Qmodeling VEGA

Qmodeling - VEGA

Contributed by Darren Longhorn

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: Qmodeling
(Contributed - by Darren J Longhorn)


T' MRS-Vega is part o' Q Modeling's Mega Retro Series. Arrr! Aye aye! T' series comprises upscale semi-clones o' some classic designs, ya bilge rat, that also includes t' Mars Snooper, matey, NikeX & WACC. I say semi-clones, shiver me timbers, because t' kits have been rescaled and designed from scratch usin' new parts and t' latest techniques. T' Vega is described as an upscale o' t' original Estes Starship Vega, rather than a clone o' t' larger, and later, Estes Super Vega, me hearties, and builds t' an impressive 820mm tall rocket. Well, blow me down! Aye aye!

I was supplied with this kit by Deepsky Rocket Shop, shiver me timbers, on t' proviso that I write a review for their spankin' new web site, an offer which I found far too good t' refuse. Arrr! If you haven't checked out Deepsky's new web site yet, I strongly suggest you do. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! It nay only has a large range o' kits and materials, but also tips, recommendations, customer reviews and a great online ordering system. Begad! Begad!


T' kit includes:-

  • 1 x Main Nose cone - cast resin
  • 1 x Main Nose Cone Plug - laser cut basswood
  • 1 x Eye Hook
  • 1 x Main Body Tube
  • 3 x Upper Fins - laser cut balsa
  • 3 x Primary Fins - laser cut balsa
  • 3 x Secondary Fins- laser cut balsa
  • 2 x Launch Lugs - these must be cut from a single piece
  • 1 x Engine Hook
  • 1 x Motor Mount - foil lined
  • 1 x Rear Centrin' Rin' - laser cut basswood
  • 1 x Thrust Rin'
  • 4 x Hex Rings - laser cut balsa
  • 3 x Support Brace - laser cut balsa
  • 3 x Fin Brace - laser cut balsa
  • 1 x Forward Centerin' Rin' - laser cut basswood
  • 3 x Landin' Gear Pad - laser cut basswood
  • 3 x Landin' Gear Centerin' Pad - laser cut basswood
  • 3 x Landin' Gear Tube
  • 3 x Landin' Gear Shaft - need t' be cut from a single length o' dowel
  • 9 x Landin' Gear Centerin' Rin' - laser cut basswood
  • 16 x Water-Slide Decals
  • 1 x Stick-On Decal
  • 1 x Snap Swivel
  • 1 x Heat Shield - Nomex
  • 1 x Parachute - pre assembled nylon
  • 1 x Shock Cord - Keelhaul®©™
  • 1 x Small Spider

Yes, ya bilge rat, arrr, that's right, a spider. Begad! Ya scallywag! It was dead when I opened t' bag, but had been very much alive when I first received t' kit. Avast! I was quite relieved when I found it dead, matey, since I didn't know whether it had jumped aboard at Deepsky or Q Modeling, and I'm nay sure what kinds o' spiders they have in California!

Instruction Manual

T' 18 page instruction manual for this kit is o' t' highest quality. T' build is broken down into major sections, arrr, Nose Cone Preparation, shiver me timbers, Engine Mount Assembly & Installation, Landin' Gear / Primary Fin Assembly, matey, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, Final Assembly, Makin' a D-Engine Spacer, and Finishing. Avast! Blimey! Each section has an estimated time for completion, matey, me bucko, arrr, though I can't comment on their accuracy, as I was simultaneously workin' in had two or three kits. Begad! Arrr! Blimey!

Each major section is further broken down into a number o' steps. Begad! For each of these steps, matey, shiver me timbers, thar be a detailed diagram and textual description. I dare say that you could build exclusively from either t' pictures or text alone! There is even a comprehensive pre-launch check list. T' instruction manual is labelled Version 7, so it looks like Q Modelin' issue revisions from time to time. Aye aye! T' t' latest version o' t' instructions is available for download, in Adobe Portable Document Format, me bucko, shiver me timbers, from t' Q Modelin' web site, so it's worth checkin' t' see if thar have been any updates, arrr, me bucko, before you begin. Begad! Nose Cone Preparation

As previously mentioned, matey, me hearties, t' nose cones appear t' be cast from some kind of resin. Aye aye! Ahoy! There are a few mould lines but, me bucko, bein' resin, ya bilge rat, they are very easy t' sand out. Begad! Aye aye! There is a little excess resin on t' shoulder o' t' cones, arrr, me bucko, left over from t' casting. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' instructions suggest removin' this excess with a modeling knife or razor saw, ya bilge rat, but it's quite thick and I found it easier t' accomplish with a razor saw. Begad! Begad!

Engine Mount Assembly & Installation

Initially I was puzzled by t' motor mount, matey, matey, as it seemed unnecessarily elaborate. Arrr! It was only really when I came t' build it that I realized it was an innovative solution t' t' perennial problem o' fin alignment. Begad! Begad! T' result is an interlockin' construction formin' rigid slots into which t' fins may be inserted. T' rigidity and alignment o' these slots ensure perfectly-aligned fins every time. A triumph o' design and laser cutting!


Landin' Gear / Primary Fin Assembly

For me, me hearties, this was t' most interestin' part o' t' build, t' spring-loaded feet are really cool. Begad! Blimey! Given t' attention t' detail shown in t' rest o' the parts, me bucko, me hearties, shiver me timbers, it's strange that t' three landin' gear shafts are provided as a single piece that must be cut t'

length. I'm nay really complainin' though, ya bilge rat, it would feel odd t' build the whole kit and nay t' have t' cut somethin' out!

You have t' be a bit careful with t' assembly o' t' landin' gear. It's important that t' glue doesn't stray onto t' movin' parts, ya bilge rat, otherwise t' Vega would be in for some hard landings! As always though, t' instructions are very clear and straightforward, so no-one should have any trouble.

There are only really two additions I would make t' t' instructions. Ahoy! The first is t' suggest fillin' t' gaps around t' landin' gear nose cones with light weight filler, ya bilge rat, rather then t' suggested wood glue. Avast, me proud beauty! T' wood glue shrinks as it dries and doesn't really do a good job o' fillin' what is quite a deep gap.

T' other suggestion I would make is t' paint the landin' gear shafts before assembly. T' reason bein' that t' additional thickness o' t' paint can interfere with t' movement. T' landin' gear on my kit was very free movin' before painting, arrr, me bucko, but sticks a bit now that t' paint is on. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I'll probably sand them down and repaint before flyin' again, but it's goin' t' be a fiddly job.

T' be fair, me hearties, matey, t' instructions do mention t' take care durin' paintin' and not t' gum up t' landin' legs, arrr, matey, but it's hard t' apply paint and nay build up additional thickness. Well, blow me down!

Final Assembly

As previously described, me bucko, t' alignment of the main fins is due t' t' novel motor mount. Begad! Blimey! You really can't go wrong. Begad! Blimey! Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! Blimey! The other fins are surface mounted, but because o' t' thickness o' t' fins, me hearties, me hearties, this is easily accomplished. Blimey! Blimey! T' instructions suggest mountin' them with CA and then addin' wood glue fillets, and this worked very well. Begad! Blimey!

Makin' a D-Engine Spacer

A curious omission really. It wouldn't have added much t' t' cost t' include this in t' kit. Well, blow me down! Well, blow me down! But, as suggested, me hearties, it's easy enough t' make from a spent motor casing. Ya scallywag!


I used Halfords high-build primer on t' main fins. Begad! This helps t' fill the grain, and smooth out any imperfections in t' filler around t' landin' gear pods. Arrr! Ya scallywag! Once dried and sanded I coated t' entire rocket with ordinary white primer t' create a consistent base coat. Ahoy! Begad! A little more light sandin' and then two coats o' Halfords Diamond White be applied.

T' provided water slide decals are very good. Well, blow me down! Really quite thin, me bucko, but not thin enough t' be easily broken. Aye aye! They do have a slight tendency t' stretch though, possibly die t' t' large size. Avast! So you need t' take care, me bucko, ya bilge rat, particularly when applyin' t' large decals t' t' fins. Begad! One o' t' decals is o' t' self adhesive kinds. Avast! I don't normally like self adhesive decals, as they are usually thick and curl up at t' edges. Ya scallywag! This one is relatively thin, shiver me timbers, however, matey, me bucko, and it's difficult t' see how else t' metallic finish could have been achieved. Avast! Avast! You do have t' be a bit careful though T' black pattern on mine has smudges in one area. Blimey! Avast! Nay quite sure what I might have had on me fingers t' achieve that!

A final coat o' Halfords lacquer was applied t' help seal t' decals and protect from t' inevitable finger and scuff marks. Begad!

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5


As mentioned above, there is a pre launch check list included in t' instruction manual. Avast, me proud beauty! Obviously most o' us won't need that, but it's a great introduction for any newcomers to the hobby. Ahoy! Once t' Vega had been painted, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, me hearties, I test-flew it at t' WRS launch on 10th April 2004. Begad! I had wanted t' wait until t' decals had been applied, but I ran out o' time. Arrr! Begad! T' weather conditions at t' launch were almost ideal for a first flight, shiver me timbers, as thar was very little in t' way o' wind, me bucko, just a gentle breeze. Begad!

T' recommended motors are Estes D12-3 and E9-4, but I see no reason why single use or RMS AP motors, with suitable delay, could nay be substituted. Arrr! Begad! For the first flight, me bucko, I chose t' stick with Estes. T' boost was really straight, with deployment at apogee. Ya scallywag! T' descent was really quite gentle and stable. Begad! If it hadn't landed in a ploughed field, me hearties, ya bilge rat, it might have stayed upright on its feet.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5


Q Modelin' can't be faulted for this kit. Aye aye! It's an excellent interpretation o' a classic design and builds into an impressive rocket. At £46.95, t' Vega can't be described as cheap, but very few corners have been cut here. Arrr! T' combination o' top quality components, innovative design and comprehensive instruction manual, arrr, arrr, arrr, means that even a novice should have no trouble buildin' and flyin' this kit. Avast, me proud beauty!

Overall Rating: 4½ out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Qmodeling VEGA By Stu Young (November 21, 2009)

    Brief: Upscale of an Estes vintage exotic kit. Construction: 2 17" cardboard body tubes, 3 cardboard tubes for landing leg pods, steel springs for the shock-absorbing landing legs, high-quality, laser-cut balsa fins and motor mount "exoskeleton," reflective, heat-resistant coating inside 24 mm motor mount, steel engine retaining hook (long enough for a BP ...

  • Qmodeling VEGA By Chan Stevens

    Brief: This kit is a beautiful upscale and upgrade to the Estes classic Starship Vega. Magnificently engineered and loaded with top-quality components and features, this rocket would be a great addition to any BAR's fleet. From what I can tell, upgrades to the original design include nose cones on the wing pods/landing gear, a fully functional set of shock absorbers in the landing gear, ...

  • Qmodeling VEGA By Jeff Drongowski

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R.L. (September 11, 2003)
I'm happy they elected to upsize the Citation version of the S.S. Vega and not the later version which replaced the nose cones in the fins with paper caps. Can't wait to get one.
T.D. (September 11, 2003)
Nice review - I'd been considering buying this kit, this review convinced me that I should get one. However a little clarification is in order. Estes produced two "Starship Vega" kits - the KC-4 Citation series kit (from 1972 to 1974), and the later EST 1320 kit (from 1979 to 1983). The Qmodeling kit is an upscale clone of the original Citation series Starship Vega, which did use nose cones on the landing gear pods and the chrome "foil reactor trim" - both deleted on the later EST 1320 kit. I know all about the Citation Starship Vega - I've got one, which I recently finished building (after starting it 30 years ago). Of course neither Starship Vega kit included the functional shock absorber landing pods (to bad, that would have been really cool).
T.P.Q. (February 5, 2004)
Would like to thank the reviewers for their comments and let the rocket community know we at QModeling not only appreciate them but listen. Since these reviews we have gone back and improved several aspects of our MRS-VEGA kit. Most notably our Recovery System. The new system is comprised of a 30" Octagon, Ripstop Nylon, Thin Mil Parachute w/attached Nylon Shroud Lines, 9"x9" Nomex® Heat Shield, 9' of 200lb test Kevlar® Shock Cord, Size #7 Snap Swivel, and Screw Eye. The Shock Cord is now attached directly to the Engine Mount. We have also improved our Balsa grain alignment and enhanced out manual. Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated and can be sent to tpquinn@qmodeling.com. Thanks!

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