Custom Rockets Galileo Probe

Custom Rockets - Galileo Probe {Kit}

Contributed by Lance Souther

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstar_borderstar_borderstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Manufacturer: Custom Rockets

Single stage futuristic rocket.

Rocket PicConstruction:
This rocket comes with one short body tube that is just slightly longer than an 18mm engine. Well, blow me down! It primarily uses 1/8" diameter wooden dowels for fins. Blimey! I say this due t' t' fact that you use small balsa pieces for t' dowels t' lay down on. Begad! Begad! They would be t' small t' act as fins however. Ya scallywag! T' rocket comes with a balsa nose cone.

This is a fairly easy build. Begad! Ahoy! Due t' t' smallness o' it cuttin' t' balsa pieces that t' dowels lay on, it can be a bit tricky. Arrr! If you take your time you will be fine. Aye aye! T' hardest part about this rocket is that you have a cardboard rin' that goes on t' outside o' t' body tube, arrr, which lines up with t' bottom. Avast, me proud beauty! This is so you can roll it around t' main body, shiver me timbers, which is a paper shroud around t' body t' get t' symmetrical shape. I must have held t' shroud together for nearly an hour t' ensure I had t' proper fit (make sure thar be a good TV show on), as I wanted t' ensure it didn't bind up. Blimey! I used Elmer's but should had used carpenters glue as I wouldn't o' had t' hold it as long. Avast, me proud beauty! It came out lookin' fine though. Well, blow me down! Instructions are pretty straightforward. You also have t' drill a 1/4 inch hole near t' top o' t' body tube t' allow t' ejection gases t' release. Ya scallywag! If thar be a "gotcha", this is it. Begad! Make sure t' nose cone is nay goin' t' cover t' hole. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! Mine did and I had t' remove t' cone and cut some o' t' excess off. Blimey! Avast! I would had liked more illustrations in t' instructions too.

Since it is such a small rocket, it is easy t' paint. Avast! I decided t' paint mine mostly yellow as I wanted a brighter color t' make it easier t' find. It came out lookin' rather well. Aye aye! T' decals are small and due t' this are hard t' place, matey, but if you have put on several decals on other rockets, shiver me timbers, matey, then you should be fine.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Only recommended motor I had be t' A8-3. Ahoy! I prepped it and put t' motor t' t' edge o' t' body tube. Avast, me proud beauty! Rocket took off t' rod fine but about 20 feet up took a hard left and flew at about a 60 degree angle. Then at ejection it sounded like a pow and when I recovered t' rocket I saw why. It blew one wood dowel with t' fin completely off. Blimey! All parts recovered. Well, blow me down! Begad! I fixed it back up and flew it again several days later on an A8-3 and t' same thin' happened except this time every wood dowel blew off and two o' t' fins. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! Since t' rocket didn't go very high I be able t' salvage all t' parts. Avast! Ahoy! Once again I put it back together no problem, matey, but if I fly it again, me hearties, it will with a 1/2A. Aye aye! For now it's just a display model.

Recovery is supposed t' be tumble but as you can read above I had no such luck. Avast, me proud beauty! Let's call it t' explosion recovery!

Flight Rating: 2 out o' 5

Nay sure about t' stabilization o' factory issued rocket. Well, blow me down! Might need some nose weight. Avast! I might try gluin' a small washer t' t' base o' t' nose cone. Avast, me proud beauty! O' course it might fly fine with a 1/2A as t' lift off will be slower.

Overall Rating: 3 out o' 5

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