Art Applewhite Rockets Stealth 18mm

Art Applewhite Rockets - Stealth (18mm) {Kit} (18mm)

Contributed by Matthew McFarland

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Length: 3.75 inches
Manufacturer: Art Applewhite Rockets
Art Applewhite 18mm Stealth

This is a cute single stage aerobrake triangular saucer that rotates slowly on ascent and descent

This kit contains t' instructions, two printed sheets o' cardstock and a motor hook.

T' instructions were clear and logical. Begad! T' rocket is quite easy t' build. I built one, me 4 year old built one, matey, shiver me timbers, me hearties, and me 11 year old nephew built one all in under an hour. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! It is true I had t' do t' harder steps like roll t' motor tube for me 4 year old, shiver me timbers, but he was able t' cut it out and hold glue joints. Well, blow me down! The alignment be great and everythin' fit well. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! This is an all paper rocket so caution should be given and heeded concernin' white glue. Use white glue sparingly so you do nay warp t' paper and you will also get a quick drying time. Begad!

You will need a #11 X-Acto knife, scissors, ruler, pen, and white glue. Well, blow me down! Blimey! You will also need a spent 18mm motor casing.

No finishin' is necessary and this kit comes in many colors. Begad! I bought them all. One may paint or decorate t' taste and me son has since put stickers on his. Ya scallywag! I think these little saucers look great and they turn heads on t' flight line.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Art Applewhite 18mm Stealth

This craft uses a motor hook t' hold t' 18mm motors. Ahoy! One o' t' ships had a problem with t' hook as it came loose. Avast, me proud beauty! I simply cut off t' bend and then pulled out t' hook. Avast! T' other flights were done with tape holdin' t' motor. Begad! Ahoy!

T' fly, shiver me timbers, one simply installs a motor, me bucko, slide it on a rod, hook up t' igniter and away she goes. We got nine flights, shiver me timbers, 5 on me nephews, 3 on me sons, and one on mine. We used a Quest A6-4 and Estes A8-3 motors which were nay recommended. Both motors fired t' ejection charge on t' ground which is why they are not recommended. Blimey! Begad! We also used t' recommended Estes B6-0 and C6-0 motors which were great.

I like t' A motors as they do nay go t' high and land close t' t' pad even on windy days. Blimey! T' B and C motors are much more impressive and gain a lot of altitude. Aye aye! I think t' C6-0 is me favorite as it goes t' highest and causes the ship t' spin t' fastest.

Recovery is a snap as it simply aerobrakes back t' ground.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

Art Applewhite 18mm Stealth

This is simple t' build and fly. Begad! If you are flyin' on a small field you will have no recovery problems. I can't think o' any cons.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5


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