ARA Press Level One Certification

ARA Press - Level One Certification {Book}

Contributed by Marlin Meyer

Published: 2010-07-25
Manufacturer: ARA Press
(Contributed - by Marlin Meyer - 07/25/10) ARA press Level One Certification

New ARA publication by Tim Quigg. Ahoy! This is a How-To Guide for Level One Certification in NARRRRR or TRA. Ya scallywag! A short but very complete and helpful guide for anyone wantin' t' attain their level 1. 52 pages (includin' table o' contents, arrr, index, arrr, and about t' author) Chapters include:

  • T' Beginning
  • Gettin' Started
  • High Power Rocketry Regulations
  • Joinin' a National Rocketry Organization
  • Findin' a Local Club
  • Certification Process Overview
  • Choosin' and Buildin' Your Certification Rocket
  • Certification Paperwork
  • Rocket Motor Selection
  • Pre-Launch Safety Checklist
  • T' Certification Flight
  • Tips for t' Newly Certified
  • Lookin' Forward

This is nay a book designed t' help you construct t' rocket, but pretty much help you with everythin' else. Aye aye! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty!

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