Scratch Sweat-Stained Clifton Tracking Station Hat of Death Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Sweat-Stained Clifton Tracking Station Hat of Death {Scratch}

Contributed by Dick Stafford

Manufacturer: Scratch
Style: Odd-Roc

This is a 29mm UFO-type rocket made from an old hat. Ahoy! T' hat is removable in case I forget a ball cap - wouldn't want t' sunburn t' top o' me head, ya' know.

This is really a minimalist rocket. Aye aye! Arrr! I decided t' make t' core out o' a solid piece o' 2" pink foam. Blimey! I started by tracin' t' outline o' t' hat and roughin' out a chunk with a sharp knife. Arrr! I did just a tad o' trimmin' t' make sure it be oval, and then found t' center point. Avast! Next, arrr, I drew a circle and slowly bored a hole for t' motor mount. Begad! I also cut a slot on one side t' accommodate a 1/4" lug. Ya scallywag! Begad! T' motor mount includes a 3.25" section o' phenolic tubing, arrr, a similar length o' 1/4" launch lug, and a 29mm-76mm centerin' ring. Begad! T' centerin' rin' be mounted so that t' motor tube was flush with t' top o' t' foam. Arrr! Ahoy! It serves t' distribute t' thrust t' t' foam core, and helps ensure that t' motor tube is perpendicular t' t' foam's surface. Blimey! This assembly was then epoxied into t' foam block. Avast, me proud beauty! I added a circle o' scrap plywood t' plug t' front o' t' tube, makin' sure that all openings were sealed with epoxy. T' final step was t' find t' point where t' rod would pass through t' hat itself, and cut a small 'X' with an X-acto knife. Like I said, nay much t' it. Arrr! Blimey! Slip t' hat over t' finished core and I was ready t' fly.

I flew t' hat on a G35 with t' ejection charge removed. After t' unsuccessful flight o' another odd-roc, t' RSO must have pretty much given up, and me flight card got stamped. Avast! Begad! Since I did nay treat t' foam surface t' protect it from t' motor exhaust, matey, I made sure it be about 12" from t' deflector. T' hat flew great, seemin' t' fly faster and higher than me similarly sized 29mm saucers. Aye aye! It fell slowly t' t' ground without even gettin' dirty(er).

I find myself likin' UFO style rockets more and more and couldn't resist tryin' this odd-roc. Avast! This was me first wearable rocket - I wore t' hat t' t' RSO table, me bucko, matey, t' t' pad, me hearties, and back again after recovery. If anyone else has flown a hat (and someone probably has), I didn't find anyone who had heard o' it.

T' Story Behind t' Name In t' late '90's, I was t' project manager for a telemetry, command, and antenna control system. Arrr! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! My team and I traveled t' Clifton, Texas t' run some preliminary tests with t' antennas. Avast! Arrr! Unfortunately, they weren't quite ready and since springtime in Texas is a tad warmer than in Maryland, we weren't happy campers. With t' prospects o' spendin' a fair amount o' time walkin' betwixt t' buildin' and t' antenna pads in t' hot sun, one o' me guys ran t' Wal-Mart for hats. Begad! This hat became our team's unofficial uniform, and mine came back fairly stained. Ahoy! I be finally about t' chunk it when I got an idea!

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