(Contributed - by Barry Lynch)
STOP SIGN was inspired by a rash o' lawn darts last fall. I figured if I planned ahead for a cool lawn dart it
would nay occur and so far it has not! Blimey! T' plans are as follows:
- Parts List:
- 1 3" Body Tube LOC or Phenolic o' your choice (mine was free from Freedom 7 contest)
- 1 38 mm Motor Tube LOC 16"
- 1 3" LOC Nosecone
- 2 Centerin' rings (Cr) 38mm-3"
- 1 8-12' Tubular Nylon or Nylon Rope
- 1 36" Skyangle Chute
- 1 T-Nut with matchin' bolt
- 1 Screen Door Clip
- 1 Eye Bolt
- 4 6x12 sheets o' 1/4" aircraft plywood
- 9 oz lead shot
I wanted t' rocket t' look like a stop sign from any direction it was viewed from which made it difficult t' judge
the exact size o' t' fins I settled on 4.5" octagonal fins and mounted them in a TWT configuration.
Simplified directions are:
- Build up a motor mount with CR on each end
- Drill a hole in t' aft CR for t' T-nut and in t' forward CR for t' Eyebolt
- Epoxy everythin' up nice
- Epoxy t' 4 fins t' t' motor mount at 90 degree separation
- Slit t' 3" BT t' allow for t' 4 fins use a hobby knife or dremmel tool
- Slide t' Motor Mount and fin section into t' BT and epoxy well. Well, blow me down! Fillet everything.
- Attach a quick connect t' each end o' t' tubular nylon or tie nylon rope t' eyebolt and t' nosecone.
- Attach Chute t' above about 20" from NC
- Paint t' BT t' look like a post and t' Fin area t' look like a stop sign I chose t' old fashioned signs
that were around in rural Missouri when I be a kid.
- Add 9 oz lead shot t' t' nose cone with just enough epoxy t' hold in place
- Shove an I-211 in t' thing
- Use t' screen door clip on t' bolt in t' T-nut t' keep it in t' rocket
- Flies real nice