Madcow Rocketry Momba

Madcow Rocketry - Momba {Kit} (K-100)

Contributed by Larry Brand

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Diameter: 2.60 inches
Length: 23.75 inches
Manufacturer: Madcow Rocketry
Style: Sport

Photo Courtesy o' Mad Cow    
Courtesy of Mad Cow

T' Momba by Madcow Rocketry is a new kit for F-G motors. T' Momba kit is a conventional 4FNC design deluxe product featurin' full through-the-wall fins mountin' t' motor tube, matey, me bucko, laser cut fin slots, and what has t' be t' most complete accessory package in t' industry, includin' a Keelhaul®©™® shock cord, matey, shiver me timbers, Nomex® chute protector, me hearties, high quality nylon chute, me hearties, machined solid balsa cone with ballast box, t' lead shot ballast t' put in it, and steel eye-bolt. Avast! There is nothin' else t' purchase but glue and paint. Construction time is about an hour. Arrr! T' Momba is a close t' an "almost ready t' fly" rocket as you will find for a mid-power rocket.

My Momba kit arrived packed in foam popcorn and in perfect condition. Aye aye! Ahoy! T' laser cuttin' o' t' 4 ply fins and body tube was impeccable. Begad! Blimey! As evidence o' the superb fit and finish o' t' parts, arrr, ya bilge rat, I be able t' completely test assemble the Momba with no adhesive. Arrr! T' solid balsa cone is unusual for a rocket o' this size. Avast! T' attached ballast box struck me as such a neat idea that I decided to make t' ballast in mine completely removable via a trapdoor built into the bulkhead. Arrr! T' instructions are superb, me hearties, however, I noticed that they didn't include instructions on finishing/paintin' a balsa cone o' this size, which may be new territory for builders more familiar with t' plastic variety. Avast! Avast! I offer some tips o' me own for this below.

Madcow Rocketry MombaMadcow Rocketry Momba

No sandin' or trimmin' o' t' components be needed as t' kit test fit together perfectly. Arrr! Well, blow me down! I used 5-minute epoxy for all construction. Blimey! It goes together just like a Big Bertha:

  1. Motor tube and shock cord assemble with centerin' rings
  2. Motor tube assembly epoxied into body tube
  3. Fins epoxied into body slots, contactin' t' motor tube--very strong!
  4. Unique ballast box with shot ballast assembled per instructions.
Madcow Rocketry Momba

As I mentioned, I decided t' make t' ballast shot in me kit removable. Blimey! Blimey! This was done simply by drillin' a 3/8" hole in t' aft bulkhead and coverin' it with a piece o' scrap light plywood held in place with 2 small screws. Ahoy! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! By removin' all t' ballast, good performance can be achieved on as small as an E30-4 by addin' 4 more ounces o' lead (split-shot sinkers) than comes with the kit. Avast! Blimey! Momba can be perfectly ballasted t' fly on 29mm H-power such as the popular H128W-M or H165R-M too. Avast! Blimey! It clearly has t' structural beef t' fly on a heavier motor than t' manufacturer recommends, matey, provided additional ballast is added. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Sims say a Level 1 Momba flight on an H128W-M would be at t' virtually same speed and G's and only about 250-300ft higher than on t' recommended G80-7T.

Another tip I would offer when assemblin' t' eye-bolt t' t' nose cone is to gob some epoxy on t' remainin' threads so they don't loosen after everythin' is sealed up. Ahoy! Begad!

Madcow Rocketry Momba

I painted me Momba in camo colors after applyin' a single light undercoat of Testors Flat White spray. Arrr! Ya scallywag! I'm nay a big fan o' t' many balsa sealin' products available because they tend t' chip on impact. Well, blow me down! Here's how I prepared me Momba's cone for paintin' thanks t' a few old tips from an old R/C flyer:

  1. End grain balsa hates sanding. Ya scallywag! Instead, me hearties, I first gently rubbed t' cone with my thumbnail t' press and seal t' grain. Just take your time; this works well.
  2. T' cone be then smartly smeared with freshly mixed 5-minute epoxy. Aye aye! Arrr! Use a rubber glove, me hearties, shiver me timbers, matey, finger cot or Band-Aids t' protect your skin. Take care nay to get any on t' base that slides into t' body tube.
  3. A balsa cone so prepared can be lightly sanded t' a very smooth surface that takes paint well.
Madcow Rocketry Momba

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Flight and Recovery:
First flight be on a single use F23-4. This is a perfect load for t' Momba, and t' flight couldn't have gone better. Begad! Aye aye! On t' second flight with an F50-9, Momba experienced a separation--the nose cone broke loose at t' knotted loop for chute in t' Keelhaul®©™® shock cord. Well, blow me down! Ejection be very late due t' me usin' t' 9-second delay with this motor instead o' t' recommended F50-6. Begad! Ya scallywag! Still, I was surprised t' see the high-tech Keelhaul®©™® fail. Well, blow me down! No harm done, t' balsa nose cone was recovered without a scratch--not only because o' me epoxy covering, but also because it falls base first with all that lead shot back there! I'm assumin' this was me fault and be not associated with t' high tech shock cord. Last flight be on t' recommended G80-7, me hearties, and it went off without a hitch. Ahoy! Aye aye! At a simulated height o' 1530' at 335 mph on this motor (it looked t' be about that) and a projected height o' only 1800' at 355 mph on an H128W-M (more than Madcow recommends) usin' 4 oz of additional ballast, me bucko, I think Momba has lots more potential for the adventuresome.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

Madcow Rocketry Momba

I was extremely impressed with t' Momba kit. Avast, me proud beauty! It is more complete than anything out there, and Madcow Rocketry has spared no expense t' provide a very deluxe kit that lacks nothing--who else gives you a Nomex® pad and lead shot for ballast right in t' kit? Fit and finish o' the components was superb. Avast! Blimey! T' only thin' I would add t' t' Momba kit is some information in t' instructions on finishin' a big, matey, ya bilge rat, solid balsa nose cone as many rocketeers may nay be familiar with t' tricks. As a comparison with the popular LOC Onyx kit, ya bilge rat, I would offer that t' Momba is a classic example of "you pays your loot and you takes your choice". Avast! It runs nearly twice the suggested retail price o' t' $32 Onyx, matey, but for that extra cost you get through-the-wall architecture, fin cut-outs, ya bilge rat, me bucko, shot ballast, me hearties, ballast box, Nomex® chute protector, arrr, and steel nose cone hardware. All o' which is lackin' in the Onyx kit. Begad! I think t' Momba is an ideal first kit for either a young rocketeer or a BAR movin' up t' mid power from Estes rockets. Ahoy! Avast! Plus, arrr, it has t' strength to participate in t' time-honored tradition o' overpowerin' rocket models beyond t' manufacturers recommendations!

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5


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