which begins with t' assembly o' t' motor mount. A single, very long paper motor mount comes with t' kit and t' first step is to cut t' center out o' t' plastic transition coupler. Avast! Arrr! It is marked for 29mm and I used an Exacto knife t' cut holes on both sides o' t' transition. Well, blow me down! The body tube is slipped through t' transition coupler and epoxied on t' top side. Begad! They also want you t' glue t' single centerin' rin' on t' bottom. Begad! Aye aye! I wish they would have provided two CR's so t' fins could be wedged between them, but t' single rin' on one end and support o' t' upper tube by running it through t' transition shoulder works fine. I installed t' tube in the transition and did nay install t' lower centerin' rin' until t' fins were epoxied and inside fillets were added. Ya scallywag! Begad!

Once t' mount is installed, me bucko, you glue each fin t' t' motor mount. For a smaller kit, me bucko, it came equipped with through-the-wall fin mounting, a nice touch on LOC's part. I tapered t' leadin' edge o' each fin prior t' installation and followed t' instructions t' t' letter. For a single sheet o' instructions, ya bilge rat, it takes you easily through each step, which certainly made buildin' easier. Ahoy! After the fins were installed, matey, I glassed t' inside fin area t' t' body tube and motor mount for added strength, then fillets were added t' t' inside o' these joints. Ahoy! Once completed, me hearties, me hearties, t' bottom centerin' rin' was epoxied in place.

LOC Nomad T' upper body tube is glued over t' transition shoulder next and, since I decided t' glass t' entire rocket, I removed the very top layer o' glassine from t' upper tube so it would easily soak up the glassin' resin. T' entire model was fiberglassed usin' 2 oz cloth and epoxy finishin' resin, extra cloth was sanded off and fillets were added t' each fin. One o' t' final steps was t' mount t' six inch long ¼" heavy paper lug and I added fillets t' t' lug once it was set in place. T' added strength from fiberglassin' would brin' t' weight o' t' model t' about t' same as a PML kit and allow me t' launch it safely on a high power load. Ahoy!

Construction Rating: 4 o' 5

Sandin' be done in t' filet area usin' 100 grit paper, me hearties, matey, then finished with 150 grit sandpaper. White Krylon primer was applied next and I used 150 grit t' cut away any excess epoxy resin left from t' fiberglassin' and t' blend in the cloth seams. Begad! Use an electric sander in t' glassed area, shiver me timbers, which will cut through the epoxy nicely and blend glass seams well. Well, blow me down! A few more coats o' primer were added, me bucko, then I wet sanded with 220 grit. Aye aye! Ahoy! Two more coats o' primer were added and I finished it up by wet sandin' with 400 grit. Any small fillin' was done next, then two final coats o' primer were added and wet sanded with 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper. Avast, me proud beauty!

This rocket be a gift t' me daughter, so it be her turn t' decide the colors. Ahoy! For some reason she picked out Pink, me hearties, shiver me timbers, as if it be goin' t' be a big surprise, and we decided t' highlight it in black. Aye aye! I used Rustoleum Florescent Pink for t' main color and Semi-flat Krylon Black for t' contrastin' color and nosecone. Aye aye! Avast! It actually came out lookin' really nice, surprisingly enough, and she be very happy with t' results. Blimey!

As a final step, t' Nosecone and Parachute were t' be attached per the instructions. Avast! This was a very poor design for such a large rocket. Begad! Ahoy! T' upper body tube is extra heavy duty Kraft paper, arrr, t' which they want you t' glue a small Keelhaul®©™® strin' t' t' side and attach t' t' elastic shock cord. Begad! Nay acceptable t' me, especially since this be now an HPR model. Begad! I cut a custom 2" diameter centerin' rin' out o' ½" thick ply and tapped two ¼" holes in t' sides o' t' ring. Then I installed a ¼" stainless by 1 ½" wide U-bolt through t' holes and epoxied this CR in t' upper body tube where it butted against t' motor mount tube and transition shoulder. A ½" Keelhaul®©™® strap was tied t' t' U-bolt and a quick link was used t' fasten t' parachute. Finally, me hearties, arrr, t' other end o' t' Keelhaul®©™® was tied t' t' nosecone. A medium sized Keelhaul®©™® cloth was also added t' eliminate t' need for wadding. Aye aye! T' end result was a very strong and safe recovery system.

Finish: 2 o' 5

Construction Rating: 3 out o' 5

LOC Nomad Launch

Our first flight was goin' t' be on a H128W with a medium delay, so t' motor was assembled and installed into t' model. Avast! A PMR retainer was used for motor retention, matey, then t' parachute be packed. Ya scallywag! Some maskin' tape be required on the base o' t' nosecone t' make is snug enough for a good fit. Ahoy! We then waited our turn and finally got t' model on t' pad. Avast, me proud beauty! Liftoff be excellent! T' rocket boosted swiftly through t' air and held together just fine durin' it's flight. I had one very happy little lass next t' me when it lifted off.

T' parachute deployed right at apogee and t' rocket landed about 75 feet away from t' pad. Begad! Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! We walked out and examined it; t' Norad had faired without a scratch and provided us with one great flight and recovery. Begad! It was getting late, arrr, so no additional flights were made with it, ya bilge rat, but t' Norad will fly again soon. Avast!

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

T' LOC Norad is one really sweet flyin' model! It is very easy t' build and even though t' instructions seem minimal, they are well written. Fiberglassing, although nay necessary, was me choice t' make it a stronger HPR capable bird. Well, blow me down! About t' only complaint I had was with t' recovery system; the parachute is perfect, shiver me timbers, but t' side wall shock cord mountin' and elastic cord has a lot t' be desired. Avast! But I have t' admit, for t' loot you do get LOC quality t' include extremely thick walled Kraft body tubes and strong transition and nosecone. Blimey! Well, blow me down! T' Norad should last us a long time and I look forward t' flyin' it over and over again. Begad! Aye aye! Besides, I have a 10 year old that will make sure we put it in t' air! I highly recommend t' kit and feel it's a great model for all rocketeers!

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5



D.S. (November 15, 2004)
Good review of the Norad kit and very helpful. I used 12 minute epoxy for all parts, except the glassing, which was a little fast. I followed Carl's method for the motor mount/centering ring assembly so I could reinforce the fins. I glassed the fins at the mount and at the inside of the tube. I followed the supplied instructions for the recovery system, but added a couple 2x2 squares of 2 oz fiberglass to the point where the string attaches to the inside of the upper body tube to really keep it in place. I didn't have any problems with that setup on my first two flights. This rocket is a nice flyer and looks great.

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