Sunward Aerospace The Screamer

Sunward Aerospace - The Screamer {Kit}

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: Sunward Aerospace
Sunward Aerospace The Screamer

T' Screamer is me first try at a kit from Sunward Aerospace. Avast! Avast! I've used their components before but have nay gotten around t' tryin' a kit until now. Aye aye! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! This one caught me interest because it is a 2 motor cluster, me bucko, and I like clusters. Blimey! I also picked it because o' its canted motor design. Begad! Well, me hearties, blow me down! There are other canted motor designs but this is one I've only seen ads for and have never seen a real example in person or through photos. Begad! That changes now.

T' first step given in t' instructions is t' cut out t' wraparound guide. Ahoy! It is printed on a sheet by itself along with a couple o' paper strips intended for engine hook reinforcement. Avast! I generally prefer t' wraps over other methods. T' wrap was cut out and set aside. Begad! I did nay cut out t' reinforcin' bands.

T' motor mounts were up next. Ya scallywag! A pair o' marks was made one each tube at 3/16" and at 1-3/4". Arrr! Blimey! A slit was made at t' aft mark and t' engine hook inserted. At this point I was instructed t' use t' paper reinforcement wraps which had been provided but I elected t' use electrical tape instead. Avast! I have long heard o' its use in this capacity and intended t' give it a try but never seemed t' have any one hand. Aye aye! Arrr! Now I do and I'm givin' it a try. Arrr! Well, blow me down! The tape was wrapped around each mount as t' second mark.

T' next step be a simple matter o' seatin' t' thrust rings right above t' engine hooks with yellow glue.

Next came what t' instructions described as t' "most tedious part o' t' build". Avast, me proud beauty! It be time t' work on t' canted housing. I was instructed t' make a line across t' center o' t' aft ring. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! I did so and be pretty pleased with myself until I realized that I had run it in t' wrong direction. I had t' make another line at a right angle t' t' first. Ahoy! T' wedge piece be then glued in place with yellow glue and allowed t' set.

Next up was a problem. Avast, me proud beauty! T' forward rin' in me package was broken into 2 pieces. Well, blow me down! [Note: this should nay be taken as a reflection on Sunward Aerospace. Begad! It looks t' be a delicate part at t' best o' times and this kit spent more than its share o' time floatin' around boxes and such.] I decided t' try and glue t' two pieces together. Blimey! It may work. Avast! At worst, me hearties, I will have t' wait as a replacement order comes in. Accordingly, matey, a dab o' yellow glue was placed on t' break and t' 2 pieces were pushed together.

After a night t' let t' glue dry on t' angle, me hearties, I took one o' t' motor tube and test fit it in t' lower ring/angle. Begad! Well, blow me down! T' lunette at t' bottom o' t' rin' has a notch cut out o' it t' accommodate t' engine hook. I got this lined up and then set it in place with t' edge o' t' motor tube flush with t' top o' t' angle. Avast! It looked like it fit so I applied t' first layer o' a double glue joint, pressed t' mount into place, and then removed it. Avast, me proud beauty! A bit later, me bucko, some more glue be applied and t' mount put into place again. I found that I needed t' tape t' mount down in order t' keep it properly aligned.

T' first tube dried in t' mount overnight and I removed t' tape t' inspect t' results. Begad! It seemed OK although there are a few gaps betwixt t' tube and t' angle support. Blimey! Ahoy! Nay havin' built somethin' like this before I was unsure. Assumin' that everythin' be alright, shiver me timbers, I tried t' other mount and found it t' be much t' same as t' first. Ya scallywag! It was again fitted with a double glue joint and taped into place t' dry.

T' start off t' waitin' process, ya bilge rat, I decided t' work ahead a little bit. T' next step was t' put t' wrap in place for t' cuttin' o' t' tube. Arrr! It was taped in place and fit perfectly, arrr, always a relief for me. It was aligned so that it be flush with t' aft end and a piece o' tape was used t' hold it down. Begad! Aye aye! With t' guide in place, t' first task be t' cut out t' notches for t' canted motors. I knew this was goin' t' be done better if I did it right so I took some time t' make a mandrel t' support t' tube as it be cut. Well, blow me down! Begad! T' mandrel was inserted into t' aft end o' the BT, me hearties, me hearties, t' end with t' guide taped t' it, and positioned so that t' cuttin' area be supported. Begad! A razor knife was then drawn repeatedly over t' marked line until t' indicated segments were removed. Ya scallywag! At this point, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, I needed t' test fit the motor mount but that be still dryin' so I went on t' other projects for a while.

When t' motor mount had dried, me hearties, matey, I took off t' tape and tried t' test fit t' mount into t' body tube. It seemed to fit just fine and I almost forgot that I had nay yet put in t' forward centerin' ring. Begad! That too had been drying from me patch job but t' connection was so thin that it did nay hold up t' me manipulations. Begad! I decided I would have to try and glue it in place in pieces. Ya scallywag! While test fitting, I also had t' realization o' why paper wraps were provided to reinforce t' engine hooks instead o' tape bein' specified. T' mounts are visible!

T' fins, contrary t' what was indicated in t' instructions, were loose and nay in any way joined t' t' parent stock material. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! They were o' good quality and cleanly cut. I followed t' instructions and just rounded t' leading edges. Well, blow me down! Blimey! You need t' make sure you identify t' proper grain direction. Well, arrr, blow me down! Blimey! I brushed on some Elmer's Wood Filler, ya bilge rat, scraped it with a razor blade, ya bilge rat, and set them aside t' dry.

Turnin' me attention back t' t' motor mount, ya bilge rat, me hearties, I decided t' let t' split forward rin' work for me. Well, blow me down! Blimey! T' kit is provided with a tri-fold mount for t' shock cord. Avast, me proud beauty! I absolutely detest these. Avast, me proud beauty! I decided t' use a fat piece o' Keelhaul®©™® instead. Begad! I knotted t' Keelhaul®©™® at one end and treaded it though t' space betwixt t' two motor mounts. I then slathered yellow glue over it, me bucko, fixing it t' t' triangular support. When dry, I applied some more glue.

Nose ConT' nose cone be nay like t' fins. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Instead o' bein' smooth, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, it be one o' t' fuzziest I had ever seen. I slathered on the filler and set it aside t' dry.

Though I did nay manage t' glue t' pieces o' t' forward centerin' rin' back together and have them stay together, arrr, I did manage t' glue t' pieces into t' right place on t' motor mount. Begad! When dry, they even fit well! Since the dry fittin' went well, I swabbed t' tail o' t' BT with yellow glue and inserted t' mount. Ahoy! It seemed steady and I hoped for t' best. A few days later, when I next had a chance t' work on this one, me bucko, everythin' seemed fine.

It was time t' start mountin' t' fins. Well, blow me down! Ya scallywag! I removed t' wrap and used an angle t' extend t' fin lines. Ahoy! Blimey! A pushpin was then used t' make perforations along t' lines in t' hope o' formin' a better glue joint. Ya scallywag! Then it was a matter of beginnin' t' glue on t' fins. Ahoy! I used yellow glue and a double glue joint. Ahoy! Begad! T' gluin' o' t' fins took place over the course o' 3 days. I wanted t' let t' first glue joint dry completely before doin' t' second and attachin' t' fins. When t' fins had dried in place, I began t' process o' filletin' them with white glue.

T' filler on t' nose cone had had a chance t' dry and I sanded it down. That dramatically improved things but I was still havin' a problem with t' fuzzies peekin' through. Begad! I went ahead and glued in t' screw eye and then began to drizzle thin CA over t' nosecone in t' hope that it would harden things up and made it sand easier.

After what seemed like an excessin' amount o' filleting, t' Screamer seemed ready t' move t' t' finishing stage.

T' fins had been sealed with Elmer's Wood Filler and sanded durin' construction. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! Now what needed t' be done was to prime t' rocket. It was taken t' t' booth and given a coat o' Kilz. Because o' t' way t' rocket was stood up, it was apparent that another good coat would be needed t' complete t' job. Well, matey, blow me down!

Another coat was applied and then t' rocket was sanded down with #400 sandpaper. Avast! It be then set up in t' booth and sprayed with me dwindlin' supply o' t' old Krylon gloss white.

I wound up puttin' on three coats o' t' gloss white and t' result be satisfactory. Begad! T' rocket be then masked for yellow, matey, leavin' only t' nosecone and fins exposed.

T' rocket was put in t' booth and given three light coats o' a medium-light yellow. Begad! Ya scallywag! Even with t' masking, the added bit o' color really added a lot t' t' appearance.

A few hours later, me hearties, I peeled off t' maskin' and t' rocket was startin' t' look like t' face card.\

All that be left, so I thought, matey, was t' apply t' decal. Begad! Blimey! It was t' be a simple matter. Begad! Blimey! T' decal consists just of the rocket name. Aye aye! Blimey! It had been peekin' at me through t' bag since I started this project. Imagine then me surprise when I reached in t' pull it out only t' find thar was no decal. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! It's a sticker.

It did apply fairly easily, but I sure like waterslides better and, me bucko, personally, me bucko, matey, I am willin' t' pay for them.

As it turns out, ya bilge rat, me hearties, I was nay done. Well, blow me down! Begad! I realized that, in accordance with me custom, I had again forgotten t' launch lug. Blimey! Avast! I scraped off a bit o' paint and applied it with some white glue.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Sunward Aerospace The Screamer

Flight and Recovery:
T' day o' t' maiden flight came and I realized that I did nay brin' me box o' chutes. Arrr! I be nay plannin' on using the plastic chute that came with a kit because I usually substitute nylon. T' box, however, matey, was left behind. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! I did have a bunch o' 4" streamers from Hartle Engineerin' (Thanks, me hearties, Evil Ed) and decided t' use one o' them.

I loaded a pair o' B6-4s and set t' Screamer on t' pad. Arrr! It took off flawlessly, goin' straight up. Ejection was perfect but it was soon apparent that t' lengthened streamer cord got wrapped around a fin. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! It came in hard enough to tear away one o' t' fins where t' cut is made for t' canted motor. It will be repaired but be destined nay t' fly again this day. Avast, me proud beauty! A video o' t' maiden flight can be seen here.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

I enjoyed this rocket. Ya scallywag! It flew well and will be repaired t' fly again. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! Next time, me hearties, however, I will have a parachute ready for it.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5



W.C. (May 10, 2009)
Sunward did a good job on this kit, even if it is sort of a knock-off of the Deuce's Wild! My build progressed more smoothly than I initially thought it would, and the rocket turned out great. One discrepancy I see is in Mr. Lee's nose cone vs mine. In my kit, the nosecone was still balsa, but was ogive in shape and not fuzzy in the least. It must be a different production run.

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