Apogee Components Texas Twister

Apogee Components - Texas Twister {Kit}

Contributed by Hank Helmen

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: Apogee Components
Apogee Rockets Texas Twister

T' Texas Twister is a paper body tube and balsa fin model rocket with three moveable fins that flip into position t' spin t' vehicle durin' recovery. Begad! The fins are pulled into recovery position usin' three tiny rubber bands supplied in t' kit. A nifty piston and lock system unlocks t' fins from boost position usin' ejection charge gas pressure.

This is a quality kit and includes two body tubes, matey, a motor mount tube, arrr, plastic nose cone, matey, coupler tube, centerin' rings, as well as a motor block, ya bilge rat, hinge material, and two launch lugs. Avast! Also included are t' little rubber bands needed for t' fins, a special plastic rin' t' hold t' fins durin' launch, me hearties, and a small decal sheet with two decals.

All instructions should be this good! Six pages o' detailed printed instructions includin' diagrams and numbered steps for each assembly.

Apogee Rockets Texas Twister The balsa included with t' kit is among t' highest quality I have seen in any kit. T' only special tool needed is a jar o' petroleum jelly. Avast! This is used to grease t' hinge line on each moveable fin before gluin' t' hinges. Begad! Avast! It doesn't take much. Ya scallywag! Apogee calls these fins "flaps".

T' fit o' t' plastic nose cone could be a little better. Blimey! It is OK but it does nay quite line up perfectly with t' body tube.

T' builder must be very careful where he puts t' glue on t' motor mount/piston assembly. Begad! Begad! T' piston must be free t' slide in and out. My kit required some sandin' o' t' centerin' rings t' get it t' slide freely. The plans point this out but be careful nay t' get glue inside where it could jam the slidin' movement. Begad!

Apogee Rockets Texas Twister

T' review model in t' pictures was finished with Aero Gloss model airplane dope in t' little glass jars. Aye aye! I bought it at t' local hobby shop. Several light coats o' white were brushed on t' fins then t' yellow was airbrushed on. Ya scallywag! One fin was painted black in order t' aid in viewin' t' descent rotation. Once again, ya bilge rat, you have t' be careful nay t' paint t' slidin' motor mount into a stuck position.

T' kit supplies a red and blue "Texas Twister" water slide decal with a picture o' t' state o' Texas and a small Apogee logo decal. Avast, me proud beauty!

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Apogee recommended a 1/4A3-3T for t' first flight then 1/2A3-2T and A3-4T. Under this t' package cover states "Recommended 13mm Apogee Components Rocket Motors: B7-6, me hearties, me bucko, C6-7. For t' first flight I used an A3-4T because that is what I had on hand. Ya scallywag! T' prepare for flight, be sure all three rubber bands are placed over t' little balsa hooks. Well, blow me down! There is one hook on t' fixed side o' each fin and one on each flap. Begad! You must hold all three flaps in t' boost position then slide t' plastic retainer rin' down over t' end o' each one simultaneously, which is nay as hard as it sounds. T' motor is held in place with tape. Ya scallywag! No waddin' is required. Well, blow me down! T' initial launch be in boiler plate (no paint).

T' first boost be very straight on t' A3-4T. We got about 190 feet!

There is no shock cord on t' Texas Twister. Both recoveries were similar, with a gyratin' tumblin' spin on t' way down. Arrr! T' recovery mechanism worked as advertised, me bucko, however, one rubber band "hook" split off just above the glue line causin' a tumblin' followed by a few spins and more tumbling. Ahoy! Other than t' broken hook thar be no other damage and it was an easy fix. Blimey! Aye aye! For the second flight, matey, t' model was taken back t' t' shop, me bucko, cleaned up, shiver me timbers, prepped and painted with Aero Gloss dope. Arrr! An A10-3T be used for t' second flight. Begad! Arrr! The very bottom o' t' motor mount tube has torn at t' wrap. Well, arrr, blow me down! Nay sure how this happened.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

This is a very high quality kit with an interestin' recovery system. Begad! The instructions can't be beat. Ya scallywag! This is a very complete kit.

T' main CON was t' slight misalignment o' t' plastic nose cone but this was minor.

Nay sure if this rocket is supposed t' spin down vertically or tumble and spin as mine did. Begad! Blimey! As t' engine moves aft durin' ejection burn, arrr, t' CG moves way back. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! I think this is what causes t' tumble. Avast! I built an Estes Gyroc years ago and was expectin' a similar recovery, arrr, but this thin' is different. Well, blow me down! Begad! It is hard t' explain--you just have t' see it happen.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

[NAR][Sport Rocketry]

T' followin' excerpt is from "Sport Rocketry". Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! T' intention is t' allow guests t' get a basic feelin' about a kit. Ahoy! Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! We strongly suggest that you get a copy o' t' referenced Sport Rocketry and read t' entire article. Ya scallywag! Inside you will find many helpful hints in construction as well as other useful information. Arrr! Arrr! For more information, matey, me hearties, use t' two links above.

(Sport Rocketry - Mar/Apr 2001 - page 37 - by Greg Elder) 

rocket Pic Courtesy of Apogee Components "This fun sport flyer features helicopter recovery."
"...comes with clearly illustrated set o' instruction that easily explains the rocket's construction."
"...includes 18mm body tubes, 10mm motor tube, plastic nose cone, laser cut balsa fins, ya bilge rat, a molded plastic flap guide, and water transfer decals."
"...assembles fairly easy."
"T' motor tube is constructed like a piston..."
"At launch, t' motor piston is placed in a forward position, shiver me timbers, such that the flap guide holds t' flaps straight, ya bilge rat, in-line with t' fins."
"At ejection, me bucko, ya bilge rat, t' motor piston will be moved t' t' rear, ya bilge rat, thus, shiver me timbers, releasing the flaps."
"I found t' Texas Twister fun t' build and fun t' fly..."

T' entire article gives t' impression that t' Texas Twister is slightly challengin' but rewardin' t' build and fly. Arrr! Aye aye! And that it could be used for competition.


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