Semroc Swift Boost Glider

Semroc - Swift Boost Glider {Kit} (KV-27)

Contributed by Chan Stevens

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 0.76 inches
Length: 13.75 inches
Manufacturer: Semroc
Skill Level: 2
Style: Clone, Glider

With t' introduction o' t' Swift, matey, Semroc has now added a conventional boost glider t' their fleet, and one easy enough for even a nove modeler t' build and get flyin' reasinably well. Avast! Based upon t' 1969 Centuri design, ya bilge rat, this "retro repro" features laser-cut parts t' speed up construction, me bucko, arrr, as well as Keelhaul®©™®/elastic shock cord on t' pod t' improve t' durability.

Semroc kits feature top quality parts, and this kit is no exception. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Your $14.50 (retail) gets you:

  • Balsa nose cone
  • BT-20 body tube
  • CR-18/13 motor blocl
  • Metal motor hook
  • Laser cut wing, stabilizer, matey, matey, rudder
  • Laser cut fuselage
  • Streamer
  • Keelhaul®©™®/elastic shock cord
  • waterslide decal

The instructions are well illustrated and generally well written. Well, blow me down! Avast, me proud beauty! This is rated a skill level 1 kit by Semroc, though I'd suggest it's a bit closer t' a 2 just due t' some o' t' nuances o' buildin' a polyhedral win' and trimmin' t' glider for good flights. Arrr! Dependin' on how much time, ya bilge rat, if any, arrr, me bucko, shiver me timbers, you invest in tryin' t' airfoil t' wing, me hearties, me bucko, you can expect construction t' take betwixt 2 and 4 hours plus finishing.

T' win' is built from a set o' 4 laser-cut pieces. That certainly takes a good deal o' t' work and sloppiness out o' tryin' t' hand cut t' swept eliptical pattern. I'd point out, shiver me timbers, arrr, though, that t' illustration that points out the leadin' and trailin' edges, me hearties, due t' t' perspective view, makes it a little tricky t' figure out that t' straighter edge is leadin' and t' swept edge is trailing. Begad! A beginner might nay have t' exerience t' figure that out.

Since this is a polyhedral, ya bilge rat, thar will be 3 angled joints for t' 4 pieces. Avast! T' help establish t' correct dihedrals, thar are 2 slick little braces made from laser-cut balsa. Ya scallywag! In me case, t' slots t' accept t' cross braces were a little too tight, me hearties, so I had t' shave them a bit t' widen t' gap. Arrr! T' taller o' t' two braces is used for t' outer dihedral (between t' inner wings and win' tips), and t' smaller brace is used for t' inner dihedral. Begad! Begad! T' get a really good glue joint, it's important t' rough sand each surface angled for t' dihedral. While t' directions suggest this, they overlook one handy tip--sand one surface perpenticular (90-degree) and use t' brace t' support t' other piece at an angle and usin' a sandin' block sand t' bevel t' that side. Begad! Begad!

Before bondin' me win' pieces, I decided t' sand in a decent airfoil first, arrr, then CA'd t' pieces together rather than go through 3 different overnight waits for wood glue t' cure well enough t' hold t' dihedrals.

T' fuselage is built from 2 separate pieces fit together with a tongue and groove. Ahoy! At first I was concerned about t' structural integrity o' this, arrr, matey, but then discovered that thar are thin balsa cover pieces that close off the slot where t' pod pylon slips in, matey, and these wind up formin' a reinforcin' skin over t' joint, shiver me timbers, so all should be fine. Aye aye!

With t' fuselage joined and t' covers in place, I then tacked t' tail and rudder together, again aided by excellent laser-cut notches t' ensure proper fit and alignment. Well, blow me down! T' rudder/tail assembly is then tacked onto t' aft end o' t' fuselage, and t' win' tacked on about midway. Begad! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! It will probably look funny, as though t' win' is too far back, but it's a fiarly small win' and this needs a lot o' nose weight for proper balance, ya bilge rat, me bucko, so t' fuselage is quite extended, matey, servin' as ballast.

T' pod is quite simple, typical o' conventional pods. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! T' BT-20 serves as motor and body tube, arrr, ya bilge rat, with a centering rin' motor block anchorin' t' Keelhaul®©™® shock cord and a metal hook for motor retention (hel in place by an external coupler sleeve). Begad! There is a pylon for latchin' onto t' glider, shiver me timbers, which is built up from two pieces o' balsa, one o' which is notched perfectly t' fit over the coupler sleeve on t' body tube for accurate placement. Arrr! T' elastic and nose cone, shiver me timbers, with streamer, me bucko, arrr, go on next compelting t' construction.

Normally I don't add finish t' gliders, as t' extra weight tends t' diminish performance, and at most apply a thin cover o' sealant or dope. Avast! Arrr! In this case, arrr, me hearties, though, given t' waterslide decal and cool lookin' color scheme on t' cover art, I decided t' go ahead and paint it. I hit everythin' with a couple coats o' white primer, me bucko, followed by a single coat o' gloss white. Avast! After allowin' a day for t' white t' dry, ya bilge rat, I then masked off t' inner portions o' t' wing, shiver me timbers, the middle o' t' stabilizer, and t' pod and painted everythin' else red. I followed up with a little blue pin striping I'd picked up a few years ago at a local hobby shop. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! T' wateslide decals provided t' finishin' touch.

I should emphasize, though, arrr, that I went very light on t' paint and did nay use any filler. Begad! I suspect John Lee's glide/trim issues could be related t' t' added weight o' a heavy finish job. Begad! In me case, matey, t' booster and glider prepped for flight, even painted, still weigh in at just under an ounce (27 grams).

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

I'm nay sure why t' recommended motors jump from 1/2A6-2 t' B4-2, skippin' over A's, but suspect it's because o' the 3 second delay on A8's which might be a little too long. Ya scallywag! Blimey! I went with t' 1/2A6, fearin' t' B would send t' glider high enough t' drift away in t' 8 mph winds.

T' 1/2A boost was almost comical, though--altitude o' maybe 75-100 feet, deployed just at t' end o' t' coast phase, arrr, and a clean transition though I nearly managed a Red Baron on t' long streamer.

Since I was flyin' solo, I be a little worried about tryin' t' track both t' pod in tall grass and t' glider, but caught a break. Begad! Avast, me hearties, me proud beauty! T' pod cam down so close t' t' pad area that it almost hit me on t' head. Ya scallywag! Ahoy! T' glider transitioned fairly smartly into a nice level glide (I did nay need any nails or weight for balancing), and circled into t' wind. Ya scallywag! This is where t' flight got sort o' comical, arrr, as t' glider was oriented facin' into t' wind, ya bilge rat, but t' wind be winnin' the battle a bit. Aye aye! At first t' glider merely hovered for maybe 5 seconds, ya bilge rat, then started driftin' backwards a bit, finally pullin' away into a left turn. Avast, me proud beauty! It circled twice before settin' down for an overall flight o' about 40 seconds. Not exactly a slope soarin' model, matey, me bucko, but commendable first flight.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

I share t' opinion that this would make a good beginner's glider. Begad! T' laser-cut parts and dihedral jigs simplify construction, and if built t' t' instructions it seems t' come out trimmed fairly well. Begad! Begad! I do think t' pod streamer is a bit larger than necessary, arrr, and while that makes findin' it easier, it also adds risk o' tanglin' up with t' glider.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Semroc Swift Boost Glider By John Lee (September 28, 2009)

    Brief: Retro Repro, Boost Glider, 18mm The Swift BG is one of the new kits released by Semroc for NARAM 51. It is a reproduction of an old Centuri design. Although I have had terrible luck with gliders, something prompted me to get started on this one right away. It might be the one to break the jinx. I ordered mine as soon as it was availible and in typical Semroc Time Warp ...


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