Pemberton Technologies Kraken

Pemberton Technologies - Kraken {Kit}

Contributed by Jeff Boldig

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: Pemberton Technologies
Pemberton Technologies Kraken

Construction and Finishing:
T' package was shipped with no damage. Packagin' be excellent. T' instructions were clear throughout and were injected with a lot o' humor. This was a good thin' for me because it fits right in with me sense o' humor and added to my enjoyment o' t' kit. Your mileage may vary.

T' instructions start out with a complete parts list includin' t' fin alignment guides and canard patterns, which are printed on t' back page o' t' instructions. Ahoy! Avast! Step 1 o' t' "Assembly Destructions" was t' check everythin' against t' checklist. Begad! Ahoy! Everythin' was present so on with t' build.

T' first assembly step is t' use filler t' fill t' seams on t' body tubes. Aye aye! This may nay be your first step with other kits, but I highly recommend followin' t' destructions and doin' it first. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! Unlike your standard fin rockets where you can easily get t' t' body tube t' fill seams after t' fins are on, shiver me timbers, matey, this won't work with t' Kraken's tube fins. Blimey! Unless you don't fill seams at all, me hearties, fill them first.

Pemberton Technologies Kraken I had absolutely no problems followin' t' destructions for markin' up and cuttin' out the tube fins. T' text explains t' process quite well and t' pictures just make it that much clearer. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! Over half o' the destructions are devoted t' markin' and cuttin' t' tube fins. Even if you can't read, t' pictures would be enough to get t' fins cut out correctly. Begad! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! A new hobby blade was recommended and used. Blimey! Blimey! This is somethin' that can easily be overlooked, shiver me timbers, matey, shiver me timbers, but shouldn't be.

Step 12 is actually a suggestion on how t' finish t' model. Aye aye! Blimey! There are several suggested methods. I followed the destructions pretty close. Aye aye! One additional step I used, which I use with almost all o' me tubes, matey, is t' use CA along the end o' t' tube. This soaks in t' end grain o' t' tube and strengthens it. Well, blow me down! I used CA along all t' edges o' t' fin tubes and launch lugs. Avast! T' destructions say t' put ¼" tape on t' fin tubes and t' fin and launch lug lines on t' body tube where they will be glued together. I highly recommend this also. Ahoy! Blimey! I put t' tape in place, and then I finished t' fillin' and sandin' o' t' fins and body tubes. Aye aye! I then primed all t' parts, sanded, me hearties, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, re-primed, matey, and sanded again until everythin' was ready for final paint. Begad! Don't forget t' fill and finish t' inside o' t' tube fins.

T' launch lugs were a place where I varied from t' instructions some. T' kit comes with two one inch long launch lugs. T' pictures in t' destructions seem t' show two one half inch long launch lugs. I took each one inch lug and cut t' top one half inch with t' same pattern used on t' tube fins.

Pemberton Technologies KrakenPemberton Technologies Kraken

Pemberton Technologies Kraken I really liked t' black and red paint on t' illustration o' t' model and used t' same pattern. Avast! I painted t' inside o' t' tube fins and launch lugs red. Ya scallywag! If you are goin' t' do this, shiver me timbers, I highly recommend makin' sure you have a heavy layer o' paint in t' upper parts o' t' fin. Begad! I used rolled up paper t' mask t' inside painted parts o' t' tube fins when I painted t' remainin' parts o' t' rocket. There was still a little overspray that got onto t' red parts. With a thick layer, you can sand t' over spray off and then clear coat t' whole thin' to get t' gloss back. Ya scallywag! If you don't have a heavy enough coatin' t' be able t' sand off t' overspray, you'll have t' mask the inside o' t' fins when you paint t' rocket or mask t' rocket and repaint t' inside o' t' fins later. Ahoy! Both methods will work, ya bilge rat, but I just don't like havin' t' use maskin' tape if I don't have to.

T' nose cone is another place where I varied from t' instructions somewhat. Aye aye! T' instructions call for sanding and fillin' t' nose cone before gluin' on t' canards. T' recommended method o' fillin' with CA, me bucko, me bucko, gluin' t' canards on with CA, and then filletin' with wood glue will probably work great. Ya scallywag! Begad! I just have a thin' about usin' wood glue to glue wood together. Ahoy! I sanded t' nose cone and canards, glued canard t' t' nose cone with wood glue, filleted them with more wood glue and then filled and finished t' balsa. Aye aye! T' destructions say t' glue t' ballast washer t' t' base of t' nose cone. Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! I went a little further and scored one side o' t' washer with a file t' give t' epoxy I used a little better grip when I glued it t' t' base o' t' nose cone.

Pemberton Technologies Kraken T' motor mount assembly went exactly accordin' t' t' destructions. Well, blow me down! I didn't glue the motor mount tube into t' body tube at this time as t' destructions said.

I painted t' rocket first. Avast, me proud beauty! I used a piece o' rolled up paper t' help hold and move t' rocket durin' painting.

I also painted t' lower part o' t' motor tube t' same red as t' inside o' t' tube fins. Well, blow me down! Ya scallywag! Once t' paint was done, me hearties, matey, I installed t' motor mount.

Post flight note: T' destructions say t' motor mount should be recessed 1/8 inch into t' body tube, ya bilge rat, for aesthetics I assume. I mounted mine flush with t' end o' t' BT. Aye aye! Blimey! Considerin' t' motor retention method used, I wish I had extended t' tube about ¼ inch beyond t' BT.

Pemberton Technologies Kraken I assume t' parachute is a purchased item that is included with t' kit. T' assembly instructions don't have any o' t' "funny" comments like t' rest o' t' instructions. I varied from the instructions some what on t' assembly o' t' parachute. Ya scallywag! It said t' cut t' shroud line into six equal parts, matey, attach each t' t' parasheet and then tie t' six together. I cut t' shroud line into three equal lengths and attached three loops t' t' parasheet. Ahoy! I then pulled t' three together and looped them through a snap swivel.

T' final assembly before t' flight instructions was t' tape a strip o' maskin' tape around t' Keelhaul®©™® shock cord where it leaves t' body tube t' prevent zippers.

This was a fun build that was nay overly difficult. Aye aye! T' instructions were very good and t' construction was straightforward. Begad! T' only knock be t' motor mount. Begad! Aye aye! Recessin' it 1/8th inch may look better, but extendin' it ¼ inch would make it much easier t' use t' tape t' retain t' motors. As with any finishing, so much depends on the modeler and t' modeler's methods and standards. Ahoy! Because o' this, me bucko, I find it difficult t' rate t' finishin' on a kit. There were a lot o' very good suggestions and instructions in how t' construct t' Kraken but nay a lot o' help on gettin' a "great" finish. Begad! Ya scallywag! That lack o' finishin' help be t' only reason I didn't make it 5 o' 5.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Flight and Recovery:
First o' all, if this is your first rocket that doesn't have a motor retainin' hook, me bucko, don't worry. T' destructions are very clear on how t' install a 24mm Single Use motor. They also cover how t' prep t' remainin' items for flight (e.g., waddin' and parachute). As t' destructions then say, "Go forth and go WHOOSH."

Flight 1 3/15/08 Battle Park Va. 3-8 mph winds, blue skies, and upper 50º. Avast, me proud beauty! T' first rocket t' fly this day was t' Kraken. Avast! T' motor was a recommended C11-3. Blimey! Aye aye! T' boost be nice and straight t' about 500ft. Avast! Arrr! T' deployment was right at apogee. T' chute deployed great and had a perfect recovery. I be a little leery o' t' chute with t' shroud lines t' same length as t' diameter o' t' parasheet. This is typical but I believe it causes a lot more twisted chutes then would happen if shrouds were 1½ t' 2 time t' parasheet diameter. Aye aye! Avast, me hearties, me proud beauty! I was pleasantly surprised, arrr, the decent was great with no twistin' or spinnin' on t' way down.

Pemberton Technologies Kraken Flight 2 3/15/08 Battle Park Va. Well, blow me down! 10-12 mph winds. Well, blow me down! Ya scallywag! A quick turn around made this t' third flight o' t' day. Ya scallywag! T' motor was another recommended motor, matey, a D12-5. This had a very straight boost t' 800–900 feet. Avast! Well, blow me down! T' deployment be exactly at apogee, arrr, matey, matey, a perfect deployment. Ya scallywag! T' wind was up a little and t' decent was again very good which meant a long walk.

Flight 3 3/15/08 Battle Park Va. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! 3 - 8 mph winds. Avast, me proud beauty! I didn't have any o' t' recommended composite reloads, ya bilge rat, D15 or E15, so I went a little bigger. Aye aye! Ahoy! Blimey! This motor was an E28-7T. Arrr! This was probably too much motor for this tube fin rocket. It made 3 tight corkscrews as it flew under boost. It straightened out immediately after motor burnout. Begad! T' altitude was 1200–1500 ft. Avast! T' deployment was near apogee and was perfect. Avast! There was a long wait for it t' come down but with the light winds, it landed less than 300 ft from t' pad.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

T' destructions say t' Kraken will "fly beautifully on C11-3 and D12-5 Black Powder motors" and they are exactly correct. They also recommended t' D15 and E15 composite motors. Aye aye! Blimey! I'm sure these will fly just as well. If you don't mind t' tight corkscrews or consider it too much risk o' losin' a tube fin or two, shiver me timbers, t' Kraken really grabs some sky on t' E28. Aye aye! Ahoy! Blimey! I'm sure it will also survive and fly great on an F24. Ya scallywag! Blimey! You're on your own with t' F39. Arrr! Aye aye! Blimey! All in all, this is a great kit. Arrr! It looks great, arrr, flies great, and generates a lot o' interest from fellow rocketeers.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Pemberton Technologies Kraken By Les Bradshaw (February 16, 2008)

    Brief: Probably no legendary sea monster was as horrifying as the Kraken. According to stories, this huge, many armed creature could reach as high as the top of a sailing ship's main mast. Well, this rocket may not have many arms, but it will fly higher than a ship's main mast! This is my first kit from Pemberton Technologies, but it won't be my last. They even supplied RockSim ...



K.G. (February 27, 2008)
I am not normally a fan of tube rockets, but when I saw this one I couldn't wait to read a review. Thanks for the information and build tips on a great looking rocket!
B.C. (March 4, 2008)
About PemTech: I helped Layne edit the Kraken 'destruction manual', and I must say that it is laugh-out-loud funny in many places. ----- About this review: Excellent paint job. The yellow edging on the tube fins makes a great-looking kit look even better.
J.T. (March 27, 2008)
Is it me or are the tube fins on the kit a lot shorter than the picture on PemTech's website? If you look at the picture, those tube fins should be about 9 inches long (assuming the body tube is 18 inches long). Perhaps the angle of the picture is a bit deceiving? Either way, that won't stop me from getting one. Great job PemTech!
PEM. Tech. (April 6, 2008)
The answer to the tube fin enigma is : Yes and Yes The photos on the website are of the soon to be released 3" MPR version, which has a slightly different fin to BT ratio and the angle of the rocket in the picture makes the BT appear shorter. We ended up using the MPR version for the pictures because the LPR demo bird died a fiery death brought on by a motor CATO just before the release date.
A.H. (September 28, 2008)
I used a Estes D-E motor mount with a hook on my rocket it fits good and flew great!

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