Rocket Vision Chariot

Rocket Vision - Chariot {Kit}

Contributed by R. J. Talley

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: Rocket Vision

T' Chariot is a single stage, shiver me timbers, payload rocket. Avast, me proud beauty! It is one o' Rocket Vision's line o' Rugged Rockets and is specifically designed for mid-range power (E-G). Blimey! T' body tube and payload tubes are o' heavy duty phenolic. T' nose cones (there are faux strap-on boosters) and transition are poly-vinyl. Arrr! T' BP section 8 inches long and has an interior dia. o' 1.86", matey, plenty o' room for eggs, me bucko, altimeters, me bucko, cameras . Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! Blimey! . . Begad! Well, shiver me timbers, blow me down! Blimey! whatever.

T' component specs are as follows:

Finished length... Ya scallywag! 31.125"

Body Tube (BT)
dia. Ahoy! ex. Ya scallywag! Arrr! 1.12", int. Aye aye! .990"
material= phenolic

Payload Bay (PB)
Dia. ext. Arrr! 2.05", int. Ya scallywag! Begad! 1.86"
Material= phenolic

Fins (4)
Material= G10
Thickness= .054"
Root= 3.25"
Span= 3"
Tip= 1.5"
Sweep Length= 3.350
Rocket PicFaux Boosters
Material= phenolic
L= 6.75" (incld. Well, blow me down! NCs)
Dia= ext. Well, blow me down! .945", int. Avast! .8" (20.5mm)

Motor Mount (MMT)
Material= rough cardboard
L= 8"
Dia= ext. Aye aye! .992", ya bilge rat, int. Arrr! Begad! .945" (24mm)

Shock Cord
Material= 1/8" braided Keelhaul®©™

Material= DayGlo Orange ripstop plasticized paper
Dia.= 18" at grommet points
Shroud Lines= 6, 200lb. Begad! Keelhaul®©™
[all connections t' t' 'chute are double thickness and have brass grommets]
'Chute Protector= 9.5"X4" black Nomex with a grommet connection t' t' shock cord

T' three nose cones (one main and two for t' boosters) are made o' white polyvinyl material and are very thick. T' rocket divides at t' base o' t' transition formin' a section consistin' o' t' fins and Body Tube (BT) and another section consistin' o' t' Nose Cone (NC), Transition and Payload Bay (PB).

T' construction is very simple. Aye aye! T' instructions are clear and concise. If greater detail is needed, t' online instructions are ideal. Begad! Here you can get t' step by step color photos that are lackin' from t' packaged instructions. This rocket requires t' use o' epoxy exclusively. No other glue will work. Ya scallywag! T' reader is advised t' use a long cure epoxy for t' best joints. Well, blow me down! I used SIG's two part epoxy that is mixed 2/1. Begad! It sets in about an hour and cures in 24 hrs. Arrr! T' only exception t' t' SIG epoxy was in t' area o' t' Motor Mount (MMT). Here, arrr, me hearties, I used 5min epoxy. Blimey! Blimey! T' stress here is longitudinal and I see no reason for super strength here. Other than that, I think I'd make one change. Avast! I would build a bulk head about three inches into t' base o' t' PB. Aye aye! Then I would NOT glue t' PB t' t' transition. Begad! Instead I would glue t' transition t' t' BT and use t' transition and t' three inch chamber in t' bottom o' t' BP for packin' t' recovery system. Begad! This would allow easier 'chute packing, more certain deployment and a larger 'chute for heavy payloads.

I left this rocket in t' raw. Begad! However, based on me experience with other Rocket Vision kits, sandin' would be minimal and t' finish should go on quite well. I can see only one area o' concern. At t' base, shiver me timbers, where t' false boosters join t' BT, me hearties, me bucko, it is goin' t' be tough t' get paint in thar usin' a rattle can. Arrr! Even worse, me hearties, on t' booster that has t' bottom rod guide attached, shiver me timbers, thar be even less space betwixt t' booster and t' BT. Here, me hearties, you are either goin' t' have t' use a brush or a airbrush.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

It uses several motors. T' first flight be with t' recommended E15-4. Avast, me proud beauty! Well, arrr, blow me down! Lift-off was smooth and t' rocket reached 1200' as measured by two theodolites on 1,000' baselines. Ahoy! Recovery was without a hitch about 400 yards from t' pad in light wind. Avast! I think a larger 'chute will be necessary if any payload is included.

T' second flight was trickier. Aye aye! For this one, shiver me timbers, I took two Estes C-0 boosters and filled t' tops with epoxy. Then I wrapped them in maskin' tape until they fit tightly in t' booster tubes. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! Blimey! For t' sustainer, I used another E15-4. Avast! Aye aye! Blimey! Ignition be facilitated usin' a Vaughn Brothers QuadCon controller. Ya scallywag! Ya scallywag! Blimey! I wired t' E15 t' one switch and t' C-0's t' another. I opened t' switch t' t' E-15 and pushed t' fire button. Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! As it lit, I opened t' second switch t' t' two C's and they lit too. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' rocket moved off t' pad smartly and flew t' just over 1500'. T' C's burned out just after t' E motor. Avast, me proud beauty! Recovery be as before. (Please note that this technique is nay indorsed by Rocket Vision and would nay be allowed at an NARRRRR event.) Modifyin' t' C6-0's alone would cause most RSOs t' DQ you. Begad! Begad! Blimey! In t' end, t' altitude gain be minimal and hardly worth t' risk and trouble. Well, blow me down! My advice is t' forget it.

T' largest motor I have used t' date is an F72-10. Aye aye! This produced an altitude o' 2800'. Avast, me proud beauty! I'd like t' try a G55 but I doubt that I would be able t' see it at t' projected altitude o' 4,300' so I'll hold off on that one.

T' 'chute is a very stiff material that gets stiffer in cold weather. Begad! Do nay prep this rocket until moments before flight. Begad! Ya scallywag! Also, arrr, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, I wouldn't leave t' 'chute stored in t' packed position. Ya scallywag! It most definitely will take a set. T' Nomex chute protector is an iffy thing. Ya scallywag! On t' surface it seems ideal. Ahoy! However, ya bilge rat, in practice it takes up a lot o' space, sometimes hangs up causin' ballistic recoveries and it doesn't always stop t' 'chute from gettin' pin holes. I recommend usin' cellulose insulation. Begad! Ahoy! It is lighter, me hearties, arrr, packs easier and will nay hang up. Begad! Repeated launchings (20 t' date) reveal very little wear and tear on t' components. Arrr! I've had t' re-tie t' knots in t' Keelhaul®©™ a few times but that is because I refuse t' set them with glue.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

This is another excellent product from Rocket Vision. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! T' parts are sturdy, well made and correctly dimensioned. T' design is very good. Begad! It is practical, esthetically pleasin' and flexible. T' generous payload section coupled with a powerful selection o' motors should make this an excellent egg lofter or experimental platform. Begad! My one big criticism is in t' area o' t' launch lugs. They included two sets in me kit; 1/8 inch and 3/16 inch. Well, blow me down! T' 1/8 are too small. Begad! Blimey! This rocket is heavy and long and needs more stability that can be achieved usin' a 1/8 inch rod. Well, blow me down! Avast, me proud beauty! T' 3/16" lugs are t' large in diameter. Avast, me proud beauty! For some reason, matey, RV uses and especially thick polyvinyl tubin' for its lugs. Begad! In t' small diameter it is ok. Arrr! Begad! But in t' larger 3/16 diameter, it is so large that it looks obviously out o' scale on t' Chariot. Arrr! I recommend nay usin' t' lugs and either usin' Estes lugs or better yet, matey, usin' rail buttons and a rail.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

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