Estes Alpha

Estes - Alpha {Kit} (25) [1966-]

Contributed by Joshua Finn

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Published: 2010-02-09
Diameter: 0.98 inches
Length: 12.30 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 1
Style: Sport

Estes classic Alpha is your standard 3FNC LPR model, me hearties, probably in continuous production longer than any other model rocket in history. Aye aye! Aye aye! It is a simple, straightforward build, me hearties, listed as a skill level 2 build. Avast! Compared to the model airplanes I fly, matey, arrr, it's somethin' a newbie could take on as a first project, matey, especially if he or she had a little guidance.

With its wide selection o' motors and quick assembly, arrr, matey, matey, it's a perfect all-around rocket, and t' body tube is large enough t' take up t' a 24" parachute should you feel t' urge t' enter parachute endurance competition.


T' kit consists of:

  • BT-50 Body Tube, arrr, arrr, XX" long
  • PNC-50 blow-molded plastic nose cone
  • Three laser cut balsa fins, 3/32" sheet
  • 18 mm motor tube, 2.75" long
  • 2.75" steel motor retainer
  • BT-20 t' BT-50 fiber motor mount adapter
  • 1/8" white rubber shock cord
  • 12" pre-assembled parachute
  • Self-adhesive decal sheet
  • 2 pages o' instructions

T' Alpha comes in a plastic bag, which seems t' be a returnin' trend in Estes products. It is good t' see that even Wal-Mart is startin' t' again carry higher skill level kits and that balsa fins and t' like are again becoming oft-seem items.

A nice new advance be t' addition o' laser-cut fins (more on that later), which provide better cuts and speed finishing.

I started construction with t' body tube and motor mound, matey, per t' instructions (which I'm nay used t' following, being a model airplane guy who is used t' nay even havin' instructions), and decided t' modify t' model by extendin' the motor tube 3/8" out t' back o' t' body tube t' allow a tail cone t' be built around it. There be a slight dink in t' motor tube, but a quick coatin' o' CA on both ends o' t' tube fixed this imperfection and ensured good wear resistance. Ahoy! Avast! While I was at it, me hearties, I hardened t' nose end o' t' tube with CA t' provide resistance against impacts and mishandling. Aye aye! Total time for assemblin' t' motor tube and installin' it in t' fuselage was less than 5 minutes.

As a bit o' personal whim, I glued bits o' 3/16" balsa around t' exposed end o' t' motor tube and sanded this mess down into a small tail cone. This mod provides a nice effect, but should be considered with caution, as it places the motor 3/8" aft o' t' design location, shiftin' t' CG in t' wrong direction. Aye aye! Ahoy! Before movin' on, ya bilge rat, I hardened the tail cone with CA and sanded t' body tube thoroughly t' minimize t' spirallin' groves in t' body tube.

Fin installation comes next, and t' paper tube markin' guide provides accurate positioning. Well, blow me down! Avast! Some might find it hard t' use, but I had t' marks on in less than 30 seconds. Aye aye! Now it be time t' deal with t' fins, and here I ran into a squawk about t' kit. Begad! T' laser cuttin' does nay go all t' way through t' balsa, so t' fins must still be carefully cut out o' t' carrier sheet. While this is ok, I've come t' expect laser cuttin' t' allow me t' punch t' parts right out. Arrr! Other than this minor issue, t' fin stock be just t' right density, matey, and t' laser cuttin' was clean, ya bilge rat, featuring minimal burn marking. I planed and sanded t' fins t' a streamlined shape, matey, hardened t' tips with CA, matey, and had t' fins all installed very quickly. Arrr! Aye aye! I should add that t' sharp tips are vulnerable in a hard landing, and I chose t' round them slightly. Begad! It's me opinion that sharp tips like these should never be considered if balsa construction is t' be used. I supposed a few bits o' carbon tow would allow me t' retain t' sharp tips, but that wasn't on me agenda. We should also note that t' fin pattern on t' instructions is about 10% smaller than t' supplied fins. Aye aye! I'll take t' larger size, matey, ya bilge rat, thank you. I attached t' fins with CA and used the same for filleting. With those long, arrr, sweepin' fins, a hard landin' could break t' fins loose unless they are firmly mounted. Begad! Aye aye! Blimey! These shouldn't ever come loose with that CA on them.

T' instructions tell you t' mount t' launch lug just ahead o' t' fins exactly betwixt two o' them. A fine practice, arrr, but mountin' it against one o' t' fins eases alignment and reduces drag. Well, blow me down! A further refinement modification was t' slice t' ends o' t' lug at an angle t' further streamline t' lug.

Estes is still usin' rubber shock cords, arrr, which I would prefer they stopped, but that's another story. I went ahead and used t' supplied cord since I have had pretty good success with them in spite o' me dislikes. T' cord was respectably long, but a 50% length increase would be a very wise move. Well, blow me down! T' paper shock cord mount is another beef of mine, me bucko, but they can be made t' be reliable if glued in place very firmly, which I made sure t' do.

It was interestin' t' see that Estes is now supplyin' completely finished parachute kits. Begad! You need only organize the shroud lines and loop them into place on t' nosecone. Begad! T' yellow and black checkerin' on t' chute looks cool and might seem like a high-vis scheme, but I'd prefer a solid color, preferably red, me hearties, as it is visible from a much longer distance than checkering. Avast! Still, it's a respectable chute, me hearties, and t' material looks stronger than what I've seen in the past with Estes kits.

Total assembly time be about an hour and a half, and without me mods and extensive sanding, arrr, me hearties, it could have been cut to 45 minutes.


Great kit, ya bilge rat, good instructions, laser cuttin' is a nice finish.

Laser cuttin' needs improvement, and t' shock cord and attachment could be re-done for better durability and functionality.

T' nose cone has most o' t' flashin' and mould seams removed, matey, ya bilge rat, but I went ahead and sanded it as smooth as possible. T' plastic sands easily t' a good finish.

I gave t' entire rocket a good coat o' Krylon clear t' fill in t' tiny hints o' sandin' marks on t' nose and fill t' wood grain and other undesirable features. T' result was pleasing.

After procrastinatin' a bit, I decided nay t' fly t' model until it was completely finished. Avast! Blimey! Out came t' paint. Begad! Blimey! I gave it several coats o' Krylon satin white, which produced a decent finish, me hearties, but failed t' fill in t' wood grain (will I ever learn t' use sandin' sealer?). Well, blow me down! Blimey! Still, matey, t' result wasn't bad, me hearties, though t' tube spirals remained somewhat visible. I painted t' nosecone in red gloss, me bucko, and nay havin' blue paint on hand, colored one o' t' fins blue by adherin' blue tissue paper t' it with spray adhesive and sealin' t' edges with CA. Aye aye! Blimey! Yup, matey, a trick from model airplanes. Blimey! Blimey! Minimal weight gain, too!

With t' paint dry, I moved on t' decals. Estes apparently supplies self adhesive decals with everythin' now. I'm not a huge fan, but bein' terrible with water slides, shiver me timbers, it's for t' best where I'm concerned. Other than t' fin decals bein' a little oversized, me hearties, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, thar were no issues, and t' decals went on fine. Begad! Blimey! Don't forget though, matey, me hearties, that with self adhesive, shiver me timbers, thar's no second try!

After everythin' was finished, matey, I gave t' whole model a final coat o' Krylon gloss, and oh how it shines! So in conclusion, me only qualm is with t' oversized fin decals. Well, blow me down! Can't fault Estes for t' wood grain thing, shiver me timbers, as that was my fault (the instructions say t' use sandin' sealer).

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Estes recommends a long list o' motors for this rocket. Begad! Blimey! Basically it'll take nearly any 18mm motor you feed it. The instructions say t' use an A8-3 for t' familiarization flight, but I didn't want t' use up all o' mine, so started with a B4-4. Begad! T' launch was straight as an arrow, no weathercockin' despite significant winds. Avast! It probably went 800' up, ya bilge rat, ejectin' just a tad past apogee.

My second flight was on a calmer day, so I used a C6-5. Blimey! Launch was again dead straight, with ejection right at apogee. Ya scallywag! Ya scallywag! I inclined t' rod about 10 degrees t' better center t' rocket on t' field (a good choice as I later saw), arrr, so it would have ejected prior t' apogee had I gone for a straight launch. Avast! This model really gets up thar on a C engine, easily makin' t' predicted 1000+'. Avast, me proud beauty! Well, me bucko, blow me down! A very impressive show!

Recovery was flawless both times. T' little 10" chute is a little marginal on visibility, but let's face it, matey, me bucko, me hearties, t' only way t' improve and still get a safe scuttle rate would be t' make it day-glow red. Ahoy! Blimey! T' decent rate is just right, me bucko, me bucko, though it would need a streamer for small fields. From a C engine, it takes roughly 2 minutes to come back down.

In detail, on t' first flight, with ejection just past apogee, t' model drifted back overhead and be carried to the edge o' t' field. Arrr! Aye aye! No damage from recovery, ya bilge rat, and t' decent be stable, ya bilge rat, with just t' usual rockin' about. Aye aye! Begad! No dents from t' somewhat short shock cord, either, and it did remain in good condition. Well, blow me down! With 5 sheets o' recovery wadding, there was zero scorchin' o' t' chute.

T' second flight be also very good, me hearties, arrr, and I be able t' catch t' model as it descended down. Centerin' the trajectory on t' field be a good idea, me hearties, as it came down just short o' some trees. Ahoy! Descent be very stable, arrr, with almost no rockin' about by t' end o' t' descent. Ahoy! I would say t' chute is just right for this model in standard use, shiver me timbers, and seems very durable. T' rubber shock cord is just fine, ya bilge rat, too, so long as you keep it out o' UV radiation.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

T' Alpha built great other than me minor squawk about t' fins and shock cord and finished out lookin' just fine. Ahoy! Blimey! Weight is respectable, resultin' in a very high performance rocket that is still large enough for easy flight preparation and motor installation/removal.

T' flights are great and stable, me hearties, me bucko, insensitive t' wind. Ya scallywag! Ya scallywag! Recovery system works great, and it will take virtually any engine you can fit inside it. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! There is sufficient room for a 24" chute if you're willin' t' let things get a little tight, so it's usable for competition, shiver me timbers, too.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Estes Alpha By Ted Phipps

    The Alpha has been around a long time. Combining simple construction (skill level 1), good looks, and great flying characteristics, it is considered a classic.  Like most Estes kits, it comes in a plastic bag. Our kit had some pretty poor quality balsa, but some careful work with sandpaper and Elmer's Fill 'n' Finish resulted in a good looking rockets. The instructions and diagrams were ...



P.B. (July 1, 1999)
This rocket is a great rocket. It is easy to build and it flies great. I would recommend a streamer instead of the parachute, or a parachute with a large spill hole.
D.S. (September 1, 2000)
This rocket is the reigning king of model rocketry. It's over 30 years old and still a hot seller. I have contributed a reinforced Alpha to a national project that has survived over 20 launches to date and is still going strong. I love these birds, there's always one ready to take to launches in my stable and a kit on hand too! Do yourself a favor, if you've never built a standard Alpha, go ahead and get one. One of the sweetest flying, most attractive modrocs ever. Very accurate review! My experiences and opinions with Alphas basically mirror Ted's.
J.H. (July 1, 2001)
The Alpha has probably been the best kit I have had. I've been flying for about a year now and it has always done well. It screams off the pad and requires many spotters on a C. I put a B in it and it flew up and over across woods, a creek, more woods and to a highway never to be seen again. It was my first rocket loss. Man that hurt but you must move on. I was thinking about another one but I spent more and got a Redstone. I would highly recommend this kit. Shoot it in a big field with a C and it will impress EVERYONE.
T.J.C. (September 17, 2001)
What can you say about the Estes Alpha? My first rocket back in the late 60's. My son's first rocket in the 90's I have built dozens of them! They last several launches but will drift quite a distance. A smaller chute or spill hole usually leads to broken fins. Will fly on any A-C motor. The Alpha looks like what a rocket should look like a true classic design. Simple ,reliable and fun. Build a hundred of them and paint them every color of the rainbow!
M.B.H. (October 18, 2001)
This was my first rocket. It was an easy build and flies great on As to Cs. I've flown it on all of these. The As and Bs are good for football field flying, while the Cs should be saved for a larger field, such as two football fields side-by-side. This rocket is very nice, and I've made a simple conversion or two since I've gotten into rocketry. This is the sole rocket I got into rocketry, it flies great, looks good, and is easy to build. Not to mention the nice sight of your first rocket lifting off.
A.B. (November 18, 2001)
Great rocket. I used it for a movie this summer on a 1/2 A8- Something or other I got some3 nice flights out of it but on its last flight it had a motor mount separation and also a fin pop so anyway it almost killed one of the people filming. The parachute never opened so I recommend putting only a little bit of recovery wadding. Any way it was a good experience I just last week dusted off that dirt. I rate this rocket an A+. Have fun times flying:)
B.B. (June 2, 2005)
This is the most reliable rocket known to man. I have launched mine 5 times perfectly. My science teacher is going on 40 perfect flights with A, B, or C engines. It's easy to build and perfect every time.
W.C. (June 14, 2009)
The Alpha is a great little rocket. It's a true classic and one merely has to fly it once to see why it's lasted so long. Construction is a breeze and respectably high flights are very possible on the recommended motors. I'd estimate that I got more than 20 flights out of mine before the inside of the tube got so charred that the shock cord mount pulled off. The inside is so sooty that I didn't try to re-adhere it and retired the rocket. I'd recommend this kit to anyone just getting into the hobby.

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