FlisKits Stingray

FlisKits - Stingray {Kit} (FR005)

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 0.98 inches
Length: 14.40 inches
Manufacturer: FlisKits
Skill Level: 3
Style: Futuristic/Exotic

This rocket is a 18mm futuristic space fighter usin' parachute recovery system. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! When I became a BAR, ya bilge rat, I found numerous kits that I absolutely HAD t' have. Aye aye! Many o' them came from Fliskits. Blimey! T' problem be I was well aware o' me technical skills and be loathe t' butcher such nice projects. Avast! As a result, shiver me timbers, I spent a lot o' time workin' on simple "level 1 and 2" rockets while starin' wistfully at t' cool designs in t' 3, me hearties, 4 and 5 bins. Well, blow me down! I finally decided t' give one of t' nicer lookin' ones a try and picked t' Fliskits Stingray t' embrace. Ahoy! I figured that most o' those kits look so good, some o' t' reflected glory might rub off on me.

Other reviews have listed t' parts so I will not. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Rest assured, they were all present and o' good quality. Construction begins by markin' t' motor tube and cuttin' a slit for t' retainer clip. T' clip is held in place with maskin' tape and a thrust rin' is inserted. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! Blimey! There are two centerin' rings and each needs t' be modified. T' first one has an 1/8" sector removed t' accommodate t' retainer clip and t' second has a small notch cut in it t' allow the Keelhaul®©™® shock cord t' pass. Both rings are held in place with white glue.

flis_stingray_motormountT' shock cord is attached t' t' motor mount by tyin' a slip knot around the motor tube and then passin' t' thread through t' notch cut above. T' motor mount is then slid into place and glued into t' body tube. It should be noted that this kit is designed so that t' motor mount hangs out a good ways past the end o' t' BT.

Now that t' BT and motor mount were ready, me hearties, I needed t' transfer t' marks for t' fins, me hearties, cannon mounts, me hearties, ya bilge rat, etc. t' the BT. Aye aye! Aye aye! This was done by means o' a wrap around guide and was easily achieved. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! T' lines were marked, identified and extend the length o' t' BT.

Apparently, some o' t' wrap kits provided as accessories for this kit include a wrap for t' body tube. Blimey! Blimey! Mine did not. Ahoy! Blimey! If it had been included, me hearties, it would be at this point that t' instructions would have sent me off t' apply t' wrap to t' BT. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Afterwards, t' builder is instructed t' return t' t' same place in t' instructions and continue from there. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! In me case, arrr, I just got started on t' next step.

flis_stingray_finsbevelledT' next step be t' actually cut balsa. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Except for an old Estes Mosquito, shiver me timbers, this be t' first time I have had t' do this since me return as a BAR. Aye aye! It is probably what made me t' most nervous but it turned out t' nay be too bad. Aye aye! T' kit comes with paper templates that are cut out and then used t' trace a line around t' pristine sheet material provided. Avast, me proud beauty! This was easily achieved but I cannot emphasize t' importance of usin' both a sharp pencil for t' markin' and a sharp knife for t' cutting. Arrr! Blimey! I decided t' cut out all me pieces at once.

When t' pieces were cut, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, I went on t' t' next step where I be instructed t' sand an 1/8" bevel into the leadin' edges o' t' two fins. T' do this, I marked o' t' 1/8 inch and then placed a line o' cellophane tape across the length o' t' fin. Ahoy! Arrr! I did t' same with t' reverse side. Blimey! T' tape was then used t' give me a guide as I was sanding and prevent me from sandin' too far. Aye aye! Well, blow me down!

T' after bulkhead was also assembled at this stage. Blimey! T' template provides for two pieces which are almost mirror images o' each other. Begad! Aye aye! Each o' these pieces needs t' be marked on both sides in terms o' left and right and upper and lower. Avast! Well, blow me down! When t' pieces are cut out, a slight bevel is sanded into t' forward facin' edges in order t' accommodate the body wrap shroud. Begad! Then each o' t' two bulkheads is cut in half t' make a total o' four pieces. Ya scallywag! Ahoy! These pieces are then glued, shiver me timbers, 2 per fin, arrr, t' t' root edges o' t' fins. Alignment is critical so t' template provides a mark for 1/8" in along t' trailin' edge. Avast! This mark must be transferred t' t' bulkhead and then used t' match t' edge o' t' fins.

At this point, thar be another directive t' see special instructions if you are usin' one o' t' wrap kits. I dutifully turned t' t' appropriate instruction and learned that it be time t' seal and paint t' fins before applying the wraps. Ahoy! I did so with Elmer's Fill 'N Seal® and then sprayed t' fins black. Ahoy! Begad! I need only have bothered with t' trailin' edge but I went ahead and painted most of the fins.

When t' paint be dry, t' wraps for t' fins were carefully cut out with a razor knife. Blimey! T' wraps include a scorin' line that aligns along t' bevel on t' leadin' edges which I scored with t' razor knife. Avast! Unfortunately, me hearties, I pressed a little too hard with t' first pass and cut too deeply. That did makin' loadin' it in half a snap, me bucko, though. T' outer edge o' t' fin is then aligned with t' end o' t' wrap and t' whole fin is carefully set into t' crease. T' instructions recommend and I heartily support practicin' this a few time before peelin' t' backin' off o' the wrap. Blimey! Avast! When you think you have it down, ya bilge rat, peel t' backin' and press t' wrap onto t' fin. Avast! T' procedure is then repeated on t' opposite side.

flis_stingray_wingtipsT' wingtips likewise are supposed t' be filled and finished before apply the wraps. Here is where me brain broke down. Bein' lazy, early in t' morning, shiver me timbers, arrr, I hit on t' bright idea o' usin' white glue t' fill t' edges. Aye aye! It be already out and t' Fill 'N Finish be all t' way out in t' garage.

Bad idea. Begad! I suppose it could work eventually but takes too long t' dry, me hearties, t' balsa seems t' drink t' stuff and sandin' is a nightmare. In any event, arrr, instead o' paintin' t' edges black, matey, I opted for paintin' them red for contrast.

Strangely enough, matey, I found that applyin' t' stickers for t' win' tips was more difficult than applyin' t' wraps to t' wings. Aye aye! This be because o' t' shape. Ahoy! T' stickers were easy enough t' cut out; I opted for usin' scissors for this step. I then peel a little bit off t' back and tried t' get t' balsa centered. Avast, me proud beauty! That was more easily said than done. Aye aye! T' balsa I had cut was nay perfect and it shows especially since t' red o' t' balsa contrasts with t' black of t' stickers. T' instructions noted that I might have t' trim t' sticker but I would up with a surplus o' balsa and no trimmin' was needed. Arrr! Avast! When both wingtips were done, ya bilge rat, I sealed t' edges with white glue as per t' instructions.

flis_stingray_rivetholesT' next step returned me t' t' main thread o' t' instructions t' mount the wings t' t' BT. Ya scallywag! In t' interest o' strength, I used a safety pin t' perforate t' root edges o' t' wings and t' BT along t' installation line t' form glue "rivets." Then it was a matter o' test fittin' each win' against the BT. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! It is critically important at this step t' ensure that t' root edge o' t' win' lies flush against t' BT. Arrr! I had to do some sandin' on t' aft bulkhead t' make this happen. Aye aye! Aye aye! When all seemed t' fit right, me hearties, shiver me timbers, I glued on t' left wing. After waitin' a decent amount o' time for t' glue t' set, arrr, I glued on t' right wing.

Since this wrap kit did nay include a body wrap, shiver me timbers, t' instructions indicate it is time t' paint. Blimey! Blimey! Much o' the rearward part o' t' body will be hidden by t' final paper shroud so it be t' front o' t' rocket that is important here. Avast, me proud beauty! I wrapped t' tale in aluminum foil held down with maskin' tape and painted t' rest o' t' BT black.

After a few coats o' black paint, shiver me timbers, arrr, I let t' BT dry and got t' work on me sermon. Ahoy! As a reward for finishin' the sermon without too much rambling, shiver me timbers, arrr, I decided t' spend some late time workin' on t' Stingray. I was pleased with the paint and set about workin' on t' main body shroud.

flis_stingray_shroudT' main body wrap be t' final part o' t' special instructions for the Maelstrom body wrap. Avast, me proud beauty! T' basic Stingray comes with a 2 piece white shroud. Blimey! Begad! T' Maelstrom comes with a one piece, ya bilge rat, arrr, nicely decorated shroud.

Cuttin' out around t' outer edges be nay too onerous. Arrr! I made sure I had a fresh blade and a steel ruler and started t' cut. Ya scallywag! Avast! After it be removed from t' rest o' t' card stock, me bucko, I used t' razor knife t' lightly score t' lines where it will need t' be folded. Then came t' hard part. I had t' cut out t' central oval. Aye aye! Arrr! I took this slowly but was not particularly pleased with me work. I did, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, on average, manage t' cut out too little rather than too much but the curves did nay flow well for me. I never did like cuttin' curves. I managed t' solve part o' t' problem with 220# sandpaper. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! I sanded around t' inner edge until I was more (as opposed t' completely) satisfied with t' result.

When t' shroud was cut out and scored, arrr, I prefolded it and test fitted t' two halves together. I found a few more places where I needed t' even things up but a little sandin' and a little razorin' took care o' that. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! Then it was just a matter o' gluin' t' halves together usin' t' tabs. It didn't look too bad.

Then tragedy struck. Ahoy! Begad! I test fitted t' shroud around t' BT. Well, blow me down! At that point I learned that I had grossly misjudged what would and what would nay be exposed. Begad! Well, shiver me timbers, blow me down! With that, me hearties, arrr, me bucko, I remasked and set out t' repaint t' BT.

When t' repainted BT be ready, arrr, I tried slippin' t' shroud around t' body t' check t' fit. Ahoy! Blimey! I found a few tight places, which were treated with a razor or sandpaper, me bucko, and that I had nay given t' after bulkhead enough o' a chamfer. That was smartly treated with some sandpaper as well. Ya scallywag! When I was happy with t' fit, ya bilge rat, it was time for t' most tedious and, me hearties, arrr, for me, difficult portion o' t' project.

I traced t' outline o' t' shroud on t' BT and then removed t' shroud. Avast! Ahoy! I then applied white glue along the outline and slid t' shroud back into place. A little tuggin' and coaxin' and it was in place. Arrr! T' directions say at this point t' hold everythin' in place so that t' shroud makes full contact with all interfaces until t' glue dries. THAT WAS THE HARD PART FOR ME! Maybe I have failed t' mention me issues with patience...

It be nay all that hard except that I hate waiting. NOTE TO MR. FLIS: I would gladly pay much extra for some sort of jig t' do this for me; t' kids were nay willing. Avast! It was worth it, though.

flis_stingray_gunmountsWhen I could safely let go o' t' body and shroud, I got t' work on t' gun mounts. Arrr! I had previously cut these out and assembly was fairly easy. Ahoy! Avast! T' upright portion is sandwiched betwixt two plates. Blimey! It is held together with white glue and a piece o' sawn toothpick is glued t' t' upright t' be t' gun. When it be together, I found that me precision in cuttin' be better than I expected but nay good enough. Ya scallywag! I used a sanding block t' even things out and then wrapped some sandpaper around t' BT in order t' sand a curve into t' mounts. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! I then applied some sealer and set it aside t' dry. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Unfortunately, t' only photos that came out are without t' toothpicks.

T' wingtips are fairly easy t' attach t' t' wings. T' body wraps provide a cutout place where t' edge o' the fin is t' intersect t' wingtips. Begad! I again used a safety pin t' perforate both balsa surfaces and form glue rivets. Ya scallywag! I then glued t' tips on and checked for straightness and alignment. Ya scallywag! Havin' them in place made a huge difference in the appearance o' t' rocket.

T' launch lug mount was also simple. T' lug is glued t' an angled piece o' balsa. When it has set, a razor is used t' cut t' lug at t' same angle as t' mount.

Since I had a bit more time before bed, shiver me timbers, I decided t' seal t' nosecone. I glued in t' eye screw, arrr, shiver me timbers, painted with Elmer's Fill 'n Finish, and hung it up t' dry.

flis_stingray_gunsfinishedNow was t' time for detail work. Blimey! Blimey! I sealed t' cannon mounts and launch lug, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, sanded them down and primed with white spray. I figured that finishin' them after they were mounted would be a nightmare so I decided t' finish them now. Begad! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! I also decided t' hand paint them.

T' bases for both were painted a Tamiya color called bronze. Well, me hearties, blow me down! When I opened it up, me bucko, shiver me timbers, matey, it was a bit grayer than I had imagined but still serviceable. Arrr! T' launch lug itself as well as t' center supports for t' canon were painted with Tamiya copper. Aye aye! Copper is me favorite metallic shade and I tend t' use it whenever I have an excuse. Begad! T' guns themselves were painted red.

While those were drying, shiver me timbers, I sanded down t' nosecone and used an emory board t' sharpen up t' diameter stepdown. Avast! Aye aye! Blimey! I then primed it with white spray.

Figurin' that betwixt sprayin' t' nosecone and takin' time out t' help t' stepson with some chemistry homework, it was safe t' handle t' little pieces again. I realized that I had made another blunder. Arrr! Back when t' BT had originally been marked, marks were laid down for t' cannon mounts and launch lug. T' black paint had completely obliterated them. Arrr! Wantin' t' do a better job on t' alignment than could be had from me deadlights alone, I printed a sheet with t' alignment wrap. (I always make PDFs o' instructions, matey, me bucko, balsa, templates and such before startin' a build.)I then wrapped t' alignment sheet around t' BT and held it closed with some tape. Well, blow me down! Usin' that and alignin' with t' wings by my deadlights I felt I could come close t' t' "right" place.

I used a razor knife t' nick t' paint 1/2" back from t' front o' t' BT along t' cannon mount lines. Begad! Arrr! I then transferred t' length o' t' mounts t' t' BT with another light nick. A file was then used t' remove t' paint along the lin' o' t' cannon mounts. Arrr! A safety pin be used t' make perforations in both t' t' root edges o' t' mounts and in the BT t' form glue rivets and t' mounts were glued in place.

T' launch lug was similarly attached but I did one more thin' t' make sure it was straight. Begad! I took a short section o' 1/8" rod and used that t' help align t' lug.

flis_stingray_noseconeAfter t' nosecone had been sprayed black, arrr, I decided I wanted t' add a little bit o' contrast. Well, blow me down! I decided t' paint t' part o' t' nose cone that is stepped down, but nay t' part that fits in the BT, t' same colored bronze that I used on t' cannon mounts. Begad! I masked accordingly and painted it by hand. Then it be a simple matter t' cut out t' sticker for t' cockpit and put it in place. It be a bit less simple t' keep it straight and unwrinkled.

Likewise, shiver me timbers, finishin' t' after bulkhead was accomplished by cuttin' out t' sticker and placin' it. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! I recommend that when cuttin' t' hole for t' motor mount, leave a slight bit o' excess material. Avast, me hearties, me proud beauty! Then use a piece o' sandpaper wrapped around your finger t' ream it out flush with t' correct profile. Begad! I found t' t' sticker with t' backing paper is sturdy enough t' handle this and is sure easier than tryin' t' cut a circle. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! That brought t' buildin' t' a close. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey!

  • PROS: interesting, creative
  • CONS: most human beings have too few hands t' adequately handle t' installation o' t' body shroud.

Most o' t' finishin' took place durin' t' build phase and is detailed above. Avast! Aye aye! I did give t' rocket a coatin' of Future® Floor Polish t' toughen it up a bit. Begad! I don't want t' mar this up on landing.

  • PROS: excellent quality peel and sticks; looks great
  • CONS: I would have preferred waterslides

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

I started out wimpy on an A8-3. Ya scallywag! Avast! T' chute be loaded after a bit o' dog barf, t' nose cone was seated and t' motor installed. While I be hookin' up t' leads, shiver me timbers, I enjoyed t' favorable comments from others about t' appearance o' the rocket.

When it was time t' lift off, matey, I pushed t' button and it took right off, me bucko, flyin' straight up. Begad! There was no barrel rollin' at all. Well, blow me down! It did nay fly particularly high but it be high enough t' make me feel "safe". Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! Ejection occurred right on schedule and t' chute deployed just fine. Avast, me proud beauty! It landed without any problem.

For t' second flight, matey, I chose a B6-4. Aye aye! Blimey! Again, ya bilge rat, everythin' went like clockwork. Arrr! T' rocket went up and t' rocket came down. Arrr! Blimey! In between, at about t' right time, me bucko, t' chute came out and slowed t' decent. Avast, me proud beauty! Well, blow me down! Blimey! That be good. Avast, me proud beauty! Unfortunately, RSO duties prevented another flight.

Other Reviews
  • FlisKits Stingray By Kyle Hancock

    Brief: This is a single staged sport rocket with an unusual design. It is classified as a skill level 3. Construction: The components came in a hanging bag-style package with insert art. My particular model was production #45. It contained two sheets of balsa, a single body tube, balsa nose cone w/ eye screw, launch lug, a toothpick for the guns, engine mount hardware (tube, ...

  • FlisKits Stingray By Joe Policy

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J.F. (June 11, 2004)
Thank you for the wonderful reviews. I had heard about the launch lug issue and will be correcting that. This *is* a challenging model to build and I am happy to see that folks are excited by the challenge rather than put off by it. There are many parts that have to be cut, aligned and assembled to create the overall kit and tolerance build up can cause issues, but nothing that a bit of filler can't fix. As for the nose cone with the transition near the end, we didn't call that out as is isn't a part of the assembly and we designed that into the look of the kit. Happy flying!
J.A.L. (February 15, 2009)
Anyone wishing to follow the progress of the Stingray I reviewed, through photos and videos, in terms for construction, flights and repairs is welcome to look here.

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