True Modeler's Rocket Kits NASA Scout

True Modeler's Rocket Kits - NASA Scout

Contributed by Robert Geer

(Contributed - by Robert Geer)

Rocket PicBrief:
A 1/30 scale model o' t' original NASA test version. Well, me hearties, blow me down! Blimey! test version o' the vehicle. Avast! Blimey!

T' kit has a BT5 balsa nose cone and BT50-BT60 transition three air frame tubes BT60, me hearties, BT50 and BT5. One checker decal. Four (4) centerin' rings, three (3) fins, me bucko, me hearties, shiver me timbers, a really nice 16" nylon parachute and other misc bits.

T' kit went together nicely, ya bilge rat, me bucko, I used Elmers yellow glue and fill-n-finish on the balsa parts. Ahoy! Blimey! This was me first experience with paper transitions the instructions were easy t' follow and t' illustrations were quite clear, arrr, so I had no trouble with them. There be only one step that I had problems with, Step 4G mentions linin' up t' engine hook with reference lines but this kit does nay use a hook, me bucko, a minor matter.

Finishin' was t' hardest part for me, This was me first "Scale" kit and I wanted it t' be best I could make it. Fillin' t' balsa took t' longest and I think thar are a couple spots where t' grain shows. I got t' decal a little crooked but its barely noticeable, me bucko, I wish t' kit came with a water slide instead o' a peel and stick.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Flight prep is pretty much t' same as an Estes kit, 4 squares o' waddin' 3 in the tube one wrapped around t' folded chute. Ahoy! Arrr! Bein' that this model has no motor hook you wrap t' motor with tape till it's snug. Arrr! I've flown t' Scout on all o' t' recommended motors. Blimey! T' B6-4 gives t' best lookin' flight, fairly slow lift-off, me hearties, shiver me timbers, straight flight with reasonable altitude and ejection right at apogee. Blimey! T' C6-5 is also good, me bucko, ya bilge rat, ejectin' at apogee but t' lift-off is too quick to look realistic (also hard t' photograph!) T' A8-3 is one o' t' recommended motors, but I don't recommend it. Ya scallywag! T' flight was too slow and t' altitude was low. Aye aye! Ejection occurred at apogee, matey, but t' chute barely had time t' open before the nose hit t' ground, no damage.

This model uses t' same shock cord most Estes kits. Blimey! T' 16" nylon chute does an excellent job o' slowin' t' rocket and it opens very gently. Blimey! Begad! t' tail cone is showin' a little scorchin' but other than that it's holdin' up very well. Avast!

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

I really enjoyed buildin' this model. Avast, me proud beauty! It requires a bit o' skill, most notably the paper shrouds. Avast! Take your time. Begad! This is a great sport scale model that flies straight and is very impressive on t' pad. Begad! I think they should have included more history o' t' actual vehicle and they should remove t' A8-3 as a recommended motor. Begad! Arrr!

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

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    ( Contributed - by Sven Knudson) Brief: The True Modeler's NASA Scout is a 1/30 sport scale model which represents the initial test version of the vehicle. Construction: The kit comes with a balsa nose cone and transition, four body tubes ranging from BT-5 to BT-60, centering rings, precut basswood fins, a 16 inch nylon parachute, shroud lines, two snap swivels, elastic shock cord, a ...


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