Art Applewhite Rockets 3-Stage Cluster Cone (Plan)

Art Applewhite Rockets - 3-Stage Cluster Cone {Plan}

Contributed by John Lee

Manufacturer: Art Applewhite Rockets

 (Scratch) 3-stage Cone Cluster

3 stage cone rocket, 3 x 24mm first stage cluster, 18mm second stage, 13mm sustainer, arrr, and aerobrake recovery.

Some time ago, Art Applewhite gave me one o' his 13mm Qubit rocket kits at an Alamo Rocketeers launch. Well, blow me down! It has worked great ever since and while t' "saucers" don't exactly appeal t' me aesthetically, me hearties, they have found their place in me grand scheme o' thin' because t' field I usually fly in is small. That makes clusters and staged rockets problematic...except for this one. It is tailor made for me field.

T' basic material consist o' foamboard, arrr, cardstock and that's about it. I "cheated" and used some BT-50 for t' first stage motor tubes.

This one turned out t' be harder than I expected right from t' beginning. Avast! Aye aye! Art Applewhite provides a .PDF o' t' templates at his website. Avast! Avast! So far, me bucko, me hearties, so good. Avast! When really studyin' t' thin' though, I realized several things. Avast, me proud beauty! First, thar are no instructions. Ya scallywag! Begad! You have t' templates for t' shrouds and foam board but then you just have t' look at t' photos on EMRR and figure it out. Blimey! Second, arrr, shiver me timbers, nay all o' t' drawings in t' PDF are full scale. Blimey! Aye aye! Some are and its just a matter o' printin' them out on t' proper cardstock, arrr, but others are produced at 50%.

(Scratch) 3-stage Cone Cluster I opened t' file in me copy o' Adobe Acrobat Professional with t' plan o' simply printin' t' pages in question out at 200% on me big printer that handles 11" x 17". Begad! That produced two more problems. Acrobat only gives "full size" and "scale t' fit". Begad! I could nay generate 200% pages directly so I fell back on plan B.

Art thoughtfully provides t' radii needed for t' larger shrouds. Blimey! Since I am a lousy manual draftsman, I started an Autocad file and be smartly able t' reproduce t' needed templates in a DWG file. Then it was just a simple matter o' printin' it out. Arrr! Well, arrr, blow me down! That's when I learned o' t' second problem with me approach. T' largest o' t' needed shrouds was just a touch bigger than would fit on 11" x 17". Ya scallywag! Well, shiver me timbers, blow me down! I had t' print it in two parts with some match lines and hope I got it right.

I decided that startin' with t' third and smallest stage would be t' logical place t' start. I was able t' cut out t' shroud, arrr, motor mount, and aft bulkhead without any problem. Begad! T' stock I used was a bit stiff, but I still had little problem formin' t' cone. T' aft bulkhead be a bit more finicky and I decided that it would be best t' make t' motor mount t' makes sure everythin' fit. Avast, me proud beauty! That seemed simple enough. Aye aye! I just had t' roll t' stock for t' mount into a tube, shiver me timbers, and I assumed, glue along t' appropriate line t' form a tube. Avast! Avast! I rolled t' tube and somethin' looked wrong. Arrr! Avast, me proud beauty! When t' lines matched up, matey, t' hole looked too small so I grabbed a spent 13mm casin' and sure enough, don't trust t' match line. With that in mind, I rolled t' motor mount around t' casin' and glued it together. Avast, me proud beauty! Now all I had t' do was wrestle these three components together so that t' launch lug holes lined up. Begad! I managed t' do so...eventually. With that, matey, t' upper stage was done.

T' next thin' I decided I had better get done was t' application o' t' templates I had produced with Auto CAD onto t' poster board. I be nay happy with t' poster board I found at Wal-Mart. It seems much lighter than t' poster board I remember in school. Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! Since I had made t' upper shroud with some glossy paper analogous t' that used in rockets like "T' Point" and "Vulcan", shiver me timbers, I went t' me local paper distributor t' see if I could get it in large sizes. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! I be in luck. Begad! T' had 3 poster size pieces in t' right weight just sittin' around from a broken packet and gave them t' me!

With t' poster board and templates in hand, matey, I joined them together with 3M's 77 adhesive and set it aside t' dry. Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! It be time t' work on t' 2nd stage.

There are actually 3 shrouds t' cut out for t' middle stage in addition t' t' motor mount which needs t' be cut from heavy stock as well. Ahoy! Rememberin' t' problem with t' upper stage, me hearties, I used a spent 18mm casin' t' test t' match line. Begad! In this case, ya bilge rat, it worked perfectly. Begad! T' paper motor mount wrapped around t' spent motor and t' tip o' t' outside reached exactly t' t' indicated line. Avast! Blimey! A little white glue set it up and allowed me t' get t' work on t' body.

T' body consisted o' 3 shrouds. Blimey! Arrr! I will refer t' them as t' outer (the part you see), t' upper (fits in t' interior near t' top) and t' lower (forms an aft bulkhead). Avast, me proud beauty! I cut t' upper and t' lower out with a razor knife without any problem. Avast! T' upper involves no creasin' and was easily formed. Begad! I did t' formin' around t' motor mount t' make sure t' fit was right and then glued t' tab.

T' lower shroud needed t' be creased along 2 arcs. I used a ballpoint pen and pressed down heavily along t' dashed lines. Arrr! I found that after doin' so, t' shroud be easily bent into t' proper position. Arrr! Well, arrr, blow me down! I again formed it around t' motor mount. Begad! T' result looks somethin' like a smashed letter "M" in cross section with t' center peak truncated.

T' outer shroud was cut from t' poster board I had gotten for free because it was too big for tabloid sized paper. Begad! Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I had glued t' template on and allowed it t' dry. Aye aye! Blimey! It cut out easily and be again creased with a ballpoint. Ahoy! Blimey! It too bent into shape easily usin' t' motor mount as a guide. Assemblin' t' 3 shrouds together though was less easy.

My problem be gettin' t' motor mount through all three pieces and then gettin' them t' line up right with t' launch lug holes. Ya scallywag! I used a short piece o' 1/8" rod for alignment along with t' motor mount. Ahoy! I found that fits which had been "good enough" were no longer good enough. Ahoy! T' trouble seemed t' be t' evenness o' t' central core through which t' motor mount was t' slide. Avast! Begad! Some "flashing" was in t' way. Avast, me proud beauty! Ahoy! After an interminable exercise with t' razor knife, matey, I used some 120 grit sandpaper t' smooth things out. Begad! Arrr! After that, shiver me timbers, t' mount slid in much more easily. Ahoy! Then it be a matter o' gettin' everythin' aligned and applyin' t' glue.

T' motor mounts for t' first stage were much like that o' t' second. Well, blow me down! I used a spent 24mm casin' and wrapped t' cardstock around it. Aye aye! Avast, me proud beauty! Like t' 18mm mount, me bucko, me bucko, I found that t' match lines worked perfectly.

T' shroud for t' first stage was also easy. Arrr! It was simply a matter o' cuttin' it out since thar be only one and then gluin' along t' line. Begad! Arrr! Instead o' usin' interior shrouds for support, me bucko, this stage uses foamboard.

T' templates for t' foamboard had already been applied. I used a fresh blade on t' razor and cut around t' outer edge. Begad! T' templates also have a circle markin' t' inner edge. Arrr! T' foam has t' be cut at an angle t' accommodate t' cone shape o' t' rocket. I found that cuttin' along t' outer line as a cylinder worked best. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! When t' outer profile be completely formed, me hearties, I then took t' razor knife and shaved around t' edge t' put in t' proper bevel.

T' upper bulkhead slid into place easily. Well, blow me down! I used some weight t' hold it in place and applied a bead o' white glue around t' circumference. Blimey! When that be dry, ya bilge rat, arrr, I inverted t' stage and put a bead around t' forward edge as well.

T' aft bulkhead cut out just fine but I ran into problems as I be tryin' t' test fit everything. Begad! T' motor tubes were a tight fit, both in t' bulkhead and around t' motors. Avast! I decided at this stage t' substitute 24mm body tubes for t' paper tubes.

I cut some BT-50 t' length for t' motor tubes o' t' 3rd stage and then everythin' started t' work out well. Ya scallywag! Begad! I glued them together in parallel, and when dry, I test fitted them. Avast! Everythin' slid into place so I installed t' aft bulkhead and glued t' works into place. Avast! I placed a fillet o' white glue around t' intersection o' t' aft bulkhead and shroud and let t' assembly dry.

PROs: nay too difficult for a 3-stage cluster

CONs: makin' everythin' keep its shape while workin' with it

I did nay like t' shroud overlap so I decided t' try t' minimize it by usin' Elmer's Fill ‘n' Seal t' fair out t' transitions. I applied t' stuff and then sanded it down. Avast! It did improve things, however, me hearties, I did a rushed job o' it in order t' be ready for a club launch. Blimey! It could have been much better.

Not bein' very original when it comes t' artwork, I painted t' first stage red, t' second stage a brighter red and t' third stage orange. Aye aye! That too could have looked better. It was time t' see how this beast works.

Flight and Recovery:
On Art's advice, I started modestly with just t' 2 stage version. Blimey! Well, arrr, blow me down! I put a C6-0 in t' booster and an A10-PT in t' sustainer. Begad! It be a bit tricky gettin' t' holes aligned on t' launch rod but they were together without any major headache. Even if it had been a major headache, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, all would have been forgiven after t' launch. Arrr! Ya scallywag! It was great.

It went straight up, spinnin' unexpectedly, and then staged perfectly. Begad! Both sections recovered without a scratch. There be just some minor scorchin' on t' bottom o' t' upper stage and that was expected. Now it was time t' try t' full stack!

T' outboard motors were Estes D12-Ps. T' central motor be a D12-0. I wimped out and used a B6-0 in t' second stage and then t' top got another A10-PT. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! It took a little wigglin' t' get everythin' lined up but again be nay too bad. Ya scallywag! Again, ya bilge rat, almost anythin' would have been forgiven after launch.

Upon first pressin' t' button, nothin' happened. Arrr! I waited a little bit and then check things out only t' find that one o' t' clips from me whip was grounded out on t' rod. Begad! I fixed that and tried again.

WHOOOOOOSH! It went off like a dream. Avast, me proud beauty! Well, blow me down! It weathercocked a little bit but everythin' seemed t' work perfectly. Begad! Well, blow me down! I remember bein' bitterly disappointed that I wimped out with t' B6-0 and wishin' that I had used a C6-0 instead but t' B performed as it be supposed t' and they all come down in bounds.

A quick check showed that all motors had ignited. Begad! There was a little bit o' tearin' in t' first stage but that was o' t' paper I had printed t' pattern on. Avast! T' cardstock was unaffected.

PROs: It worked, me bucko, it landed in bounds

CONs: None

PROs: 3-stager able t' be flown from small fields, arrr, cluster able t' be flown from small fields, ya bilge rat, it works

CONs: non-traditional shape, burns up motors quickly

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