Public Missiles Pterodactyl, Jr.

Public Missiles - Pterodactyl, Jr.

Contributed by John Meckley

Manufacturer: Public Missiles
(by John Meckley) 

[Rocket Pic]This is a fairly simple kit t' put together -- basic through-the-wall fin mountin' and single body tube/nose cone construction. This kit has a "piston"-type ejection system and since the body tube is relatively short in relation t' t' forward end o' t' tapered fins, thar's really no opportunity t' use t' "zipperless design" that I favor. Blimey! Aye aye! However, t' piston system works very well. Begad! Since t' fins are G10 fiberglass, sandin' t' edges is quite labor-intensive. Arrr! Also, ya bilge rat, matey, when mounting the motor tube/centerin' ring, ya bilge rat, arrr, you need t' be VERY aware that you position the piston strap (which is epoxied t' t' motor tube) BETWEEN t' fin slots, otherwise you'll have t' sand and sand and sand t' root o' t' fin that's goin' into that slot!!!! You'll have t' add no less than 3 oz. Well, blow me down! Begad! o' nose weight to brin' t' CG forward since t' CP is 30" from t' nose and t' CG is less than 1 caliber (the length o' t' tube diameter... Arrr! 4" in this case) away. Begad! When I flew it, I added Greg's beeper/locator which weighs about 3 oz. and it could have used about 1 or 2 oz. Aye aye! Aye aye! more... Well, blow me down! Ahoy! just a suggestion. Ya scallywag! Otherwise, this kit is big, shiver me timbers, fun and impressive in t' air. Have fun with it, arrr, ya bilge rat, matey, I highly recommend it! :)

Other Reviews
  • Public Missiles Pterodactyl, Jr. By Kerry Garrison

    (by Kerry Garrison courtesy of WildRocketry.Com) Kerry's Ptery From the first time I saw a Pterodactyl Jr. kit, I knew I wanted to build one. My local hobby store owner told me there was a shipment of new PML kits coming in and I wanted to see the kits up close before I bought one. The shipment day arrived and I ran down to the store only to find a fellow member of our rocketry ...



B.O'B. (January 1, 2001)
I can personally attest to the ruggedness of this rocket. On one launch with an I-161, my parachute didn't unfold (my fault). Boy, was it coming down fast! I closed my eyes while my son was carrying it back to the jeep. Damage report: 1 small crack in the epoxy near the trailing edge of one fin (not worth fixing). Another time with the same motor, 3 of the 6 'chute lines pulled from the canopy (not my fault). Damage report: ballast came loose inside nose cone. This rocket is really cool to see fly. Now that I have filled the nose cone with foam and replaced the parachute I have plans of flying on a J-280 at the next launch.
G.B. (February 1, 2001)
Indeed a fine kit, sturdy too: I wanted a little extra oomph and built it with a 54mm MMT. It successfully flew on a J180 and suffered premature separation with a J460 (my fault). The only damage done was a 4" zipper at roughly 600mph! A K1100 might be a little dangerous due to fin flutter - we will see!

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