Blackhawk R&D Aerobee 150A

Blackhawk R&D - Aerobee 150A {Kit}

Contributed by Nick Hills

Manufacturer: Blackhawk R&D
Style: Scale
(by Nick Hills)

Flight PicBrief:
This is a scale high power rocket. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! It's a very nice kit, which was custom made for me by Blackhawk R&D. Avast! Very easy t' deal with and you get what YOU want, and for a VERY good price!

T' quality o' t' rocket was VERY nice. Begad! It used flexible phenolic for tubes, 1/4" 5 ply ply-wood for fins and centerin' rings, arrr, a electronics bay, PML nose cone and LOC motor tubing. I had him leave out recovery hardware since I wanted t' do me own. Avast, me proud beauty! There were no instructions for t' kit, but if you have built a few high or mid power rockets before then its very easy t' build. Arrr! Begad! You do need epoxy, CA, arrr, ya bilge rat, wood glue, matey, etc. Aye aye! Begad! for assembly. Ya scallywag! I used 5 minute for tacking stuff down and 30 minute epoxy for doin' all t' fillets and puttin' stuff together. When this was all built it be one VERY sturdy rocket, I used no fiberglass at all. Since it's unnecessary in me opinion. Avast! Also t' altimeter bay that was included with t' kit be very nice, and it can hold up t' 2 altimeters.

I used Rockets o' T' World t' help with finishing. Begad! It is a pain t' paint as there are 6 different colors, which takes a lot o' time t' mask t' rocket off. But is well worth t' effort because it makes t' rocket look very nice. Other then I did have a problem with me copper paint 'orange peeling', but after some work I got it t' look pretty good.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Flight PicFlight:
I have flown this rocket 4 times since I built it (in August o' 1999), shiver me timbers, the first flight was with a Kosdon 54mm J480 FAST, it really ROCKED! It got up there in a hurry, very fast, straight and loud boost! I used a Olsen M2 altimeter for recovery, arrr, t' 18" drogue chute came out at apogee as planned, then at 550 feet t' main chute charge fired, me hearties, but t' main got tangled. Arrr! It came in for a VERY ruff landin' on t' hard dirt. Arrr! Arrr! But thar was NO damage at all. Aye aye! Avast! T' recorded altitude on that flight was 3837 feet! I have also flown it on a Kosdon 54mm J300 FAST, matey, a Ellis Mountain Works J330 and a Vulcan 38mm I250 Smokey Sam, all for perfect flights and recoveries!

Since I did nay have him include any recovery hardware, matey, I made me own, matey, for shock cord mounts I used a steel cable in both t' booster and payload section, with bungee cord attached t' that with a quick link. For chutes I used a 18" chute for t' drogue and a 48" chute for t' main. Blimey! Which brings the rocket down at t' right speed. Avast, me proud beauty!

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

Overall t' rocket is very nice. Ahoy! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! I do nay recommend a custom kit by him for a first mid or high power rocket. Ahoy! Blimey! But he does offer many kits with directions, recovery hardware, shiver me timbers, etc. with them that would be great for a first kit. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I was very pleased with t' results o' t' rocket, very sturdy and flies very well. Aye aye! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey!

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

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