Modification Dig Baddy Modification

Modification - Dig Baddy {Modification}

Contributed by Yitah Wu

Published: 2011-12-01
Manufacturer: Modification

[Rocket Picture]What is it about t' Fat Boy, me bucko, arrr, Onyx, Minie Magg, me hearties, etc, matey, shiver me timbers, arrr, that makes grown men's knees weak? I don't know, but t' Big Daddy has it - and lots o' it.

I swung by Commonwealth Displays a couple o' times, matey, shiver me timbers, but they were out o' t' kit. T' second time I be beat out by a telephone order by an hour or so. Blimey! I be orderin' a few things from A t' Z hobbies, me bucko, matey, and they had them in stock, shiver me timbers, so.....Two days later a box arrived. Blimey! Inside were all sorts o' goodies, shiver me timbers, but best o' all, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, TWO BIG DADDIES!

I opened one up immediately, and test fit t' fins, ya bilge rat, arrr, nose cone, me hearties, etc. Blimey! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! together. Begad! 3" diameter isn't all that much larger than 2.6" until you put it side by side with a Fat Boy. Blimey! I be plannin' t' make it stock, but after some thought, I sliced off about 1.75" o' t' BT t' use on a scratch built Aries - which needed a 3" bit on t' bottom. Begad! Avast! After lookin' at it again, I decided t' slice off some more - by this time I had taken off 3.5" - and it looked even better than before! I decided nay t' push me luck, as I be already lookin' at some nose cone mods.

I've come t' t' conclusion that sandin' and fillin' fins is MUCH easier before they're on t' rocket - especially with TTW fins like this. Die-cut balsa quality is typical, t' balsa was nice and sturdy. Aye aye! Ya scallywag! Typical prep - sand BT, matey, ya bilge rat, CA t' end o' t' BT and t' MMT, arrr, arrr, build per instructions. Aye aye! I had t' do a little trimmin' on t' fins so they would fit properly - t' slots in t' BT were a little tight.

T' NC modification was straight forward - cut off t' back 1", epoxy and tape t' shock cord onto t' inside o' t' NC and extended t' MMT up into t' nose - this will eliminate t' need for any wadding, me hearties, since t' ejection will never hit t' chute, me bucko, etc directly - it will bounce off t' inside o' t' nose cone first. Arrr! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! I think.

Prime, me hearties, shiver me timbers, paint, and finish. Ahoy! T' stock decals were no longer goin' t' fit. Avast! Hmm. Arrr! Blimey! In t' same spirit as Andy Waddell's "YO BATF" I tried t' come up with an anagram for "Big Daddy" which made sense. Bad Giddy? Biddy Gab? No luck. Blimey! Blimey! " Big Baddy" lost out t' "Dig Baddy." Five minutes and a sharp Exacto later, ya bilge rat, t' "Dig Baddy" was born.

Stable? I haven't tested it. Begad! Arrr! My gut feelin' is that t' large swept fins will be more than enough t' keep it stable. Avast! I'm still thinkin' I should swin' test it t' be sure. Avast, me proud beauty! It has t' original 24 mm mmt - I was thinkin' 29 mm, but in t' end I figure a 24 mm RMS will be more than enough power - I left t' fins balsa and everythin' else is stock, me bucko, shiver me timbers, so it's very light. Begad! An F12-J should be ideal, me hearties, given t' size and weight.

What's t' verdict? For sheer flyin' fun, shiver me timbers, a short fat rocket like this can't be beat. It's very visible, and t' mods I made make it almost improbably stubby. Aye aye! Avast! For $20 or so, it seems a little expensive for Estes stuff, but it's a lot cheaper than HPR kits, me bucko, and would be more than adequate for G-range engines with no mods (except t' 29mm MMT, arrr, o' course)

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