Descon Fantasy Jet

Scratch - Fantasy Jet {Scratch}

Contributed by Chris Taylor Jr.

Manufacturer: Scratch
Fantasy Jet
(Contributed - by Chris Taylor) 

Rocket Pic
This Design be inspired by t' Movie t' Fifth Element
This model is a Kit Bashers Delight for Under $15

Rocket PicThis model is made up o' two Estes kits and some balsa wood. I use one Estes Stingray kit for t' main white body tube. Avast! Begad! Everythin' was used except the fins. Avast, me proud beauty! For t' other two small tubes and "Engines" I used t' top halves o' two Rattler kits. Avast, me proud beauty! T' rest is balsa wood shaped t' desire (3mm stock).

[Rocket Pic]Here you see a detail o' t' body tubes and engine mountin' and you will note that t' win' is BELOW t' mean center o' t' rocket. Aye aye! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! I attached the two body tubes as if they were 2 o' a three-fin rocket and attached the wings t' these. This should counter t' fact that thar are no fins pointing down! Blimey!

I be considerin' makin' this rocket a glider, and still am, but it will likely come in HOT and maybe hot enough t' cause damage I will experiment with this further.

For now it recovers on a Parachute on two shock cords so it comes in LEVEL. I do this for looks and for t' fact that I tend t' use small chutes t' make sure I get t' Rocket back :-) and it will definitely break that tail off it it comes down tail first.

I painted it white.

Flight Report

Flight 01: On a B6-4

Nice. Slightly into t' wind. Well, blow me down! Flight did a 4-point roll before ejection while horizontal at about 250~ feet. Begad! Twin shock cords worked. Avast, me proud beauty! Landed with no damage 15 feet from t' pad.

Flight 02: on a C6-3

Absolutely VERTICAL flight t' about I would guess 600~ feet and a LOT of drift on even thatFlight Pic small 12" chute ! Recovered about 300 meters away.

Flight 03: on a B6-4

This flight was near vertical with a little waggle but straight and stable. Nice recovery about 50 feet from pad. Aye aye! Upon Inspection I discovered t' waggle was caused by a slight cracked vertical tail that wobbled in flight. Easy Fix !

I may make another build o' this rocket and attempt a glider Config!

I flew this rocket twice more at NARAM-40. Ahoy! Both flights were GREAT. Straight up and good recovery. Begad! No damage. Ya scallywag! Here is a picture o' one o' t' flights (Sorry for t' poor picture quality)

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