Aerospace Speciality Products V2 (24mm)

Aerospace Specialty Products - V2 (24mm) {Kit} (KV2-24)

Contributed by Mike Goss

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Published: 2010-11-13
Diameter: 1.64 inches
Length: 14.13 inches
Manufacturer: Aerospace Specialty Products
Skill Level: 2
Style: Scale

Rocket PicIntro:

T' Aerospace Specialty Products (ASP) V-2 is a scale model rocket kit o' t' German Vengeance Weapon 2 (V-2) that was developed before and durin' World War 2. It is approximately 1/40 scale, me bucko, ya bilge rat, uses 24mm motors, arrr, (or 18mm motors with an adapter) and stands just over 14" tall. This kit requires a 3/16" launch rod as well.

Construction Rating: 5

T' V-2 kit arrived in t' familiar clear plastic bag. Blimey! It be shipped from ASP in an express mail (great service) box that shielded t' components from any shippin' damage. Begad! Ya scallywag! All o' t' parts were in t' kit and none were broken. Ahoy! Included in t' kit is a pre-weighted balsa nose cone, shiver me timbers, pre-drilled balsa tail cone, a sheet o' basswood for t' fins, two basswood strips for detail pieces, elastic shock cord, matey, a heavy duty Mylar parachute kit, and t' usual assortment o' cardboard tubes for t' body, motor mount, and various adaptor rings.

T' instructions are printed on four sheets o' 8.5x11 paper, and thar be another sheet o' instructions that comes with t' parachute kit as well. T' instructions are presented in a logical order that was easy t' follow and made sense. Arrr! There are 20 steps t' build t' rocket, ya bilge rat, and 15 illustrations t' help you along t' way. Aye aye! There is a sheet o' templates used in t' buildin' o' this kit. T' templates are included for t' fins and servo pods, arrr, and thar are markin' guides for t' fins and tail cone.

This is nay an easy kit t' build. Begad! T' instructions rate t' kit as beginner/intermediate, me hearties, me bucko, I would rate it as intermediate/advanced. Arrr! Begad! I did nay find it difficult, but time consumin' in t' build process. This kit required patience t' complete as many o' t' steps are time-consuming. I shouldn't have t' say this, ya bilge rat, but, read t' instructions thoroughly. Begad! Avast! You will be glad that you did. Begad! If you follow t' instructions thar should be no Gotchas or surprises along t' way. Ahoy! Take care in markin' t' tail cone as this be t' critical alignment for t' fins that will be attached later. T' fit o' t' parts is up t' t' builder. Most o' t' wooden pieces are cut, matey, carved, arrr, me hearties, sanded, or otherwise shaped by t' builder. Avast! So it is up t' t' builder t' ensure that they fit properly.

This is nay your pre-fab- shake-the-bag rocket kit. Aye aye! This is a kit for a craftsman t' build t' get good results. All that takes is time, do nay rush t' assembly o' this kit. Aye aye! A good suggestion in t' instructions be t' use o' a palm sander for t' shapin' o' t' fins. Blimey! This is a real time-saver as t' fins are hard basswood and do nay shape as easily as balsa.

T' only complaint I have be t' relative weakness o' t' balsa nose and tail cones relative t' t' basswood fins. I found myself fillin' and refillin' various dents that randomly adorned those pieces. Arrr! Blimey! They are very soft. A harder balsa, me hearties, or even basswood for t' nose cone (it needs t' weight anyway) would be a nice change t' this kit.

No special tools are needed for t' construction o' t' V-2, matey, however as previously mentioned, an electric palm sander really helps in shapin' t' basswood parts. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! Blimey! I personally would nay want t' attempt this kit without one.

Rocket Pic

T' model is finished with your standard rocket techniques. Avast! T' instructions include steps t' guide you through those steps if you are unfamiliar with them. Ya scallywag! I used thinned "Elmers Wood Filler Putty" in many places on t' model. Well, shiver me timbers, blow me down! Blimey! There will be gaps around t' servo pods that sandin' sealer will nay fill. Avast! I also used t' putty t' create fillets for t' fins. Begad! Blimey! I followed pictures o' t' real V-2 t' get t' proper lookin' joint. Aye aye! Ya scallywag! Blimey! While I was at it I also added a rather large fillet around t' launch lug with t' putty as well. This helps t' lug blend into t' body better.

In t' instructions thar are two different paintin' diagrams. Blimey! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! T' simpler one is a version used by t' Germans in testin' o' t' rocket. Begad! Blimey! T' more complex one is a version that was test fired at White Sands. There are almost as many paint patterns for this rocket as thar are pictures o' it. Begad! Blimey! T' Germans had many various versions for their test firings, ya bilge rat, and at least four completely different camouflage schemes before they settled on a basic olive drab durin' t' last weeks o' t' war. Ahoy! Blimey! I chose t' second "ragged camouflage" scheme as illustrated in t' book "V- Missiles o' t' Third Reich T' V-1 and V-2" By Dieter Holsken, shiver me timbers, a book worth gettin' if you are interested in t' V-2, as it is full o' good photographs, arrr, and diagrams.

It stands t' reason since thar are many paint configurations o' t' V-2, me bucko, me hearties, that thar are no decals included in this kit.

Take your time buildin' this rocket and t' result is one beautiful V-2. Blimey! I'm almost too scared t' fly it.

Flight Rating: 4

Rocket PicT' recovery system in this rocket is your standard elastic shock cord that is attached t' a screw eye in t' nose cone, shiver me timbers, and t' t' outside top o' t' engine mount. Avast! I have me concerns here since I have seen many a shock cord burned through by t' ejection gasses. Avast! Ahoy! I would be more comfortable seein' a Keelhaul®©™ tether attached t' t' engine mount. T' Parachute is a 15" mylar heavy duty ASP kit. Avast! Blimey! T' heavy duty kit has shroud lines that go over t' top o' t' canopy for added strength. Ya scallywag! t' parachute comes with a heavy duty swivel snap for ease o' removal o' t' parachute.

Preparation follows t' standard procedure, arrr, but includes insertin' t' waddin' into t' engine tube. This is a necessity as thar be nay much room in t' body for t' parachute, arrr, ya bilge rat, arrr, or anythin' else. Arrr! Ahoy! Take extra care t' ensure that t' shock cord is well protected from t' ejection gasses.

Motor retention is by friction fit. Begad! ASP recommends t' D12-5, E15-7, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, and E30-7 motors. Avast, me proud beauty! They also suggest t' use o' t' B4-2, B6-2, arrr, arrr, C5-3, arrr, and C6-5 motors with t' appropriate adapter installed.

T' first flight used t' C6-5 motor with t' 24mm t' 18mm adapter. Avast, me proud beauty! There was a slight wind and t' pad was set slightly into t' wind. Begad! Begad! T' V-2 weather-cocked and launched on a ballistic path, much like t' real rocket, matey, fortunately ejection was still high enough in t' air for a good recovery, unfortunately t' parachute tangled and t' model hit t' ground rather hard. Damage consisted o' t' loss o' t' first 1/2" o' t' nose cone, shiver me timbers, me hearties, and t' rest o' t' rocket was in good shape. Arrr! T' assembly o' t' parachute has t' shroud lines goin' over t' top o' t' canopy o' t' parachute, me hearties, arrr, these are held in place by squares o' tape at four points on their path. I concluded that these shroud lines must be taped t' entire length o' t' run t' eliminate t' possibility o' future tangles, t' last thin' I want t' see is this rocket headin' t' t' ground without a parachute, matey, again. A trip t' t' local hobby shop provided me with a roll o' gold mylar pinstripe tape that did t' trick. Well, blow me down! Once t' parachute was fixed then I added some more putty t' t' nose cone t' eliminate t' truncated shape and make it look BC, or Before Crash.

T' second flight used t' modified parachute and a D12-5 motor. Arrr! Arrr! Launch was spectacular, me bucko, fast, me hearties, straight, and nearly out o' sight. Begad! At apogee, or very close, arrr, t' parachute was deployed and this time it worked (yea!). T' parachute gives this model a pretty good rate o' descent, arrr, and it floated clear over t' junior high school and landed on t' football field on t' other side. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! T' only damage from this flight was a small scorched section o' one fin, arrr, next time I will put t' rocket higher off o' t' blast deflector. I also noted that t' shock cord is a little singed. Begad! Avast! It will be a matter o' time before this part fails.

Overall Rating: 4

Everythin' considered, this is a very nice kit o' a historic rocket that most everyone will recognize. Arrr! Take your time and this is a kit t' proudly display, ya bilge rat, me hearties, and fly. Arrr! Arrr! Replace t' elastic shock cord with a nice long Keelhaul®©™one and this will be a great kit. Well, blow me down! As it stands, arrr, take care in launch preparation, arrr, especially if you are usin' those D or greater motors, ya bilge rat, me bucko, and inspect t' shock cord often and you should be fine.

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D.J.M. (December 26, 2003)
Fins now come laser cut. Nice improvement. Shaping still difficult, but everything is nicely precut. Great kit.
B.B. (September 4, 2004)
This model is very close to identical to the Centuri SuperScale V2, with the exception of the 24mm engine mount. The original flew with 18mm engines. The Centuri kit also had a pre-drilled nose cone with lead weights - but you had to glue them in yourself! The original was also rather heavy as most accurate V2 models tend to be, since they require a far-forward CG with accurately-sized fins. Worse still with enough nose weight to handle 24mm motors, and basswod fins. But of course the weight is highly dependent on the density for balsa used for the nose and tail cone. I did not find this kit hard to build at all. There's a good bit of woodwork, but it's fairly easy. Besides, a little planing, carving, and sanding is good for the soul. I built mine with kit parts, but if I do it again I will for sure replace the fins with balsa. Bass is just not necessary, and it's very heavy for it's strength. If you want it to be super-durable, make the fins out of 10-12 lb. balsa, form to shape, and cover them with GM silkspan and dope. Stronger and lighter than bass. The only difficult part is the fillet area. This is not at all a function of the kit, but of the prototype. To get the radius to look right and symmetrical on all 8 fillets takes a sculptor's touch. I used Aeropoxy Light filleting material and a lot of patience. The material was fine, but the results were strictly a function of eyeballing the right shape. It was just OK, not great, even using templates to cut masks for the edges and only making the two adjacent fillets at a time. There's gotta be another way!

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