ARA Press Level One Certification

ARA Press - Level One Certification {Book}

Contributed by Marlin Meyer

Published: 2010-07-25
Manufacturer: ARA Press
(Contributed - by Marlin Meyer - 07/25/10) ARA press Level One Certification

New ARA publication by Tim Quigg. Blimey! This is a How-To Guide for Level One Certification in NARRRRR or TRA. Ya scallywag! A short but very complete and helpful guide for anyone wantin' t' attain their level 1. Aye aye! Arrr! 52 pages (includin' table o' contents, matey, shiver me timbers, index, shiver me timbers, me bucko, and about t' author) Chapters include:

  • T' Beginning
  • Gettin' Started
  • High Power Rocketry Regulations
  • Joinin' a National Rocketry Organization
  • Findin' a Local Club
  • Certification Process Overview
  • Choosin' and Buildin' Your Certification Rocket
  • Certification Paperwork
  • Rocket Motor Selection
  • Pre-Launch Safety Checklist
  • T' Certification Flight
  • Tips for t' Newly Certified
  • Lookin' Forward

This is nay a book designed t' help you construct t' rocket, me hearties, but pretty much help you with everythin' else.

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