Art Applewhite Rockets Cone Rocket 18mm

Art Applewhite Rockets - Cone Rocket 18mm {Kit}

Contributed by Nick Esselman

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Art Applewhite Rockets

Here's a new twist in Art Applewhite's UFO-series o' rockets.... Ya scallywag! Ahoy! t' Cone Rocket! I'm callin' it a Cone UFO just t' keep with t' theme o' what Art Applewhite Rockets seems t' have a knack (and niche) in.

This be t' 18mm Orange version. Avast! There are also 13mm, 24mm, me hearties, and 29mm versions in Stars & Stripes, matey, Mirror Gold, matey, Silver, Yellow and Texas Special. Avast!

Rocket Pic  Rocket Pic

Also, me hearties, in keepin' with what Art Applewhite does best, arrr, me hearties, this is a straightforward kit with very few parts. Ahoy! It has more parts than his standard UFO and Delta UFO, but still it is a rocket that can be assembled in about 1 hour. Well, blow me down! T' kit includes a 18mm motor mount tube, shiver me timbers, a 19mm nose cone tube, matey, a 36" round-elastic shock cord, me hearties, color/design cardstock for top and reinforcin' Strip, shiver me timbers, matey, cardstock for t' nose cone, shock cord anchor, and engine block, ya bilge rat, and finally foam-board, matey, with preprinted patterns for t' nosecone base and t' bottom.


T' instructions are printed on 4 pages o' 8½ x 11" paper. They include black and white photos t' assist in t' buildin' process. Ahoy! T' tools and supplies that are needed are outlined: Scissors, me hearties, #11 Exacto® Knife, Elmer's Glue-All®, me bucko, 5-Minute Epoxy and 220 girt sandpaper. Avast, me proud beauty! You are then warned t' read through t' entire instructions before beginning. Ya scallywag! I agree.

Assembly is described in a logical order and I had no issues buildin' this rocket, matey, me hearties, except one. Be sure you have your two motor tubes before you start. My 18mm tube be slid into me 19mm tube and I never realized that I needed two tubes until I got t' t' steps requirin' t' second tube. I found mine, arrr, ya bilge rat, inside t' other and it is a very good thin' that no glue had gotten on it!

T' instructions have you build t' two sections o' t' Cone UFO. First you cut out t' nose cone from t' cardstock. This is then formed and glued. This is actually an inner support structure verse what we think o' as traditional nose cones. Avast! A unique support method for this paper rocket. Well, blow me down! This nose cone takes all t' ejection abuse. It also provided t' nose weight needed for stability. Once t' cone is formed it is filled t' a described level with 5-minute epoxy. Avast! Aye aye! T' inside is also coated with epoxy t' strengthen it. Then after cuttin' out t' nose cone base from t' 1/4" foam board and usin' JUST t' 19mm tube, t' remainder o' t' nose cone is assembled. Begad! T' shockcord is also attached here betwixt t' 19mm tube and t' foam board base.

T' foam board is cut t' same as on Art Applewhite's other UFO's. Usin' your hobby knife, me bucko, shiver me timbers, me bucko, cut out t' patterns. Cut out t' centers t' make t' motor mount holes and t' launch rod holes. Arrr! Blimey! Then t' most difficult part o' construction; cuttin' t' bevel edge on t' outside edges. This has t' be done twice on this Cone UFO; for t' nose cone base and for t' bottom. Begad! Be sure t' use a new blade and take your time. Ahoy! Doin' those two things makes this a lot easier than it sounds.

T' colored cardstock is then used t' cut out t' cone (body) and t' reinforcin' ring. T' cone body is formed usin' a glue tab. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Then t' nose cone that be initially assembled is installed into t' tip o' t' colored cone body. This really adds strength and t' weight t' t' rocket's nose as well as helps in formin' a nice tip.

T' bottom is simply t' 1/4" foam board with t' 18mm motor mount attached; flush t' t' bottom. Ahoy! T' thrust rin' is added by cuttin' t' long strip from t' cardstock, arrr, matey, rollin' it, and gluin' it into t' motor tube. There are also good instructions t' ensure that you have a nice fit for t' 18mm tube into t' 19mm tube.

Lastly t' shockcord is mounted t' t' bottom usin' t' 3-fold paper method. Avast, me proud beauty! That's it.

Art Applewhite Rockets indicates you may paint t' rocket or at "a minimum you should apply at least two light coats o' clear enamel" t' protect t' rocket. I passed.

Overall, for CONSTRUCTION I would rate this kit 4 ½ points. Begad! Blimey! Because me two tubes were shipped inside each other, shiver me timbers, I could have run into a real problem. Begad! Blimey! Yes, shiver me timbers, thar be a parts picture that shows two tubes, me hearties, me bucko, but I'm sure like many builders, I just dug right into it. Perhaps t' note in step 7 should be expanded t' say, arrr, "if t' 18mm tube is in t' 19mm tube, separate them now". Well, blow me down! Blimey! I'm bein' hypercritical here!


Art Applewhite recommends an A8-3, ya bilge rat, B4-2, B6-2, B6-4, C6-3 or C6-5 for flyin' t' 18mm Cone UFO. Arrr! Begad! T' motors are t' be friction fit into t' motor mount and flush with t' thrust ring. Ya scallywag! T' rocket is expected t' weigh 1 ounce. Begad! Blimey! My rocket weighed 0.9 ounces.

Flight preparation includes slidin' t' 18mm motor mount into t' 19mm nose cone tube. Ya scallywag! Then pushin' t' shockcord into t' rocket, ya bilge rat, opposite side o' t' launch rod holes, me bucko, me hearties, before pushin' t' bottom flush with t' cone tube.

I have flow t' 18mm version 3 times in me front yard. Begad! Yes, this is a nice feature o' these UFO rockets. Ahoy! They can be front (or back) yard rockets since they get very little altitude. Well, blow me down! Begad! I flew mine on an A8-3, then a B6-4, and then an A8-3 again.

DescentAll t' flights were t' stable. They all went straight up, inverted t' start descent and then, shiver me timbers, me hearties, based on t' delay, arrr, popped t' ejection charge. Begad! Well, blow me down! T' A8-3 needs t' be an A8-1 if you were t' eject at apogee. Avast! Also, since you get maybe 50 feet o' altitude on t' A8, t' ejection charge can be quite loud. Well, blow me down! It startled me wife on t' first one!

T' B6-4 could stand a 2 or 3 second delay t' eject at apogee.

My third flight (A8-3) kicked t' motor out at ejection with some force. Avast, me proud beauty! Be sure it is in tight. Blimey! Since t' ejection volume is so little, it has a lot o' pressure, me bucko, and can make that motor a hot, flyin' projectile.

All three flights also demonstrated t' success o' t' tumble recovery system. Avast! I even caught a picture o' it falling!

For FLIGHT/RECOVERY, I would rate this rocket 5 points. Flights are low and slow. Makes it a good demo rocket. You don't need wadding. Begad! Avast! Overall, a unique lookin' and fun flyin' rocket.


I give t' rocket an OVERALL ratin' o' 5 points. Other than me hypercritical comments, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, I see this as a "perfect" rocket for its price, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, instructions, me hearties, assembly and flight characteristics. Avast! I may have t' go purchase a 29mm one for some fun with EconoJets!

Other Reviews
  • Art Applewhite Rockets Cone Rocket 18mm By Blake Eric DeMarcy (August 3, 2008)

    Brief: This is a conical design offered by Art Applewhite. It flies straight as any other rocket. Construction: When I got the kit, it had 2 body tubes. One was 18mm and the other was 19mm. The kit also had 2 sheets of cardstock, a piece of foamboard with pre-printed markings, 36 inches of elastic, and instructions. Construction is covered by the above review. ...



D.S. (August 2, 2003)
HEY, someone beat me to the punch! I built a 24mm cone and will submit a review once I get to a launch. I generally agree with Nick's construction rating, but will deduct a half point because the cone is harder to form that his saucers' shrouds, and I wanted to make a distinction. Now I'm thinking drag race if similarly sized and powered cones, Deltas, and standard saucers could be scraped up.
B.C. (September 29, 2003)
I was going to write a full review, but the EMRR review is so thorough mine would be mostly redundant, so here is a quick mini-review. Construction: This is my second Applewhite cone rocket, so I learned from my mistakes on the first one and did not have much trouble building this one. I absolutely agree with the EMRR review that a sharp knife is critical when cutting the bevels in the foam board. When building the inside nose cone, several parts need to be smeared with 5-minute epoxy and then fit together before it sets. Practice fitting the parts together before mixing any epoxy, because it sets up quicker than you think. I had a little trouble rolling my own thrust ring out of the provided card stock getting it to fit cleanly into the motor mount tube. I ended up using a standard engine block from another kit. Construction: 4.5 Flight: Flights were great, with lots of smoke trapped in the base vortex. Lower and slower than a conventional rocket, but much faster than most saucers. As noted, the ejection is very loud with such a small body to pressurize and ejection occurring so close to the ground. Flights: 5.0 Overall: Great value for the money.

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