Estes Super Neon

Estes - Super Neon {Kit} (2050) [2007-2011]

Contributed by Larry Brand

Construction Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Diameter: 0.98 inches
Length: 22.10 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 2
Style: Ring/Tube/Cone Fin

Estes Super Neon

Super Neon is an updated 2007 re-release o' an older kit. It is what I would call a "fantasy" tubefin in that it has decorative stub fins supplementin' t' 6 tubefins that provide t' actual stability t' create a futuristic appearance. T' packagin' highlights its "Space Age Tubular Fins". Well, so maybe they're nay "stub fins", matey, maybe they're coolin' plates for t' hyper-leptonic fusion tube-drive impulsor units. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! Its rated a Skill Level 2 kit, and for good reason (unfortunately).

Airframe mainly consists o' an 18" piece o' BT-50 tubin' and six 3 1/2" BT-50 motor tubes adapted as t' tubefins. Ya scallywag! Six small balsa stub fins and t' usual Estes nose cone assembly, shiver me timbers, motor mount with hook, arrr, me hearties, and recovery system rounds out t' materials package. Blimey! A set o' waterslide decals is included. Aye aye! Usual excellent quality and fit o' materials.

Estes Super Neon

As a fan o' tubefins, shiver me timbers, I was very happy t' see Estes add one back t' its product line. Aye aye! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! I purchased t' kit at a local launch and decided t' review it. Given t' generally draggy nature o' tubefin rockets and t' added drag contributed by t' 6 stub fins, I was very skeptical o' t' packaging's claimed "flights up t' 1000 feet!" I don't think so--certainly nay on t' largest recommended motor, me bucko, a C6-5, me hearties, and with t' combined drag o' both t' 6 tube fins and t' 6 conventional fins. I kept remindin' myself that this was a "fantasy rocket", otherwise its nuts t' combine normal fins and tube fins. Comparatively speaking, a belt and suspenders doesn't hold your pants up any better, me hearties, however, me biggest criticism o' this kit comes from t' poorly thought-through instructions, which usually is a strong point o' Estes kits. Ahoy! Blimey! T' construction approach was miserable, apparently cobbed together by somebody (the subcontractor in China?) who had never before built a tubefin rocket. Rather than rely on t' tried and true self-jiggin' method that is typically used on tubefin kits, o' attachin' t' 6 tubefins in pairs with t' body tube restin' on a flat surface, me hearties, Estes gives t' rocketeer instructions with a weird and overly complicated geometric line-markin' method t' locate t' individual tubefin positions on t' body tube as if they were conventional fins. Aye aye! Blimey! This is just nuts and guaranteed t' produce misaligned tube fins if t' slightest mistake is made! Blimey! After installin' t' motor mount assembly per t' Estes method, matey, I threw away these awful instructions and put me Super Neon together t' right way:

Estes Super Neon

  1. With body tube on a flat table top, me bucko, left and right tube fins, also positioned flush with t' table, matey, were attached simultaneously. Ahoy! I use 5-min epoxy, usin' as little as possible t' save weight and allowed t' dry.
  2. To this assembly, matey, ya bilge rat, two more tube fins were glued in place, matey, on top o' t' body tube and in contact with t' previous 2 tubes.
  3. After drying, t' assembly be turned over, shiver me timbers, and t' two remainin' tube fins were attached t' t' bottom o' this assembly, which are also self-jigged into place by contact with t' two adjacent tubefins. Begad! Begad! No ink lines, no measuring, no door frames needed.

I attached t' stub fins t' t' tube fins as shown in t' instruction drawings, me hearties, me hearties, 3mm from t' top o' t' tubes and centered. Aye aye! Ahoy! It is OK t' use t' T.L.A.R. Aye aye! Avast, me proud beauty! method ("That Looks About Right") t' position t' stub fins, shiver me timbers, since Estes doesn't really say how t' do this. Avast, me proud beauty! I can see this bein' really frustratin' t' do with Elmer's glue. Begad! Begad! It is a snap with 5-min epoxy--just dip t' end o' t' fin in freshly-mixed epoxy, let it almost set up, arrr, and then hold firmly in place perpendicular t' t' tube for a minute or so. Well, blow me down! Arrr! Crazy Glue would be another good method.

Recovery system was attached per t' instructions. Note position o' t' launch lug, me hearties, adjacent t' one o' t' triangular holes betwixt t' tune fins, so be careful nay t' slop glue betwixt t' tube fins since t' launch wire has t' pass through here.

I decided t' skip t' decals. Ahoy! I don't like decals. I planned t' paint t' Super Neon in t' colors depicted on t' package, arrr, me hearties, aqua and purple, arrr, usin' Testor's rattle can products. However, shiver me timbers, initial test flights were made with t' rocket unpainted. Aye aye! Reason bein' that I expected t' performance on a C6-5 t' be far short o' t' claimed "up T' 1000 feet", arrr, and me plan was t' measure this exactly with a micro altimeter in a payload bay that I planned t' incorporate into t' ample body tube. Ya scallywag! Arrr! This was exactly t' case. Begad! Begad! Initial test flight was clearly well under a thousand feet. Well, blow me down! Begad! It wasn't even close. Well, blow me down! Begad! So a payload bay was simply included by sawin' t' upper 6" o' body tube off and gluin' t' its bottom a bulkhead from an unused Estes nosecone. Avast, me proud beauty! T' Estes recovery system (toy plastic parachute and Estes notorious underpants elastic shock cord) was substituted with a proper 12" Top Flight light nylon chute and a shock cord made from 3' o' thin para cord. Blimey! I attached this t' t' shortened body tube with a knot through a small hole drilled in t' tube and covered with half a BIC pen cover. Arrr! This allowed precision measurements o' altitude with different motors and drag coefficient (Cd) calculation so maximum theoretical altitude could be extrapolated. Begad! See photos for t' now-modified "Payload" Super Neon. Avast! Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! I have rated Super Neon a generous "3" due t' poor instructions and construction method and for t' poor recovery system included with t' kit, me hearties, which after 35 years is in need o' updating.

Construction Rating: 3 out o' 5

Estes Super Neon Estes Super Neon

T' savin' grace o' Super Neon is how well it flies (although maximum performance is far less than advertised), nay how high it flies. Aye aye! Aye aye! First flight on B-motors showed that a B6-2 be near-perfect. Ya scallywag! Begad! Flight on a C6-5 was nowhere near 1000' without t' 20g altimeter. Blimey! Nor be it near 900', ya bilge rat, 800' or 700'. Arrr! Flight performance on a C6-5 after finishin' and t' addition o' a PerfectFlight Alt15k microaltimeter be 456' with Cd determined t' be a whoppin' 2.2 at 135 mph. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Usin' this value o' Cd in me simulation program and correctin' for t' added weight o' t' altimeter, arrr, gives only 520' calculated for flight without t' altimeter weight. Begad! Usin' a value o' Cd calculated from t' Super Neon dimensions o' 1.76 instead o' t' experimentally determined Cd o' 2.2 gives a calculated maximum altitude on a C6-5 o' 592'. Ya scallywag! Arrr! It is very unlikely that any Super Neon with its enormous drag could fly higher than 600' on a C6-5 in me opinion. That said, Super Neon is a beautiful flyer on windy days, arrr, risin' straight up with no weathercockin' whatsoever. Aye aye! Note launch rod angle in photo. This is a major advantage o' tubefins. Arrr! I don't know how high it flew on that day, but it was high enough that it landed on t' beach only 2 feet from t' waters o' Mission Bay, blown by t' wind. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! I didn't need that "1000 feet!" o' t' package advertisin' on that day and I'm glad I didn't have it.

Flight recovery was perfect on both t' original Estes chute and shock cord and on t' nylon/para cord unit I added later. Ahoy! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! It is time that Estes updated its line with somethin' better than that antiquated elastic system they've been usin' since t' 1960's. Begad! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! So I dinged t' score for that. T' miserable performance was balanced by t' wonderful wind resistance Super Neon displayed. Its t' packagin' that needs fixing. T' rocket flies great!

Estes Super Neon

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

T' product execution be disappointin' due t' poor instructions and buildin' technique. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! Fantasy rocket concept notwithstanding, arrr, thar be no reason t' ever put conventional fins on a tubefin. It doesn't improve t' looks much, arrr, shiver me timbers, and it messes up t' maximum performance.

Overall Rating: 3 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Estes Super Neon By Matthew Bond (March 22, 2010)

    Originally produced by Estes in 1991, the Super Neon was reintroduced on 2007. The Super Neon is a tube fin rocket that also sports small “stub” fins on each of the tube fins. The Super Neon flies on the standard assortment of 18mm black powder motors and uses a 12 inch parachute for recovery. The header card promises soaring flights to 1000 feet, which is beyond optimistic ...



S.M. (April 7, 2009)
I built this kit with my son last year and have flown it several times. The rocket has given me straight flights every time and only once broke one of the fins off. When this happened it created a weak spot on the tube fin it was attached to but after reattachment it has flown flawlessly. I did change out the shock cord for a longer one but other than that it remains stock. The parachute can be a pain to stuff into the body tube along with wadding and the shock cord, but other than that it is fine.

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