FlisKits US TOG

FlisKits - US TOG {Kit} (FR007)

Contributed by Chan Stevens

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 1.64 inches
Length: 34.77 inches
Manufacturer: FlisKits
Skill Level: 3
Style: Futuristic/Exotic
FlisKits TOG Upscale

Almost immediately after t' Micromaxx TOG was released in 2006, arrr, matey, Jim Flis was buried with requests for an upscale. This 24mm version is a gorgeous rendition o' t' stylish, matey, me hearties, futuristic spacecraft design. Begad! It flies every bit as great as it looks, me bucko, too.

Collectors will be pleased t' know that I just increased t' scarcity o' t' numbered kits by buildin' #11. Arrr! What can I say? When you get your hands on a kit this cool, it's pretty tough t' let it sit gatherin' dust for years.

T' bag comes packed with plenty o' quality parts, matey, including:

  • Balsa nose cone
  • Balsa transition
  • BT-60 main body tube
  • BT-55 upper and side body tubes
  • BT-50/24mm motor tube
  • 1/8" balsa fin stock
  • Laser cut fiber ramjet set (2)
  • 16" plastic chute
  • Keelhaul®©™®+elastic shock cord
  • 3/16" launch lugs
  • engine hook/block

This is listed as a skill level 3.5 kit on a 5 scale. Ahoy! That's reasonably accurate as thar are some challenging scalloped tube cuts involved with this as well as some delicate fin shapes.

FlisKits TOG Upscale T' instructions are excellent--very clear, easy t' follow, and loaded with helpful illustrations. Ya scallywag! Ahoy! There are a total o' 34 numbered steps spannin' seven 8.5" x 11" pages. Blimey! Dependin' on how picky you are on finishing, expect t' spend a good 8-10 hours on t' build, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, plus another full 8 on t' finishing. Begad! Avast! This is not a quick and easy build.

T' motor tube takes a standard 18/24 centerin' rin' as a block with a metal hook for retention, but since it is attached directly t' t' inside edge o' t' BT-60 main tube rather than via centerin' rings, arrr, matey, t' hook is held in place by a strip o' gauze.

T' next few steps involve cuttin' t' BT-60 and markin' t' various fin attachment lines. Avast! If you've ever built either t' Long Overdue, Just Past Due, arrr, or maybe t' Night Whisperer/Farscape from FlisKits, arrr, then you've got an idea of what's involved in cuttin' t' scalloped tubes. Ahoy! It does take a fresh, sharp blade, preferably a #10 X-Acto rather than a utility/razor blade.

FlisKits TOG Upscale At this point, before followin' t' instructions and bondin' t' BT-50 t' t' BT-60, matey, you might want t' think through your paint plan. (You do have a paint plan, me hearties, don't you?) If you want t' get a nice finish on the BT-50 and/or go with contrastin' inner and outer tube colors, shiver me timbers, then you should mask off a thin strip t' serve as a bond line on each tube then paint them individually. Ya scallywag! Begad! Once everythin' is painted and dried, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, remove t' maskin' tape and bond t' tubes together with some medium CA.

Cuttin' out t' fin patterns is a little confusin' if you're used t' 3FNC style construction. For starters, there aren't more than 2 o' any particular shape, they have weird names, and for a few o' them thar be no root/tip, but two different root edges. Ya scallywag! T' really tricky aspect is that thar are some very tight curves and corners, arrr, some o' which will be cut across t' grain. Ya scallywag! T' instructions include a tip t' laminate t' fin stock first by gluin' a sheet o' paper to each side. Avast! That's an excellent suggestion as it also eliminates a lot o' grain filling.

T' main body tube (BT-60) winds up gettin' three fins--two side fins for t' pods and a top/dorsal fin.

FlisKits TOG Upscale Next up comes t' ramjet assembly, which is really a marvel o' design and creativity. Aye aye! The intake fins are laser cut t' very precise tolerances. Avast! Begad! Once they are glued surroundin' a launch lug, matey, it fits perfectly inside t' BT-55 pod tubes. Ya scallywag! T' only suggestion I'd make t' improve this would be t' whip up a markin' guide for 8-fin pattern around a 3/16" lug. Aye aye! It's pretty easy t' get these out o' alignment without properly spaced (and straight) lines. Begad! Once complete, shiver me timbers, arrr, again consider t' paint plan before bonding--you'll certainly want t' paint these a contrasting color, so paint first, bond later.

Two ramjet and one dorsal tube are cut from a BT-55, again usin' patterns and a fresh blade for t' tapered cuts. They're bonded t' t' correspondin' fins on t' BT-60 and each gets some variation o' an outer fin as well.

FlisKits TOG Upscale T' upper section is basically a payload bay consistin' o' a balsa transition, ya bilge rat, a BT-55 tube, and a balsa nose cone.

Construction wraps up by attachin' t' shock cord. T' instructions suggest anchorin' it t' t' inner tube BT-55/BT-60 seam, matey, but I would suggest thar are two problems with this. Avast! First, me bucko, it's a little tough t' get a good bond in thar after t' two tubes are already glued together, me hearties, and second, matey, you'll have a very visible externally anchored cord. Aye aye! I would instead suggest either a tri-fold mount t' t' motor tube or usin' a little extra Keelhaul®©™®, anchorin' t' t' 18/24 centerin' rin' motor block.

Finishin' can be a lot o' work on this as you have 6 tubes, 6 fins, and a pretty long balsa nose cone and transition to fill and finish. Begad! Well, blow me down! I typically do all me spiral and grain fillin' before assembly, arrr, and that's certainly a must for somethin' as complex as this.

Since I pre-painted most parts, shiver me timbers, me bucko, I be able t' hold fairly closely t' t' stock paint scheme. Aye aye! Blimey! I went with a green metallic for most o' t' body tubes, black fins and payload tube, arrr, and bright red ramjets. Ahoy! I had trouble gettin' a low humidity day and wound up gettin' a pretty feeble gloss, me bucko, so also I applied generous touches o' Future floor polish hopin' t' give it a good shine.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

FlisKits TOG Upscale

T' instructions specifically warn against usin' E motors, matey, so t' official recommendations are C11-3 and D12-5. I would guess t' warnin' is based on t' lower initial spike o' t' E9, nay so much t' additional weight's impact on CG, ya bilge rat, because on a D12-5 this be plenty stable, flyin' perfectly straight in 5-8 mph winds. Ahoy! If you really must go for more power, me bucko, I'd think an Aerotech E15 or even an F12 would be fine, me hearties, although on an F12 you'd be hittin' some insane altitudes with this.

T' chute supplied be t' standard Flis 8/12/16 chute, me bucko, where you cut whatever size pattern you want. In this case, you'll need every bit o' t' 16 and should consider upgradin' t' a 24" if you have a spare. Ahoy! Begad! Under a 16" chute, mine came down a bit hard, and naturally found t' road, breakin' off one fin on impact. Avast, me proud beauty!

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

This is one o' t' coolest designs in t' FlisKits fleet. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I could see a bigger chute and different shock cord anchor technique as improvements, ya bilge rat, but I wouldn't exactly call them "cons". Blimey! Blimey! T' pros are first and foremost an outstandin' design, matey, especially t' ramjets. Avast! Second, me bucko, me bucko, it's a sweet flier. Well, blow me down! Ya scallywag! Blimey! It's got stylin' and performance and is fun to build. Well, blow me down! Begad! Blimey! You can't go wrong with this beauty.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5



T. (September 26, 2008)
I enjoyed building this kit and love Jim's slightly skewed idea of model rockets, always different. For the first flight I used a C11-3 which deployed before apogee and has caused stress creases in the front body tube. I have since used D12-5 motors and am very happy with the performance. Like the other reviewer I found the stock parachute to be too small and no space to fit a larger one in the main body tube. I then took the proverbial step back and have redesigned the entire front end. The idea was to use the larger BT-55 payload section as the parachute area. I bought a new balsa transition and nose cone from Fliskits along with some other bits (all quickly delivered to me). The transition was then bored out leaving a 3mm wall thickness. The inside was sanded and sealed. The front of the BT-60 main body tube was trimmed by about 1 cm as it had flared out with the previous heavy nose section being inserted etc, the transition and BT-55 were glued together with a baffle added for good luck. The Kevlar® line was extended through the baffle from it original ‘modified’ mounting point as recommended by Chan. I can now fit a 24” nylon parachute in very comfortably and still have room for a microbeacon if needed.

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