Odd'l Rockets CorkScrew

Odd'l Rockets - Corkscrew {Kit}

Contributed by Tom Markel

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Published: 2012-07-04
Manufacturer: Odd'l Rockets
Style: Ring/Tube/Cone Fin


As opposed t' typical 3FNC (Three Fins and a Nose Cone) this is 1FNC (One Fin and a Nose Cone) mini-engine sport rocket.


Overall great components with one exception.

  • BT-5 Body Tube-- Fairly tight tube spirals, me bucko, I used two coats o' primer t' fill
  • BT-5 Plastic Nose Ogive Nose Cone (two piece)
  • BT-80 Rin' Fin--- Also fairly tight tube spirals, filled with Primer
  • Engine Block
  • Short Length o' Keelhaul®©™ shock cord AND
  • Short Length o' GOOD elastic shock cord
  • Marker Card for Reinforcement and Alignment (real plus!)
  • Two Launch Lugs (you need both)
  • Also provided an empty engine casin' for engine block insertion (not pictured)

T' weak spot be t' streamer, arrr, one o' which tore durin' t' build, me hearties, t' other startin' fallin' apart with one launch.


Because I decided t' paint parts before completin' construction, me bucko, I combined construction and painting.

This is a Bruce Levison design. Well, blow me down! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! T' design itself is really cool. Arrr! O' course, me hearties, shiver me timbers, standard wisdom is that t' MINIMUM number o' fins for stability is 3. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! Two fins won't work, arrr, and o' course, matey, one fin would be absurd. Unless, ya bilge rat, o' course, shiver me timbers, it is a RING fin. Ya scallywag! However, me hearties, if you have t' ATTACH t' rin' fin with support struts, me bucko, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, you could argue t' struts are ALSO fins. so TECHNICALLY wouldn't be a one fin rocket. Blimey! So how do you symmetrical attach t' rin' with no struts?

You don't. Ya scallywag! Mr. Levison attached t' rin' t' t' side o' t' rocket. Arrr! Avast, me proud beauty! Looks funky and looks like it shouldn't work, arrr, but it does. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! T' design is stable, ya bilge rat, although it does cause a pronounced "corkscrew" flight pattern, shiver me timbers, hence t' name. Well, blow me down! (Side note, me hearties, discussion with one o' t' designers o' this "kitted" version indicates that t' degree o' "corkscrewing" changes with t' length o' t' rocket, this kitted version is specifically design t' demonstrate t' "corkscrew" flight characteristic. Reference http://modelrocketbuilding.blogspot.com/search/label/Corkscrew.

Enough about t' original design. Ahoy! T' guys that "kitted" this really did their homework on this one. Seriously, this kit goes together EASIER than your basic 3FNC beginner kit. Blimey! For one thing--- NO BALSA. Nothin' t' sand, ya bilge rat, taper, round, ya bilge rat, or otherwise mess with. Arrr! And with t' Reinforcement plate and TWO launch lugs it is a CINCH t' get t' rin' fin on straight (in me opinion EASIER than tryin' t' get 3 fins straight on your typical beginner rocket)

T' combined Keelhaul®©™/elastic shock cord is a nice touch. Begad! This gets attached t' t' engine block. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! T' Keelhaul®©™ presumably provides t' burn resistance. T' elastic provides some shock resistance. Arrr! Ahoy! Also, matey, nay only do they provide you an empty engine casing, matey, but on t' instructions they even have a "quarter inch" mark for you.

I attached t' streamer t' t' elastic cord with tape as instructed. Ahoy! Blimey! Didn't like t' initial position, matey, tried t' loosen t' tape and adjust it. Aye aye! Ya scallywag! Streamer material came apart just tryin' t' adjust t' tape. Well, blow me down! T' kit actually comes as a combo with a "Powered FLIC Profile Shuttle." I cut t' original streamer off, me hearties, and used t' streamer from t' other kit.

T' marker card and t' TWO launch lugs are t' key. Avast, arrr, me proud beauty! For all practical purposes, matey, you CANNOT put t' marker card on wrong (check that, I guess you COULD put it on t' outside. If you do this, arrr, strongly recommend you reconsider rocketry for somethin' more compatible with your mechanical skills--- perhaps stamp collecting. Arrr! This gets glued onto t' inside o' t' BT-80 rin' fin. Avast, me proud beauty! Since it is exactly t' WIDTH (front t' back) o' t' rin' fin, assumin' you cut it out straight all you have t' do is put it on t' inside and line up t' "long sides" with t' edges o' t' rin' fin (very easily done)

T' marker shows you EXACTLY where t' put t' BT-50 body tube (rocket fuselage) and t' launch lugs. 

While t' instructions were clear, me bucko, I modified me approach because I chose a different paint scheme, AND because me scheme would be difficult t' accomplish with maskin' after t' build. Ya scallywag! Well, me hearties, blow me down! So I elected t' paint BEFORE attachin' t' rin' fin t' t' fuselage. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! T' do this however, I had t' mask t' "contact areas" before painting, as gluin' painted surfaces guarantees a very weak joint, arrr, and in this case with only one fin (and that eccentrically places) this joint takes a lot o' stress (which t' kit designers anticipated and accounted for quite well.)

I attached t' markin' guide first, ya bilge rat, me bucko, as per instructions. . Ya scallywag! Note on me pictures, I save original markin' guides whenever possible, arrr, so I copied t' Reinforcement Plate onto a piece o' cardstock.

I decided t' attach t' launch lugs t' t' rin' fin FIRST. Avast! Begad! Because o' t' relative small size o' t' lugs, it is pretty easy t' get them exactly aligned with t' markings. Personally, I think this actually would make t' construction EASIER even if you didn't paint t' parts separately, as in me opinion it is easier t' get these two small lugs in perfect alignment than t' relatively big body tube. Ahoy! Once you have t' lugs in place, t' body tube literally falls into perfect alignment.

At this point, me bucko, I dry-fitted t' BT-5 tube t' t' rin' fin. Begad! Ya scallywag! I marked t' edges o' t' contact points on both t' RingFin/Lug piece and on t' body tube. Blimey! Begad! I then MASKED t' areas o' contact on each piece.

T' tube spirals were pretty tight. Ahoy! Blimey! I also felt me paint scheme would probably camouflage an residual spirals. Ahoy! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! So I used Krylon Primer t' Prime and fill t' spirals. Begad! Blimey! T' true craftsmn may consider fill and finish, but t' tubes are high quality t' begin with and I felt that was overkill.

For a paint scheme, shiver me timbers, matey, I thought I could come up with somethin' a little more excitin' than t' black and white spiral on t' cover picture. Ya scallywag! Arrr! A really cool trick though was t' use o' electrical tape t' create t' tapered Barber Pole spiral. T' tape has enough flexibility that you can get a true tight "spiral" that you can't get with any other tape I know of. Begad! Ya scallywag! And visitin' t' hardware store (great place t' get rocket part ideas) I noticed they had OTHER colors than black. Hmmm...... Ahoy! How about bright yellow? Once I had t' yellow tape, had t' pick a background color. Begad! How about--- PURPLE!

Off t' Hobby Lobby. Arrr! Well, blow me down! Problem. Ya scallywag! Ahoy! T' only cool purple they had was lacquer-based (Testors One Coat Lacquer Purple-Licious.) Wasn't sure how well this would go over t' Krylon Primer. Begad! Did some quick research on Lacquer over Enamel, ya bilge rat, anyway, me hearties, with multiple VERY light coats came out fine.

I like t' hide t' nose cone t' body tube junctions on me rockets. Blimey! T' stock paint scheme instead emphasizes it with t' different color. Begad! Besides, isn't a corkscrew supposed t' taper t' a point?

I put a piece o' black tape on a metal ruler longer than t' yellow tape. Avast! Blimey! Then cut t' long taperin' "Barber Pole" with a hobby knife and another metal ruler. Was able t' pull t' yellow tape piece off t' black tape. Blimey! Blimey! Begad! Blimey!

I put a piece o' tape over t' nose cone t' body tube transition. Begad! Ran t' tape from tip t' tail, arrr, over t' piece o' tape (shield for nose cone edge). I be then able t' cut t' yellow tape over t' transition, matey, remove t' shield, matey, and re-affix t' tape (spiral over nose cone edge).

I mated up t' unmasked ring/kug part and t' Body Tube part. Arrr! Begad! Matched up perfectly as expected. Blimey! Made attachin' t' body tube a snap. I did put a generous "internal fillet" in place as I knew I wouldn't have access t' this area once t' pieces were attached. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! (Heavy Fillet). Wiped away any excess glue. Blimey! Did NOT put a fillet on t' outside. Blimey! Avast, arrr, me proud beauty! (So far, it has held up quite well.)


T' kit recommends 1/2A3-2T and A3-4T engines. Aye aye! Begad! First flight was on an A10-3T because I had a bunch o' these. Avast! While I would like t' describe t' corkscrew on ascent on first flight, shiver me timbers, me bucko, I can't because I didn't see it. Well, blow me down! One moment I was pushin' t' button, a nanosecond later t' rocket was at 150 or 200 feet. Avast! Drifted with winds into a 6-8 foot high cornfield. Aye aye! Fortunately I have some intrepid members o' t' Mid-South Rocket Society who surprisingly smartly found t' rocket! T' (second stock) streamer be pretty torn up (not burned, me bucko, just torn.)

Next flight be on 1/2A3-4T a few weeks later (still didn't get any 1/2A3-2Ts.) Swapped out t' stock streamer for a piece o' pink markin' tape. Avast!

Actually delay at 4 seconds was pretty good, ya bilge rat, had a good corkscrew up t' about 100 feet, and a nice recovery about 75 feet from pad. Arrr!


As mentioned, t' ONLY negative I have on this kit be t' streamer. Avast, me proud beauty! Ahoy! And even though it tore on first flight, shiver me timbers, this model is so light that nose-blow recovery would probably be sufficient. Begad! Given however it is a small model, a brightly colored streamer is helpful nay just in slowin' recovery but also FINDING t' rocket on t' ground.


I am still givin' this rocket a 5. Aye aye! Begad! T' design is cool, ya bilge rat, t' instructions and t' kit (particularly t' Reinforcement Plate and two launch lugs) make this a cinch t' put together, matey, probably while a bit more complicated than 3 fins and a nose cone, actually much EASIER t' actually build as t' guide on t' Reinforcement Plate, when properly used, allow t' parts t' mate up perfectly. Avast! While I am generally nay a fan o' "cute", this rocket really is a cute little bird and it is hard nay t' like it just lookin' at it on t' shelf. Avast! T' CorkScrew flight pattern is fun t' watch, and on t' smaller engine (I think t' 1/2A3-4T is a good choice, ya bilge rat, keeps it in sight, shiver me timbers, allows you t' see t' spiral, arrr, and recovers easily) gives a nice entertainin' flight.

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