Qmodeling Andromeda

Qmodeling - Andromeda

Contributed by Geof Givens

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Qmodeling
QModeling Andromeda

T' Qmodelin' Retro Mega Series Andromeda is one o' t' most formidable mid-power kits available. This beautiful kit is a 1.65:1 upscale o' t' Estes Andromeda. Begad! Ahoy! QModeling's BT-60 version stands nearly 6 feet tall. T' 24mm motor mount is designed for high-thrust APCP motors such as F24-4 or F21-6.

There are over 80 parts and also more than 80 construction steps listed in t' 30-page manual. Begad! T' parts are very high quality, me hearties, with no scrimpin' t' save money. Arrr! For example, me bucko, t' numerous ply rings, matey, two hard composite assembly jigs, nylon parachute, me bucko, Nomex® chute protector, shiver me timbers, and so forth are beyond what would be expected in a standard kit. Begad! Begad! Blimey! For t' relatively high price of this kit, it is nice t' feel that you are gettin' your money's worth. Ya scallywag!

T' skill level is rated as 4. I would judge that kits don't get much harder than this, so I would probably rate it a 5. Well, blow me down! Avast!

QModeling Andromeda Before beginnin' construction, arrr, t' builder must immediately make a critical decision. Arrr! There are three options provided for recovery. Blimey! Ahoy! Roughly speaking, me bucko, t' choices for splittin' are: at t' nose cone, arrr, matey, 2/3 forward with a lockin' joint 1/3 forward for disassembly, or 1/3 forward. Begad! In two pages o' detailed comments, QModelin' explains the pros and cons o' each approach, includin' implications about reliability, arrr, me bucko, me bucko, structural strength, parachute packing, and ease o' car transportation. Begad! I chose t' split at t' nose cone. Ahoy!

This review would be too long if I detailed all t' construction steps, matey, so I'll only survey t' highlights. Ya scallywag! The complete instruction manual is available online if you want t' find more details. Aye aye!

Jig assembly is first. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' rocket cannot easily be built without t' jigs, so it is critical t' get them correct. Unfortunately, me hearties, I found that thar seemed t' be many ways t' fit t' parts together that seemed nearly correct. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! Blimey! With much care, I got them assembled correctly, but any mistake here would be very unfortunate. Begad!

Motor mount assembly is next. Avast, me proud beauty! T' Andromeda uses QModeling's unique interlockin' motor mount design. Blimey! This nifty balsa and ply construction allows for motor tube centerin' and through-the-wall fin mounting. Ya scallywag! Although skeptical at first, matey, I have flown another kit with t' same mount many times with no problems whatsoever. Ahoy! T' mount design also makes it virtually impossible t' upgrade t' a 29mm motor tube. Blimey! Given t' weight and size o' most QModelin' kits, I strongly wish such an option was provided, although it might be a bit too powerful for this particular kit. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty!

Compared t' t' instructions, matey, me kit had a motor hook that be about 1 1/8 inches too long for a 24mm RMS case. Since t' RMS case has an aft thrust ring, matey, t' actual gap betwixt t' motor and t' hook was about 5/8 in. Begad! I built a motor spacer t' fill t' empty space above t' motor, allowin' t' clip t' fit correctly on t' motor. Well, blow me down! Blimey! QModelin' later wrote me t' agree that I should construct such a spacer. Avast, me proud beauty!

T' next set o' steps involve t' main reactor tube, lower body tube, and primary fins. Here, arrr, me hearties, I suggest that you push t' motor mount assembly up into t' lower body tube for extra strength. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey!

Roughly at this point, me hearties, I made a huge mistake. Despite complete understandin' o' t' instructions, me bucko, me hearties, I somehow managed t' glue t' reactor forward rin' about 3/16 inch too far forward. This rin' helps mount t' reactor tube (in which t' motor mount sits) around t' lower body tube. Avast! Arrr! This error caused t' fin slots t' misalign with t' motor mount fin slots so I extended t' slots. However, shiver me timbers, me bucko, me hearties, this misaligned t' fins with t' end o' t' rocket. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! I had t' sand away 1/4 inch from from t' aft curve t' main fins. Begad! Ahoy! Fortunately, t' result is nay really detectable. Avast! I mention this incident because it shows how with such a complex rocket just a small mistake can cascade into a substantial number of serious problems.

Next t' reactor rings are glued. Well, blow me down! It is critical t' align these perfectly or else t' pod fins won't fit. T' pod fins are built next. Aye aye! Begad! Blimey! Here, matey, me hearties, t' instructions for addin' t' decorative reactor plates were nay sufficiently clear t' me, and t' figure didn't help. Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! If done correctly, all reactor plates should be symmetrical with respect t' t' rest o' the rocket. Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! Blimey! Mine are asymmetrical, me hearties, matey, but this is nay inconsistent with t' overall asymmetry o' t' rocket design. Arrr!

T' lower rocket is finished with t' elevator shafts, shiver me timbers, t' antennae mast fins, shiver me timbers, t' antennae, and other decorative details. Ahoy! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! T' fins are a snap t' align perfectly with one o' t' jigs. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! T' elevator shafts are much more challenging. Arrr! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! I recommend that you extend guide lines all t' way down t' lower body tube t' ensure plumb placement o' t' shafts. Another potential gotcha is at t' aft end o' t' shaft. I had rounded t' leadin' edges o' t' main fins, arrr, arrr, me hearties, but this resulted in t' dowel havin' greater thickness than t' beveled fin edge. Begad! Blimey! It required careful sandin' and generous wood filler t' get a clean smooth look. Blimey! Blimey!

T' upper portion o' t' rocket requires a number o' further tubes, centerin' rings, etc. Aye aye! Ya scallywag! T' transition cone is a notable challenge. Ya scallywag! It is a double wrap o' heavy paper. T' instructions are very explicit about how t' achieve a good result. Arrr! Well, blow me down! They encouraged me t' expend more patience than I am usually capable of. Well, blow me down! Arrr! After construction, shiver me timbers, I coated with CA, then iterated with wood filler until a seamless look was achieved. Ya scallywag! Begad!

Accordin' t' t' instructions, filletin' is mainly postponed until major sections are complete, and sanding/fillin' is left t' t' very end. Ya scallywag! I strongly recommend that you bevel fins and sand and seal all parts as I go. I also prefer t' fillet joints for each part immediately after installation. Well, blow me down! Blimey! With t' huge number o' parts here and the complexity o' t' design, shiver me timbers, I think it would be nearly impossible t' get a great finish unless you follow me advice. Blimey! One exception t' this be t' three o' radiator rings. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! I made t' mistake o' filletin' these, ya bilge rat, then usin' wood filler to further smooth t' seams. Ya scallywag! This was a huge pain because it took hours o' sandin' in very tiny spaces t' finish t' task.

Paintin' is standard, arrr, except that thar's a lot o' it. Avast, me proud beauty! I left t' interiors o' t' pod tubes black. Begad! Well, blow me down! For such a large, intricate rocket, ya bilge rat, matey, shiver me timbers, I felt that t' page o' high-quality decals left many interestin' features camouflaged, this was partially because I had added a number o' additional radiator plates, arrr, me hearties, hatch covers, matey, me hearties, me hearties, and various futuristic relief features. Thus, matey, arrr, I painted a number o' additional features orange or silver t' match t' provided decals. Aye aye!

T' kit comes with a pre-made 30" nylon chute and a Nomex® protector. Considerin' t' fragility, weight, matey, and me affection for this rocket, I feared t' chute would be insufficient. Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! Thus, I added a second 30" nylon chute. Aye aye! Begad! It was a tight squeeze in t' forward compartment, but they both fit. Avast!

PROS: Huge project, shiver me timbers, great quality, mostly fantastic instructions

CONS: A few construction ambiguities, matey, arrr, matey, high price

On Grass

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Flight and Recovery:
Terrible grief almost prevents me from writin' about t' flight. Ahoy! I used a 4 foot long 3/16" rod despite the instructions urgin' a longer one. Well, blow me down! T' motor be a F24-4. Begad! Wind be about 10mph. Ahoy! Aye aye! T' short rod, me hearties, strong breeze, me hearties, and tightly packed dual chutes gave me plenty t' worry about.

When t' igniter lit, t' motor sputtered for an eternity. Blimey! Everyone, arrr, includin' me and Nadine "Rockets by Nadine" Kinney missed t' launch photo because our cameras had shot their sequence before liftoff. Finally the rocket ascended. T' short rod was absolutely fine with t' F24, arrr, matey, shiver me timbers, even in t' brisk breeze. Aye aye!

T' ascent be graceful and perfect. Both chutes ejected just past apogee. Begad! Begad! One fully inflated and t' other was partially tangled and acted like a huge streamer. Ahoy! This was sufficient. Ya scallywag! Touchdown was 25 yards away, next t' t' high power pads. Begad! Rocketeers at those pads turned around t' see t' rocket land right near them. Aye aye! They confirmed what was obvious t' t' whole crowd: Andromeda be totally undamaged! I therefore strongly recommend a bigger chute, me bucko, or two of them.

T' high power range be closed for launches--or at least I thought it was--before I could retrieve Andromeda. After I turned away, arrr, me wife gasped and people started running. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Stronger winds had filled both chutes and began t' drag Andromeda away. Arrr! Blimey! Some guy and I I sprinted after t' rocket as it repeatedly swung up and around and slammed down, ultimately bein' dragged and bounced about 1/4 mile down t' prairie into t' wash. Blimey! Blimey! When we finally caught it, it was totally destroyed. Blimey! Blimey! Major portions are still out thar somewhere. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey!

T' go from a totally flawless flight t' utter destruction like that was devastating. It would have been far easier if t' rocket was ruined in a hard landing. Aye aye! Arrr! T' Andromeda is gone.

PROS: Strong straight flight exceeds expectations; undamaged recovery is possible. Ya scallywag! Begad! Huge crowd pleaser.

CONS: None.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

I want t' mention two other notes about QModeling. Ahoy! Well, blow me down! Blimey! First, me bucko, I won this kit in an EMMR contest but it took about 9 months t' be sent, me bucko, due t' a long series o' pre-production glitches. Well, blow me down! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' wait was worth it, however, as QModeling's Tom Quinn ended up sendin' me a huge Mars Snooper kit as consolation, and he sent Andromeda serial #0002. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! Blimey! Tom kept #0001 for a future Qmodelin' "museum".

Second, matey, thar were several post-distribution glitches noticed by those o' us buildin' t' first few kits. Ahoy! In each case, Tom immediately sent email and written notification t' all kit owners, me hearties, along with any missin' part or instruction. With t' huge number o' parts and t' complex instructions, me bucko, arrr, a few minor glitches should be expected initially.

Both these events caused impressed me, and I think QModelin' should earn well-deserved respect for excellent customer service.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Qmodeling Andromeda By Chan Stevens (November 29, 2008)

    Brief: This is probably going to be considered the flagship bird of Qmodeling's upscale/mega retro series. It's a 1.65 upscale of the Estes classic Andromeda. As noted in the other fine reviews, this is a magnificently engineered design and a sheer pleasure to build and fly. While I will cover some construction detail and pictures, I'd also highly recommend Bob Cox's construction ...

  • Qmodeling Andromeda By Drake "Doc" Damerau (July 5, 2008)

    Brief: The Mrs. Andromeda is a 1.65:1 upscale of the classic Estes Andromeda, kit #1273. This kit was first introduced in 1975, and remained in production until 1982. Q-Modeling has taken the original design, upscaled it, and modernized its construction. Construction: Scale: 1.65:1 Height: 72.25" Weight: 14.0 oz (with recovery system) Fin Span: 19.68" ...



T.S. (July 4, 2008)
My only regret so far is that my Andromeda didn't appear to come with a serial #, only that it is a version 3.0 which is a good thing in itself, meaning the glitches had been well worked out. I have not flown my Andromeda yet, 1st launch is planned for NARAM 50 in late July, but the quality of the model is A+++ and construction instructions couldn't be better. The finished model looks awsum. Tom Quinn's customer support responses to questions and concerns is also top notch. I have 2 more Q-modeling kits on order and recommend his rockets to anyone I can. I hope Q-modeling continues to produce more RMS models... I'm sure that I will be a repeat customer.

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