Semroc SLS Jaguar

Semroc - SLS Jaguar {Kit} (KV-52)

Contributed by Glenn Little

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Semroc
Semroc SLS Jaguar

This is a relatively easy model 4FNC kit for enterin' mid-power rockets. Arrr! Arrr! T' quality o' t' components be high and instructions were top notch. Arrr! This kit be me first foray into anythin' larger than 18mm engines, and it be a perfect start. Well, blow me down! I was initially a little skeptical o' me abilities but found t' kit so intuitive I barely needed the instructions. Begad! It's listed as a Skill Level 3, arrr, but I initially felt it's more o' a 2. After launchin' it, I'm nay so sure...

T' components in t' kit included:

  • Body tube
  • Balsa nose cone (6" long)
  • Basswood fins in their own baggie
  • A baggie with a thrust ring, matey, launch lug, arrr, shiver me timbers, screw eye, me bucko, elastic cord, Keelhaul®©™® thread
  • Nylon parachute, pre assembled in its own baggie
  • Engine mount kit, me bucko, in its own baggie:
  • 2 center rings
  • Thrust ring
  • E-engine hook
  • Engine tube
  • Spacer tube
Semroc SLS Jaguar

T' first thin' I noticed when I opened t' kit bag was how thick t' body tube was, yet still very light. As mentioned in t' previous review, ya bilge rat, all t' components came in separate bags.

T' 4 fins were made o' basswood and were incredibly easy t' work with. Begad! T' (huge) nosecone be balsa, well balanced, symmetrical, and required very little attention aside from sealing. T' shock cord assembly seemed plenty long enough, and this was me first kit that included a rip-stop nylon chute that was already assembled. Well, blow me down! Blimey! T' kit also included a heavy-duty screw-eye for t' chute, me bucko, a 29mm-24mm adapter, ya bilge rat, and t' various rings and tubes necessary.

T' instructions will refer t' builder t' t' bags as they become necessary. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! Each bag includes a separate itemized list o' components, me hearties, an attention t' detail that I had nay noted in other kits I've built. Further, arrr, the instructions were detailed but nay over t' top and t' illustrations were quite large.

After notin' t' quality components, I then noticed t' quality o' t' instructions, which were in multi-page pamphlet form and stapled down t' middle o' t' fold. Begad! T' font be large and very easy t' follow, shiver me timbers, and the illustrations were huge compared t' other kits I've built. Begad! Begad! Last, shiver me timbers, thar was a parts list with an "exploded view" that wasn't necessary but still a nice touch.

Assembly is logical and straightforward. Begad! T' 29mm-24mm adapter is assembled first. T' baggie with t' components for t' adapter comes with its own set o' instructions. Well, me hearties, blow me down! There is an assumption that if you're buyin' this mid-power rocket that it's nay t' first kit you've built. Aye aye! Ahoy! T' "subcomponents" weren't itemized on t' "exploded view". By use o' a spacer, t' adapter assembly allows t' flyer t' use both 24mm x 70mm engines (Estes D and E) as well as longer 24mm x 95mm engines. Aye aye! Begad!

After t' adapter, you prepare t' shock cord and thrust ring, shiver me timbers, me hearties, which is inserted usin' t' adapter as a guide. From thar you work on t' fins, me hearties, fillets, shiver me timbers, nosecone, arrr, matey, ya bilge rat, and chute. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! There are no couplers t' contend with, shiver me timbers, which is a good thin' because I very nearly ruined me Apogee Aspire when t' coupler bound as I inserted it into t' tube. Arrr! Well, blow me down! I don't like couplers very much right now.

Semroc SLS Jaguar There is a recommendation t' sand t' fins and round t' leadin' edges as well as taper t' trailing edges. This led t' t' one "gotcha" which is more t' result o' me bein' relatively new than t' poor instructions: thar was no warnin' about over sandin' t' fins and loosenin' t' fit into t' groves in t' body tube. When I did t' roundin' and tapering, shiver me timbers, I over-sanded one fin and it required extra glue and epoxy t' make it fit well.

Another mistake involved sealin' t' fins prior t' attachin' them (a diversion from t' instructions), figuring it would be easier t' seal and sand with them off. I used paper skins on all me previous kits, ya bilge rat, makin' sealing unnecessary. Ya scallywag! Begad! As mentioned above, arrr, I over-sanded one fin and it was too narrow, makin' a loose fit.

T' fins had a very snug fit and t' through t' wall construction didn't require significant adjustments t' make them perfectly perpendicular t' t' tube. Ahoy!

Aside from usin' 5-minute epoxy for t' fillets and smearin' a very thin layer on t' inside o' t' body tube on the roots o' t' fins, me hearties, which helped make t' adapter very snug, I didn't do any mods. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! I considered cuttin' a section as a payload bay, matey, but didn't want t' make extra work. Arrr! I'll do this later when I get me altimeter.

T' Keelhaul®©™® cord is long enough t' extend beyond t' end o' t' body tube. Begad! Begad! I built this rocket accordin' t' t' instructions, however, ya bilge rat, I am concerned about zippering. Begad! I may shorten it prior t' flight.

T' nosecone be very snug and required a little sanding. Ahoy! Caution: a little sandin' goes a long way. In very little time I made it a bit too loose and will likely use maskin' tape t' make it more snug.

It's nay mentioned in t' instructions, but I used a quick link t' attach t' parachute. Aye aye! I bought these at my local sportin' goods store.

Preparin' for finishin' be easy. Begad! Begad! As I mentioned above, I sealed t' fins prior t' attachin' them. Ahoy! I would do this again in t' future but will be aware about over-sanding.

T' fins and nosecone required only one coat o' sealer, ya bilge rat, me bucko, although it be a thick consistency.

I did nay try t' fill t' spirals. They seemed pretty shallow and t' primer I use is thicker than most and will fill in groves pretty well. Begad! Ahoy! Though I suspected that after a few coats o' paint, matey, t' groves would all but disappear, they are still visible after 3 coats o' primer.

I haven't figured out a color scheme yet, ya bilge rat, but will likely follow t' scheme on t' picture. Begad! I'll wait until I have other rockets t' paint before doin' t' final coats.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Semroc SLS Jaguar

Flight preparation: T' diameter o' t' rocket is large enough that several pieces o' waddin' will be necessary, likely 4 or 5 pieces (I tend t' do overkill since I've singed too many recovery devices in t' past few weeks).

Flight with t' adapter: Motor retention includes an engine hook. Arrr! Blimey! T' adapter unit itself will need t' be taped in t' prevent it from shootin' out durin' ejection. Ahoy! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! T' thin layer o' epoxy I put on t' inside o' t' body tube made the adapter a very tight fit. It will require retention (friction and tape around t' bottom), matey, but I don't think there will be a need for any "adjunctive" retention (I lost 2 rockets recently, so don't rely on friction fitting by itself any more. Blimey! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! Keep an eye out for some tips regardin' "adjunctive" retention).

Flight with 29mm engines: This is a minimum diameter rocket for 29mm engines, me hearties, so friction fittin' is required. Avast! If you read me launch logs, me bucko, me bucko, you'll see that I recently haven't had luck with friction fitting, matey, so I'm leery o' usin' 29mm engines for now.

This rocket requires a 3/16inch launch rod. Ahoy! I didn't have one yet so t' cost was 3.50 or so at me local big box home improvement store. Ahoy! No big deal.

I have a bunch o' Estes D12s, which be one o' t' reasons I bought this rocket. Ahoy! I completed t' rocket on a Friday evening. Saturday was too breezy, launch scrubbed. Aye aye! Sunday, shiver me timbers, launch scrubbed. Begad! Monday, holiday--all-day grill-fest, launch scrubbed (too windy anyway). Avast, me proud beauty! Tuesday, thunderstorms, launch scrubbed (there was a 1hr period o' sun and absolutely no wind, but I didn't move fast enough). Wednesday, breezy, took me launch gear t' work in case thar was an opportunity for a "lunch launch". Arrr! No such luck.

At last! Wednesday at early dusk, t' wind died t' a near standstill. Well, blow me down! Finally! All I needed was 30 minutes of calm weather.

I clipped on t' quick link/chute (I don't store t' chute in t' rocket), ya bilge rat, and used 4 pieces o' wadding. In narrower rockets I've feared that I made them too tight, matey, me bucko, but they went in this rocket loosely enough. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Folded up the chute, put in a D12-7 (sims t' 1200 feet) and went t' town.

Uh-oh. Arrr! Here's where me inexperience kicks in: I'm a "born again rocketeer", shiver me timbers, built many kits, shiver me timbers, but am only 2 months in t' this new found hobby. Aye aye! Blimey! T' root edge o' t' fins are flush with t' base o' t' rocket. Avast! There's no place t' wrap tape. Begad! Instead, me hearties, arrr, I put pieces betwixt t' fins and extended them down onto t' adapter. I then used a piece of tape around t' part o' t' adapter that sticks out t' hold t' other pieces on. Begad! I couldn't friction fit t' adapter on, it was too tight even for a single layer o' maskin' tape.

I didn't feel good about this, as I mentioned above I don't have a good success rate with taped on engines/adapters. Arrr! Arrr! But I was so psyched t' launch this rocket. Begad! Avast! So t' t' field I went.

Even though it was only primed, me hearties, it looked really cool on t' pad. Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! In fact, I considered leavin' it primed, arrr, but sandin' it smooth and coatin' it with clearcoat.

My St. Blimey! Blimey! Bernard/Golden Retriever mix, Mattie, me hearties, matey, was by me side as me buddy and I did t' count down. Aye aye! Blimey! We scrubbed the first attempt because Mattie thought she should start chasin' down t' rocket early and dislodged t' igniter.

Mattie be put in t' car so t' second attempt went without a hitch. Avast, me proud beauty! My system uses a 12-volt lawn tractor battery so thar be little, if any, arrr, delay. Avast, me proud beauty! T' engine hissed for a millisecond, thar be a burst o' smoke, me hearties, a medium-fast lift-off, and then a straight, beautiful launch. Arrr! Ahoy! I'm 40 and can't help but get a rush out o' this. I'd guess it reached 1000 feet or more (primer wasn't even sanded smooth yet so it probably didn't go t' full 1200.

T' 7 second delay seemed t' last forever. Finally t' smoke trail started, and I heard a faint pop and saw t' trail stop. Avast! I saw a separation and then went t' get me dog, who was barkin' like she was hallucinatin' about a huge rawhide (or maybe a rabbit or maybe even t' St. Aye aye! Bernard Pass itself) sittin' in middle o' t' field. Well, blow me down!

I turned back t' me rocket and it be gone. Ahoy! I couldn't find it. Well, blow me down! My buddy said he lost it also.

I have no idea what happened. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Dusk be comin' in quickly, but we combed a large area. Begad! I'll go back tomorrow to look around and also drive around t' neighborin' neighborhood. Arrr! Blimey! I'm incredibly disappointed. Avast! Blimey! I recently bought a Transolve Micro Trans Beep but didn't use it. I could kick myself, as maybe this would have helped. Well, blow me down! I felt really confident about this launch. Arrr! Blimey! T' body tube be plenty roomy so nothin' could jam, I still feel t' adapter wasn't going anywhere... Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! Blimey! I have no idea what happened.

I'm nay sure how t' score t' Flight/Recovery as t' loss is likely me fault. Ahoy! However, it would be nice if manufacturers could figure out a way t' avoid friction fits. I have a few ideas I've been playin' with, shiver me timbers, arrr, keep an eye out in t' tips section. I'll give this a 4. Aye aye! There could be some improvement (more room for tape?), matey, but it's likely the loss was me fault.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

T' main pro for this rocket is that it has an easy, logical, intuitive (hmmm, shiver me timbers, if it's logical, shiver me timbers, matey, isn't it automatically intuitive?) assembly process. Avast, me proud beauty! Assembly didn't take any longer than any other rocket.

T' rocket is very versatile as it uses 70mm and 95mm 24mm engines as well as 29mm engines.

T' only con is that it is easy t' over-sand t' root side o' t' fins.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

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