Scratch Junkyard Transport Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Junkyard Transport {Scratch}

Contributed by Jim Myers

Manufacturer: Scratch

T' followin' be t' HTML interpretation o' Jim's PDF submission.

Opening Page

PartsI opened up me box-o-parts with much anticipation. Blimey! Here is a picture o' t' contents. Ahoy! Wow! Lots o' stuff, me bucko, arrr, ya bilge rat, now what t' do with it. Lookin' through it further, ya bilge rat, There sure are a lot o' tubes, and nay a whole lot o' balsa. Well, blow me down! This is beggin' t' be a tube intensive rocket.

After puttin' tubes together, holdin' parts together and tryin' different combinations, matey, this is what I came up with. Ahoy! T' JunkYard Transport.

T' Junkyard Transport flies on a central 24mm engine with a cluster o' three 18mm engines surroundin' t' central mount. Begad! She is 55 1/2 inches tall, matey, ya bilge rat, me bucko, and about 8 inches wide.



Parts Parts


I decided I would like t' have a fairly tall rocket, and I had a pretty good amount o' mixed BT-55 and BT-56. Begad! Aye aye! I also had a good NC-55 nose cone. Ahoy! I decided I would join some sections o' BT-55/56 with multi tube arrays o' BT-5. Blimey! Arrr! I had a 8 1/2 x 11 piece o' card stock, so I doubled it over and glued it together. I put on a "3 BT-5 into BT-55" centerin' rin' template that I created and cut out 12 centerin' rings. Well, blow me down! Begad! I sanded down t' BT-56 rings t' fit t' slightly smaller ID o' those tubes.

I cut out t' centerin' rings and glued up t' BT-5 tube arrays as shown here.

I found a scrap piece o' steel tube that I sharpened with a grinder, matey, and punched out t' BT-5 holes. Well, blow me down! Later they would be sanded with sand paper glued around a dowel.

Cut Out

T' outside diameter o' t' Centerin' Rings were cut with scissors and stack sanded t' size.


I cut nine pieces o' BT-5 t' 4 inches long.

I marked t' BT-5s 1/2" and 1 inch from each end, and glued up these "BT-5 arrays" which became t' tube couplers.

I then joined t' main tubes by gluin' them together with t' BT-5 arrays. Use care t' roll t' main tubes on a flat surface t' keep them in alignment.


Most o' t' balsa stock that came in me box-o-parts be small bits, old die cut skeletons and miscellaneous bits, ya bilge rat, so I thought that a mixture o' tube fins, me hearties, ya bilge rat, balsa and tube tips would make a nice design.

Pic Series

I cut t' top tail rin' with t' patterns in t' pattern section.

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I got two pre-cut fins that looked great as lower fins. Arrr! I attached 4 inch sections o' BT-5 tubin' t' t' fin tips and capped them off with some wood buttons that were rollin' around in t' bottom o' t' box-oparts.

Pic Series

T' top tail rin' is glued flush with t' aft o' t' BT55 usin' t' tube markin' guide included.

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Next I glued an 18 inch piece o' BT-50 inside t' top tail rin' and along t' top mark on t' aft most BT-55

Attach two 6 inch BT-20 sections at t' junction o' t' lower fin/ body tube junction, shiver me timbers, matey, flush with t' aft tube. Aye aye! Begad! Blimey! I capped them with some larger wooden caps from t' ole-box-o-parts.


I glued up a 24mm engine mount for t' main, central tube. I cut a BT-50 section, 2 3/4 inches long, and glued a 20-50 Centerin' rin' flush in one end as an engine block.

I had a pair o' 50-55 centerin' rings that completed t' engine mount. One centerin' rin' is glued flush with t' engine block end, and t' second is 1/2 inch from t' aft end.


T' 24mm engine mount was glued into t' main tube, with t' aft rin' flush t' t' end o' t' tube.

I found some more pre cut fins, shiver me timbers, and attache them at t' junction o' t' top tail rin' and t' main BT-55.


I made up an 18mm engine mount for t' upper BT50 tube. Arrr! I cut a 2 3/4 inch piece o' BT-20 and glued a BT-20 engine block flush into t' front end. I salvaged this long 20-50 centerin' rin' tube from a Estes Athena that was in me box. Avast! Arrr! I also used t' Athena nose cone on t' front o' t' upper tube.


Next I glued t' 18 mm engine mount into t' upper BT-50, shiver me timbers, leavin' 1/2 inch hangin' out.

I glued 3 inch sections o' BT-20 onto t' tips o' t' upper fins for more stability.


I found a smaller version o' t' two precut upper fins that I used as t' top fin. Begad! Ahoy! I glued it on t' center line, arrr, flush with t' aft o' t' top tail rin' cut-out.


Next I cut two 2 1/4 inch sections o' BT-5. Ahoy! I cut t' aft o' t' tubes at a similar angle as t' upper tail rin' and glued them against t' top fin. Arrr! I then inserted two .650 diameter wooden beads and 1/8 inch dowels as laser guns.


I did get a pingpong ball in me box-o-parts, and I HAD t' use it. I cut it t' fit on t' BT-50 and created a cannon pod. Aye aye! It is glued 11 inches from t' aft o' t' main tube.


I wanted a canopy on t' nose cone. I found this triangular chunk o' balsa in t' box.


I made some angled cuts and sanded t' underside t' t' approximate radius or t' nose cone.


I attached t' canopy t' t' nose cone and two 1/8 inch x .680 long "guns" on 1/8 x 1/4 inch balsa cannon mounts.


She flew "in her underwear" (primer) at t' June 28, 2008 MASA launch at t' Nowthen sod farm. It flew on a cluster o' one D12-5 and 3 C6-5s. It ripped off t' pad t' a nice straight flight in spite o' t' 15-17 mph winds. Begad! Recovery is via three different 12 inch parachutes, matey, (as that is all I had in t' box) two deployed out t' main nose cone and one from t' upper BT-50 tube, me bucko, matey, at mid body. Aye aye! T' aft chute tangled with t' fins and guns. Ya scallywag! After t' contest, i will switch it t' a single larger chute.



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