Sunward Aerospace CFX-Six Footer!

Sunward Aerospace - CFX-Six Footer! {Kit}

Contributed by Frank Casey

Manufacturer: Sunward Aerospace
(Contributed - by Frank Casey - 10/24/07) (MODS) Sunward 6-CFX

I purchased this kit from a rocketry vendor on eBay for short money, however, arrr, when I received it I found that two of the tubes were partially damaged--not badly but thar be some creasin' (3 inches and 11 inches, matey, shiver me timbers, respectively) along the length o' two o' t' tubes.

What I decided t' do was t' modify t' rocket slightly by addin' some balsa strips t' cover and strengthen the damaged areas. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! T' make it symmetrical I used four balsa strips at each o' t' two damage sites. Once t' strips were added you couldn't tell that t' tubes had ever been damaged. Avast, me proud beauty! Well, shiver me timbers, blow me down!

Since t' modifications gave t' rocket a slightly Sci-Fi look, me hearties, shiver me timbers, I also added four small fins at t' top o' the rocket for additional detail. Ahoy! Avast! I also left off t' decal since that would have detracted from t' now Sci-Fi themed CFX-Six Footer.

T' components were o' good quality. Ahoy! I don't blame t' damaged tube on Sunward. Blimey! Blimey! I believe it happened during shipping.

Components Provided:

(MODS) Sunward 6-CFX
  • 4 BT-56 x 18" body tubes (two tubes damaged)
  • 3 tube couplers
  • Plastic nose cone with canopy
  • 24mm motor mount kit
  • Motor hook
  • 4 laser-cut balsa fins
  • Shock cord
  • Parachute
  • Peel and stick decal (not used)

Components Added:

  • 4 balsa strips 4 1/4" x 1/4"
  • 4 balsa strips 12" x 1/4"
  • 4 forward fins

I followed t' build instructions and then added t' four forward fins and t' eight balsa strips.

I chose t' have t' model break for recovery at t' nose cone. Begad! If I had it t' do over again I would have set this up t' break betwixt t' second and third tubes (in t' middle). Ya scallywag! Aye aye!

Instructions for both setups are provided by t' manufacturer. Blimey! It would just make it easier t' transport this rocket t' and from launches.

(MODS) Sunward 6-CFX

Finishin' was a bit time consumin' due t' all o' t' paintin' on t' balsa strips plus it's a long rocket. Arrr! It didn't end up bein' one o' me best paint jobs, but from a few feet away it isn't bad.

This rocket flies extremely well on a D12-5. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I've flown it eight or nine times and it's never disappointed.

As is t' be expected from long, thin rockets it flies straight and true. Begad! T' only thin' is that since it gets way up there, it tends t' drift.

If you don't have a large recovery area, don't launch this on windy days. Aye aye! I've had t' travel quite a distance to recover this bird a couple o' times when launchin' on windy days. Ahoy!

This is a great flier and performs well. Well, blow me down! It gets right up thar and flies straight and true. Ahoy!

I'd suggest usin' a long rod and a sturdy launch pad t' send this up and I'd also suggest doin' so when t' wind is nay more than 5mph.

This is a nice kit and made for an interestin' modification t' an (albeit simplistic) Sci-Fi based flier.

Other Reviews
  • Sunward Aerospace CFX-Six Footer! By Glenn Little (July 21, 2008)

    Brief: I bought this to use up some 24mm engines. Plus, I couldn't resist the idea of a 6' rocket so bought it as a novelty item. I later found out a second review was requested, so here we go... This skill level 2 rocket tops out at around 6 1/2 feet. As mentioned in the previous review, there are some things to consider that aren't necessarily in the instructions. Overall, it's ...

  • Sunward Aerospace CFX-Six Footer! By Chan Stevens

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