Binder Design California Kid

Binder Design - California Kid {Kit}

Contributed by Sean Gorman

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Binder Design
Binder Design California Kid

I recently purchased a Binder California Kid rocket so I could obtain me Level 2 certification. It turned out t' be a smart choice. Blimey! I ordered t' kit directly from Mike Fisher at Binder because o' his quick responses t' questions and the $10 discount on t' proper avionics bay if purchased at t' same time as the kit. Well, blow me down! Begad! Nice perk!

T' kit arrived via USPS in perfect condition. Begad! As others have said the packagin' be superb. Every sub-assembly was individually sealed in its own compartmented portion o' t' plastic envelope. Ya scallywag! T' body tubes, fins, arrr, and centerin' rings were o' t' proper thickness and material. Avast, me proud beauty! Fins and centering rings are made o' quality plywood and were accurately dimensioned.

T' instructions booklet be an 11 page document that carries you through the build process fairly smoothly. Aye aye! Several illustrations were provided t' help understand some o' t' more unusual operations. T' artwork be crisp and clear. Avast! Aye aye! Several times t' instructions directed you t' read t' sub-assembly instruction packed with t' sub-assembly components. Ya scallywag! For me this was a minor annoyance, matey, as I like t' read and digest t' entire process several times before beginnin' t' project. Blimey! Ya scallywag! Addin' t' sub-assembly instructions in t' appropriate place o' t' main instructions would have been more efficient from my perspective.

Construction be a piece o' cake, shiver me timbers, arrr, straightforward, and clear. Ahoy! Almost everythin' went as advertised. Avast! A nice feature o' t' main instruction packet was t' checkboxes for each step. Arrr! This kept me on task and focused as t' what should follow what.

An area that resulted in an assembly I be nay completely satisfied with was t' fin can. Well, blow me down! Binder has developed a fin can concept for t' typical non-fin can model. Avast! It is a very nice idea where t' fins are initially tacked t' the 54mm motor mount at t' root only, matey, me bucko, then t' aft portion o' t' body tube is cut away and t' fins and motor mount are removed for further reinforcement.

While buildin' t' fin can, t' instructions failed t' state that when insertin' t' fins through t' body tube slots and after contactin' t' motor mount, t' fins should be slid aft t' contact t' aft centerin' ring. After I installed t' fins through t' body tube, arrr, I slid them forward t' contact the edge o' t' fin slot. Aye aye! My reasonin' was that since I had measured t' forward slot end and found them t' be t' same distance from t' aft end o' t' tube, which be nay t' case for t' aft end o' t' slot, that was t' place t' fins would be best located. T' overall result be that t' forward centerin' ring ended up flush with t' end o' t' motor tube rather than havin' about a ¼" o' t' motor tube extendin' past t' centerin' ring. Begad! A slightly longer motor tube would have been nice as well.

T' fin can concept works well though, and should/could be incorporated into many other designs. One o' t' best features o' t' fin can be t' ability to reinforce t' fins properly t' t' motor tube and centerin' rings. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! No longer do you have t' use some sort o' finger extension t' put epoxy on t' fin/tube junction and hope it's t' right amount in all t' right places!

Binder recommends usin' JB Weld for all o' t' motor retainin' rin' (54mm Slimline style) and aluminum nozzle assembly. I couldn't agree more. Avast! Blimey! It's the stuff t' use when heat is involved. Ahoy! Blimey! Binder also recommends usin' their milled fiber with 30-minute epoxy when attachin' fin t' tube and other high stress joints. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! Please, shiver me timbers, go one step further and use West System or Aeropoxy products. T' quality, strength, and system nature o' these products makes for a better joint with consistent quality throughout t' build. Ya scallywag! Blimey! I chose West 105 resin with 206 slow hardener. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Well, shiver me timbers, blow me down! Blimey! I used #406 filler for t' motor tube/fin joint. Blimey! Blimey! I mixed the filler in t' a consistency o' peanut butter (West guidelines) and placed it on all joints. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Because o' t' consistency, I was able t' complete all joints at the same time. Aye aye! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! T' epoxy mixture didn't run, allowin' for a quicker assembly.

After t' fin can assembly be complete, I slid it back into t' body tube and used #404 filler mix in when I epoxied t' can t' t' body tube. Well, blow me down! After dryin' overnight, arrr, I added fillets t' t' fin/body tube joint again usin' West System with #404 filler. Begad! Those fins are thar t' stay!

T' balance o' t' build was simple and straightforward. Begad! I decided because of time constraints t' build t' apogee deployment version. Ya scallywag! My Level 2 cert day was approachin' fast and havin' never done dual deployment before, I employed the KISS principle. Ya scallywag! Final build weight sans motor be 61oz. Aye aye! Ahoy! Fully loaded with a J420R, arrr, me bucko, it tipped t' scales at 84oz.

I used t' recommended Krylon paint and had me wife assist in t' application of t' vinyl decals. Aye aye! Blimey! T' rocket came t' life with t' finishin' touches completed! Blimey! Nice decals Binder!

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Binder Design California Kid

I finished t' California Kid Friday late in t' evenin' in preparation for my Level 2 Certification flight t' next day. Well, blow me down! T' paint was still dryin' as the decals went on. Aye aye! Begad! Nay too much pressure!

I arrived at Whitakers around 11:30am on Saturday. Arrr! T' weather was cool and breezy and winds were around 10 knots. RockSim said 4590 feet under calm conditions.

First step be t' take t' Level 2 test. Aye aye! With t' test taken and passed all that be left be t' be observed buildin' t' motor, a J420R, and t' safety inspection by t' RSO.

This was t' be me cert flight and t' maiden flight for t' California Kid, and on a J no less! Rocket prep is simple and with a 4" tube, fittin' in 20' o' tubular nylon and t' supplied 36" parachute posed no problems. Ya scallywag! Begad! I added a Nomex® sleeve for t' lower portion o' t' shock cord as well as a Nomex® parachute protector. T' kit included all necessary quicklinks and a very nice ball bearin' swivel for t' parachute.

Since I be goin' t' use a J420R, I needed a 38mm motor adapter. Tape was out o' t' question, so in plannin' for this flight, arrr, me bucko, I had purchased a Slimline 38mm motor adapter tube assembly. Arrr! Arrr! This made t' installation and retention of the motor a no brainer. Begad! Blimey! Safe and simple, a great combination.

Havin' run several RockSim simulations, me hearties, t' recommended delay be just a shade under 12 seconds. This caused me t' get another tool. (I love tools and gadgets!) I used t' new AeroTech Delay Adjustment Tool with me Cesaroni Delay tool and took t' long (14 seconds) delay and removed 2 seconds from it giving me t' requisite 12 seconds.

T' launch pad system at Whitakers was havin' some minor trouble on the high power pads delayin' me launch. We resolved t' problem and by 4:30pm I was finally able t' see if all o' me work, ya bilge rat, Binder's design, and AeroTech's chemistry would come together successfully.

5, shiver me timbers, matey, 4, arrr, 3, ya bilge rat, 2, 1...WOOSH straight up and nearly out o' sight.

At t' top o' t' arc t' chute popped as advertised. Ahoy! Ahoy! 4500+ feet, shiver me timbers, 10 knots of breeze, arrr, shiver me timbers, and a 36" chute means it was goin' t' be a long walk. T' good news: T' field it landed in was recently harvested so it was easy t' find and the rocket be in perfect condition! Level 2 certified!

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

Binder has created a fine kit. Materials, instructions, and design result in a stylish and functional craft that really looks good on t' ground and in the air. Avast, me proud beauty! I purchased t' kit because o' t' looks (Oh, ya bilge rat, that aluminum nozzle assembly!) and I was rewarded with a beautiful flight and a rocket I'll be flyin' for years t' come, t' Flyin' Friar permitting!

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5



C.S.D. (February 22, 2006)
I agree with he reviewer on most aspects of this kit. It was my first HPR kit and found the instructions very detailed and helpful. I did not have any problems with the fins being positioned correctly as everything lined up just right when I followed the instructions. I would highly recommend this kit to any one with building experience.

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