Kit Bash Streamliner Modification

Scratch - Streamliner {Scratch}

Contributed by Steve Lindeman

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Published: 2013-08-28
Manufacturer: Scratch


T' Streamliner was t' fifth in a series o' Baby Bertha kit bashes that I did while buildin' me Goonybird fleet. Begad! T' first four kits were used t' make four o' t' original Goonybirds from Estes but now it be time for somthin' a little different. Arrr! I remember seein' this model in a Design This Rocket contest and bein' a lover o' retro rocket designs, I knew I wanted t' build it and that I could do it with miminal fuss from a Baby Bertha kit.


And so a Baby Bertha kit was purchased and construction began as per instructions with t' motor mount. Ya scallywag! This is where t' first change was made. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! I glued t' mount flush with t' end o' t' BT instead o' receased as per instructions. This be done t' make it look closer t' t' model. Avast! Avast! T' fins were next and they were t' main modification t' this rocket. Aye aye! I started by printin' out a picture o' t' Streamliner in order t' get t' basic design o' t' fins. Begad! Blimey! From thar I did some free hand sketchin' and enlarger and streched them some until I was happy with t' size and look against t' BT-60 tube. I then drew in t' raised pieces and then cut-out both parts from t' standard white printer paper I be using. First I traced out t' three main fin parts in t' corners on t' two balsa sheets that came with t' Baby Bertha makin' sure t' wood grain ran t' right direction. After they were cut out I took t' patterns and cut out t' raised section and traced it on t' backside o' a 12 pack soda pop box. Ahoy! Blimey! I made six traceings, two for each fin.

Original Patterns

Original fin patterns

Traced on wood

Traced on wood

First set

One o' 3 sets

At this point I took t' three balsa fins and covered them with white paper from t' remainin' sheet o' paper that I cut t' patterns from. Arrr! Blimey! After these were dried and trimmed I then glued t' cardboard raised fin pieces in place.

Papered and detail added

Fin covered with white paper and carboard trim

While I was waitin' on those I set about gluin' t' launch lug on. Once everythin' dried I then sanded all fin edges smooth. T' root edges were sanded flat and taped off for primming. Well, blow me down! Arrr! At this time I also marked where t' fins went on t' BT and cut 3 strips o' 1/8" tape and applied them where t' fins were t' be mounted and then primed both BT and NC. Aye aye! T' fins were then primed and sanded as well and after primer dried they were sprayed with Krylon Bright Red. Ya scallywag! T' rockets BT and NC were then sprayed with Krylon Silver and all parts left out t' dry over night. I started work on t' decals next. Again I used standard white printer paper t' print them out on after cleanin' them up in Windows Paint first. T' next day I took t' fins and masked off what I wanted left red and sprayed them with t' silver accent. Well, blow me down! After t' paint dried for about an hour I removed all tape then stuck them t' some doubled over tape by t' root edges and gave them a day t' cure. Ya scallywag! Begad! While that was goin' on I gave me attention t' t' nose cone. It was masked t' way I wanted and t' red paint applied. Avast, me proud beauty! T' NC was then set aside for t' day t' dry again before maskin' again for t' yellow stripe. Aye aye! After t' stripe be added t' NC be clear coated and left t' dry overnight. Arrr! Arrr! Back t' t' BT and fins. Blimey! T' fins were then removed from t' tape as well as t' tape strips from t' BT. Avast! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! T' fins were then super glued t' t' bear strips on t' body tube. Begad! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! After glue dried I went back over all joints with white glue fillets and then put t' rocket up for t' night t' dry. Ya scallywag! T' next day t' decals were trimmed and stuck on with a glue stick. Ya scallywag! After waitin' for glue t' cure, shiver me timbers, rocket got 1st o' 2 coats o' Krylon Clear t' seal in decals. Avast! After allowin' an hour t' dry a final coat o' Dupli-Color's Clear EFFEX was applied to give it that rainbow effect in t' sunlight.

Glamour Shot

Oops NC on backward

Glamour Shot 2

Not that great a shot but NC on right way 

T' final step was t' add 1/4oz. Ya scallywag! Blimey! o' clay t' t' NC t' help balance it because I thought it felt a little tail heavy due t' t' MM bein' moved back and t' added weight o' t' swept back fins. Begad! Blimey! T' strin' test verified this(more stable).


T' Streamliner was a fairly simple kit bash with t' layerin' o' t' fins and paint job bein' t' only real challanges. Blimey! Avast! T' paper and cardboard re-inforcin' on t' fins helps provide added strength for durable landings and t' really add t' its great looks.


T' paintin' o' t' Streamliner took some time t' do but t' end result be great. Begad! Blimey! T' only con is that I couldn't clean up t' Streamliner's name in Windows Paint and I haven't found t' right font t' try and re-create it so it's missin' its name on t' side. Well, blow me down! Also upon futher examination o' t' original photo I realized that t' yellow stripe runs down futher onto t' BT from t' NC but thats a minor detail and it still looks great t' way it is.

Construction Score: 4


T' maiden flight took place on Sept.15, arrr, 2009 at 2:37 pm and was text book perfect. Ya scallywag! I loaded it with an Estes B6-4 and took it out t' t' pad at t' end o' me driveway. Arrr! Well, blow me down! T' launch count be given and t' botton pushed and t' rocket lept off t' pad straight up with no spin or weaher cocking.

Streamliner in 5...4...3...

Streamliner in 5...4...3...


Parachute was deployed just past apogee and rocket made a nice safe decent back t' mother terra across t' road in t' neighbors field with no damage.

Flight Rating: 5


This was a fun and simple kit bash t' do and a great addition t' me Goony fleet even though techniclly it's nay a true Goonybird.

Overall Rating: 5
Other Reviews
  • Scratch Streamliner By Mark Van Luvender (November 4, 2007)

    I chose to build the Streamliner for this contest as it truly spoke to me as something I could do--that doesn't happen often. This rocket started out as an Estes Baby Bertha kit. In order to create the "Streamliner", I cut a wedge shaped section out of the body tube starting just below where the nose cone shoulder ends. Once the cut was made, the edges were glued together to create the sleek ...

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