Scratch 3D Mega Daddy (3D MD) Modification

Scratch - 3D Mega Daddy (3D MD) {Scratch}

Contributed by Steve Lindeman

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Published: 2015-08-19
Manufacturer: Scratch


I was playin' around with me Estes 'Big Daddy' one day when I discovered that its NC would fit t' tube that me Aerotech Initiator came packed in. Aye aye! T' decision be then made t' acquire another Big Daddy and build t' 3D Mega Daddy (3D MD).

3D MD 


Only 3 components were used from t' Big Daddy:

  •  Nose Cone
  •  Main Body Tube
  •  Motor Retention Clip


From t' Initiator Starter Set:

  • Just t' 3" x 25.25" packin' tube that t' main body o' t' Initiator came in

T' rest o' t' components were either handmade or came from me stock supplies. They include:

  •  10' 1/4" Elastic cord
  •  36" 12 Strand round pink parachute (24" 6 strand yellow hexagon in photo be before I ran t' sims t' find out what size I needed)
  •  Handmade 3" x 5" tube coupler/baffle
  •  4 - 3/16" x 3" Plywood discs (2 for MM and 2 for baffle)
  •  1 - #8-32 x 1-5/8 in Eye Bolt with nuts
  •  4 - 1/8" Plywood fins
  •  3 - 6" BT-50 tubes
  •  2 Additional Estes 'E' clips
  •  3 - 1/4" Motor Stops (These were cut from a used 'E' motor and nay shown because I already had them installed.)
  •  2 - 1/4" Launch Lugs (handmade and nay shown in 1st photo)




Total construction time for this project took a little over 2 years. Blimey! Blimey! This was t' only Con: and was because I had t' make a decision early in t' build whether t' build a slightly shorter version without t' Big Daddy BT with t' possibility o' only 3 fins as I was goin' t' make this a 3 engine bird. That would make all 3 fin roots t' same length and easier t' glue t' t' MM. Aye aye! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey! But after sleepin' on it for a few weeks (more like a month or two) and t' fact that I didn't want t' have t' cut new slots in t' Aerotech tube, plus I wanted this rocket as big as possible, I finally settled with usin' t' Big Daddy BT and goin' with t' 4 fin configuration. Arrr! Blimey! Full detail o' this build can be found here at


Finishin' be done in me normal fashion. Aye aye! First I went over all spiral grooves with HobbyLite by Hobbico. Aye aye! This has been me goto filler since t' 80's when I be buildin' gas powered balsa airplanes. Ya scallywag! Great stuff t' work with. Rocket be then given t' usual prime, arrr, sand, prime, matey, sand, and main coats. Well, blow me down!  Lastly t' body tube was masked off and t' flames added. Arrr! After that entire rocket was sprayed with Dupli-Color Clear Effex paint to give it that rainbow effect.

No Cons:

3D MD Glamour shot

3D MD Glamour shot

Construction Score: 5


Rocket currently has 3 flights logged. 2 on D12-5's and 1 on E9-4's. Begad! All 3 flights have been picture perfect. Ya scallywag! Avast! Blimey! No Cons: 

3D MD Launch

3D MD Launch - All 3 motors lit


T' main Con: be t' 36" round nylon parachute I'm currently usin' is more than adequate for t' job. Ahoy! Simulator says that I needed a 33" parachute but I'm walkin' further than I like for recovery, shiver me timbers, matey, especially on t' E engines (about 1/2 mile). Blimey! On t' plus side, I'm nay gettin' any major damage from landin' on hard surfaces. I may end up swappin' it out for a smaller 'chute or at least a different style.

3D MD under chute

3D MD under 'chute at Graves Campgrounds M.I.S.

3D MD recovery

3D MD recovery near exit t' camp grounds

Flight Rating: 4


This was an interestin' and very gratifyin' build and I learned a couple new things along t' way. T' homemade baffle I installed seems t' be workin' perfectly as I haven't found any damage t' t' parachute yet. Avast, me proud beauty! Wish I could see how t' aluminum coatin' on t' bottom o' t' baffle is holdin' up.

Would love t' try 3 composite motors like t' 24mm Aerotech F32-6T but besides bein' hard t' get all three composites t' light at once, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, I'm afraid I might lose her unless I can find a much larger launch field and I spent way t' much time buildin' her t' chance it. Begad! Maybe someday if conditions are right and I can afford t' motors (that bein' t' major factor).

Overall Rating: 5
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