Descon Ted's Testbed

Scratch - Ted's Testbed {Scratch}

Contributed by Ted Cochran

Manufacturer: Scratch
Ted's Testbed
(Contributed - by Ted Cochan) 


I'm interested in recovery systems, and I needed a way t' test new deployment schemes safely--without riskin' t' rocket, arrr, or endangerin' anyone on the ground. Aye aye! This means a strong, ya bilge rat, stable rocket with good liftin' power and a very reliable primary recovery system. Begad! Ya scallywag!

This vehicle fits t' bill. It is a 3 x 24mm cluster (upgradable t' 5 x 24mm). T' main body is for a conventional, motor-ejected, nylon parachute; t' side pods can be used for experimental deployment systems, me hearties, front or rear. Initially I plan t' work on timers, so I'll deploy streamers from t' side pods. As I gain confidence with a new systems, I intend t' graduate t' parachutes, ya bilge rat, me bucko, and eventually I'll use longer motor delays so that t' side ejection becomes primary and t' conventional ejection charge is t' back up. Ahoy! Since t' main body has three ejection charges, me bucko, something is goin' t' deploy. Avast! Blimey! However, since life is nay perfect, this means that a late deployment is inevitable; hence t' need for strength. Avast!

[Rocket Pic]

[Rocket Pic]T' basic materials can be had from three off t' shelf kits: An Estes Phoenix and two Estes Bailouts. Ahoy! Indeed, ya bilge rat, matey, a credible version of the whole rocket could be built from these alone, along with some balsa or plywood stock.

[Rocket Pic]Scale fans should note that these two kits can be combined in a slightly different way t' make a sport scale Ariane V as outlined t' the right. Begad! T' ratio o' t' two body tube sizes is .63 vs. Begad! Ya scallywag! t' Ariane's .56, so the side pods are about two tenths o' an inch too big. Ya scallywag! [BT56 tubes would be better, but a bit small]. Well, blow me down! T' BT80 section would have t' be shortened a few inches (dependin' on what size payload fairin' you model) and t' side pods would have to be trimmed just a hair. You'd need t' carve t' asymmetrical SRB nose cones and add a bit o' putty t' t' Phoenix nose cone t' get a better shape. Begad! Don't model t' first Ariane V launch vehicle, arrr, it blew up!

Booster glider fans can alternatively attach two ARV-condor style parasite gliders as shown t' t' left. Aye aye! Watch your center(s) o' gravity, though!

It is also likely that this kit could be made in a much more lightweight version suitable for a cluster o' 18mm motors. Arrr! Blimey!

Let me know if you build it some other way. Avast, me proud beauty!

Notes added after building:

It is amazin' how much weight can be added with 12 fillets o' epoxy! The ready-to-finish TT I built weighed in at 16.5 oz. Aye aye! empty (A Phoenix (8 oz.) and two Bailouts (3 oz. each) would be 14 oz, ya bilge rat, and t' plywood fins and additional engine mounts would add a bit more; t' difference in me ship is epoxy. Aye aye! The real problem, ya bilge rat, though, arrr, was that t' additional weight was at t' wrong end. Well, blow me down! Ya scallywag!

I thus added a 5" plug below t' nosecone and some nose weight in order to get t' C.G. Well, blow me down! Well, blow me down! back t' where it needed t' be, as computed by Barrowman and confirmed by swin' testing. My version (call it t' TT-A) is strong enough for HPR; it is perfectly possible t' build one with minimal yellow glue and balsa and keep it under t' Large Model Rocket Limit. Ahoy!


Length: 30.75 inches (36 inches*)

Diameter: 2.6" primary, 1.637" side pods

Span: 12.6"

Weight: 14-16 oz. Avast! (20 oz.*)

Motors: 3 x D12-5, 5 x D12-5

C.G. Avast, me proud beauty! Approx 11 inches from base (includin' 3 D12-3 motors)*. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey!

C.P. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! Approx 5.67 inches from base (Barrowman Equations on simplest perspective). Well, blow me down! Aye aye! Swin' testin' indicates that t' broad axis has a C.P. about 2 inches higher. Begad!

*as built


Construction progress as o' 1/18/98 is shown t' t' right. Ya scallywag!

T' finished rocket as o' 2/21/98 is also shown. Blimey! Blimey!

[Rocket Pic][Rocket Pic]Parts List (as built)

Quantity Description


BT-80 Body Tubes, me bucko, 11" long 

BT-60 Body Tubes, 18" long 

BT-50 for Motor Tubes and stuffer tube 

RA5080 Centerin' Rings 

RA5060 Centerin' Rings 

BT80 Tube Couplers 

BT60 Tube Couplers 

BT-80A Nose Cone 

BT60 Nose Cones 

Motor hooks 

1/8 inch 5-ply aircraft plywood 

3/8 inch launch lug 

1/2" x 3 foot shock cord 

24" 50-lb test steel leader 

24" Nylon Parachute

*An additional BT80 was sliced lengthwise and used t' reinforce t' main body.

Construction Tips

I modified a pair o' RA5080 centerin' rings t' accept three thickwalled LOC motor tubes, and used epoxy resin liberally throughout. Ya scallywag! Before installin' this assembly in t' body tube, ya bilge rat, I looped a 50lb test steel leader around t' three motor tubes and through t' top centerin' ring. Ahoy!

After t' motor mounts were installed in t' bottom o' t' lower BT80, arrr, I added a BT80 coupler (actually, shiver me timbers, arrr, a slit piece o' spare BT80) above it t' strengthen t' BT. Arrr! I then made a stuffer tube assembly out o' BT50, matey, two RA5080 centerin' rings, and another BT80 coupler, me hearties, and used it betwixt t' upper and lower BT80 body tubes. Another length o' slit BT80 was added above t' stuffer tube all t' way t' t' base of the nose cone.

Since t' fins are large and surface mounted, t' sidepod bottoms need reinforcement. Avast, me proud beauty! I used three centerin' rings, sandwichin' a coupler betwixt the lower two. Use epoxy t' glue these assemblies into t' side tubes t' avoid the dreaded grab action o' yellow glue. Avast!

Fins were rivet glued t' t' body tubes. Begad! Blimey! There are two sizes o' fins; the smaller ones (orange, in t' drawin' above) attach t' t' side pods. T' paint scheme makes t' fins seem symmetrical, but you'll only addlepate people looking straight at that side o' t' rocket.

I used epoxy filets for t' BT joints and t' fins.

I finished with 3 coats o' Krylon sandable primer (the first two were mostly sanded off) followed by two coats o' Sunshine Yellow over all, and two coats of Fluorescent Orange per t' pattern. Avast, me proud beauty! Lightly sanded with 400 grit after the first coat, matey, 0000 Steel wool after t' second. Finished with Krylon Clear Coat. Well, blow me down!


Motor choice

There are some safety considerations regardin' a 3-motor cluster rocket and recovery delay selections--the design trick is t' make sure the rocket is safe even if one or two o' t' motors does nay ignite.

As it turns out, ya bilge rat, t' increase o' weight durin' construction was fortuitous, and I would have been compelled t' add it either way.  At 20 oz, matey, and using Estes D motors, ya bilge rat, me bucko, me bucko, t' TT simulation reaches a bit over 400 feet if all three motors light.  T' optimal delay is 4 seconds.  If two engines light, the rocket will make it t' just over 200 feet with an optimal delay o' just under 3 seconds.  If only one engine lights t' TT will struggle less than 40 feet high (assumin' it goes straight up). Avast! Aye aye! It won't have time t' recover, but it won't be a safety hazard either--if t' ground is soft enough, me bucko, it might not even be damaged.

A lighter rocket goes higher, but is more likely t' be destroyed if only one motor lights.  A heavier rocket would be truly underpowered. Blimey!

Dependin' on finished weight, me bucko, ya bilge rat, here are some additional simulation data, assumin' drag coefficient o' .75:

Finished weight   Motors lighting   Altitude  Best delay
15 oz  3 524 ft 4.2 sec
 . 1 74 1.4
20 oz 3 422 3.96
 . 2 209 2.75
 . 1 37 0.88
22 oz 3 383 3.96
 . 2 180 2.54
 . 1 23 --

Usin' Aerotech E or F motors, ya bilge rat, t' recovery margin should be better even though t' motors are harder t' reliably light.  T' large frontal area slows down this rocket very quickly, so a 4 second delay remains a good choice. Sometime this year I'll try it on three E15-4Ws. Well, blow me down!

First flight:

After a bit o' exertion, me bucko, I was able t' get t' U.S. FAA t' stop tryin' to disapprove o' me LMR notification, and we were ready t' fly.  Temperature was about 40 degrees F., me hearties, winds were 5-10, ceilin' be very high overcast.

Three Estes D12-3s were used.  Igniters were carefully selected, inserted, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, and individually tested for continuity.  A clipwhip was used to connect a 12 v gel cel.  With some trepidation I pushed t' launch button.

All three motors lit up, and t' rocket lifted off, faster than I expected.  There was modest weathercockin' but no obvious wobbles or coning.  Altitude seemed every bit o' 400'.  Ejection be before apogee, me hearties, matey, shiver me timbers, and it took a while for the  30" nylon hemispherical chute to drag itself open.  Recovery be within 20 yards o' t' pad, me bucko, me hearties, and t' only damage was some minor paint scorchin' on t' inboard ends o' t' side pods-consider aluminized paint thar instead o' yellow. Ahoy! Blimey!

All in all, an excellent maiden flight!

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