Qmodeling Andromeda

Qmodeling - Andromeda

Contributed by Drake "Doc" Damerau

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Qmodeling
QModeling Andromeda

T' Mrs. Andromeda is a 1.65:1 upscale o' t' classic Estes Andromeda, matey, kit #1273. Blimey! This kit was first introduced in 1975, shiver me timbers, and remained in production until 1982. Avast, me hearties, me proud beauty! Q-Modelin' has taken t' original design, upscaled it, and modernized its construction.


  • Scale: 1.65:1
  • Height: 72.25"
  • Weight: 14.0 oz (with recovery system)
  • Fin Span: 19.68"
  • Crew Compartment Tube Diameter: 1.67"
  • Main Body Tube Diameter: 1.21"
  • Decals:
  • Launch Lug Size: 1/4"
  • Engines: E or F (Recommended F21-6W, me hearties, F24-4 Reloadable)
  • Average Altitudes: 250' E9-4 (No Wind), 600' F24-4, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, 900' F21-6W
  • Multiple Recovery System Build Options
  • Assembly jigs (consistent build quality)
  • Laser Cut Parts
  • Foil lined Engine Mount Tube for long life
  • 30" Octagon, Thin Mil, me hearties, Ripstop Nylon Parachute
  • 9" x 9" Nomex® Chute Protector
  • 9' Keelhaul®©™® Shock Cord
  • Detailed Step-by-Step Instructions

Stop! Blimey! Before you build this kit, me hearties, read t' directions. OK, shiver me timbers, arrr, you've been told that on many occasions, me hearties, me hearties, but this time, you actually need t' do that. Begad! This is because thar are 3 ways t' build it, shiver me timbers, dependin' on how you want t' deployment. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I went with "Option 3". This be t' way I built me 4.16 upscale, arrr, and although I'm sure t' other two deployment options work just fine, me hearties, I have confidence in this method.

T' quality o' t' components is unparalleled. Arrr! Blimey! Every component in this kit be t' highest quality available. Even the wooden dowels are poplar. Aye aye! Blimey! (That's why they have a green tint t' them.) Poplar is a strong, moisture resistant wood that warps less than others. T' tubes are all t' heavy, white, "no-seam" type. Blimey! Blimey! T' coupler tube is extra long and very thick.

T' design o' this kit goes way beyond most kits out there. This kit be engineered, nay just created. Begad! The creativity in t' design and construction is tremendous.

T' jig is unlike anythin' I've ever seen. Avast, me proud beauty! Well, matey, blow me down! It is made from laser cut pressed wood. Begad! T' engineerin' that went into it made buildin' this rocket much easier. Avast, me proud beauty! Without it, arrr, t' skill level on this kit would be two steps higher. This is somethin' I guarantee you won't be able t' brin' yourself t' throw in t' trash when you are done with it.

I only slightly beveled t' fins. Avast! Aye aye! I do this on many o' me rockets t' give them a "beefier" look when streamlinin' is nay a concern. Ya scallywag! Besides, ya bilge rat, a rocket in space doesn't care about drag.

T' paper transition be no trouble, arrr, but I've never liked them. Well, arrr, blow me down! I always prefer a balsa transition because they always look nicer and take no time. I don't think a balsa transition would work here if one chose t' use the "ejection through transition" option. Avast, me proud beauty! Regardless, matey, it's nay a "con" it's just a preference.

T' only modification I made t' t' kit was in t' "antenna mast" area. Arrr! T' build left a notch-like gap here. Blimey! I just took a 3/16" wide scrap o' balsa, glued it in place, me bucko, and sanded it t' match. Begad! See t' picture for the before and after.

QModeling AndromedaQModeling Andromeda

Little else needs t' be said about t' build. Well, blow me down! Avast! It went relatively fast with no problems because o' the easy-to-understand instructions.

As always, arrr, ya bilge rat, I start with two coats o' Rustoleum gray primer with sandin' in betwixt coats. Avast, arrr, me proud beauty! T' manufacturer recommends paintin' it with gloss black. T' original Andromeda was recommended t' be painted flat black, arrr, however, shiver me timbers, decals never adhere well t' flat paint. Well, blow me down! Well, blow me down! I paint all me Andromedas--or is that Andromadae?--with t' Rustoleum satin black. Arrr! Avast! The decals adhere just as good as on gloss paint, me bucko, me bucko, and I think that t' satin finish looks better than gloss. Well, blow me down! Begad! It's a compromise betwixt flat and gloss. I used Testors #1628 gloss enamel for t' inside o' t' pods. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! I left me reactor rings black. T' only original kits showin' them white are t' 1975 and 1976 years o' production with t' blue and white face card. Ya scallywag! Ahoy! All subsequent kits issued were shown painted black, shiver me timbers, and this be t' version I have always scaled.

T' decals went on without trouble. Ahoy! These are t' high quality type that don't need t' be cut out t' t' edge of the color, like t' single sheet type.

T' finished weight o' me build was 14.4 oz. Nay too far from t' listed 14.0 oz. Begad! Blimey! But, I chose nay t' use the 9" x 9" chute protector t' save weight and packin' ease. Arrr! I used dog-barf instead. Well, blow me down! Avast! Blimey! If I had chose option 1 or 2, I may have used t' chute protector.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

I simmed t' kit t' determine an engine t' use. Blimey! Ya scallywag! I do trust t' manufacturer, shiver me timbers, but I wanted t' learn max velocities and such. I chose t' use t' F21-6W, me hearties, me hearties, ya bilge rat, just as they did. Arrr! Begad! My simulations showed a max altitude o' 1075 vs 900 that the manufacturer reports. Begad! Perhaps me higher number was from more coast with a slightly heavier rocket. Ahoy! Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! They say you can use an E9, but me sim shows that t' be dangerous.

Her first flight was at NERRF 4 on t' F21-6W. Begad! T' flight was slightly into t' wind and t' ejection be very close t' apogee. This is a perfect motor for this bird. Arrr! Too bad AeroTech stopped makin' them. Unfortunately, shiver me timbers, I was unable t' get any pictures o' t' flight.

T' chute came out with t' rocket hangin' in midair while it was still pointin' up. Avast! Ya scallywag! T' flight went without incident and no damage was evident. T' descent was just right; nay too slow so it drifts away, nay too fast t' break parts on landing. Aye aye! Begad!

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

I should first point out that everythin' is this paragraph is just me bein' an anal-retentive Andromeda fan. Arrr! The Andromeda has been me favorite ship for over 30 years. Well, blow me down! I have several in me collection from t' Micro Classics version to me 16 foot tall version I built for me level-two certification. That said, you know that I approached this kit with 30 years o' Andromeda experience and a highly critical eye. Aye aye! Aye aye! When I saw that it was finally released, I happily paid the $120 for t' kit. That said, me bucko, me bucko, There were a few things nay scaled properly. Aye aye! T' manufacturer reports havin' an "authentic nose cone", me hearties, but t' nose cone is nay a good match t' t' original profile. Avast! But I doubt most people will notice. Aye aye! Oddly, me hearties, t' correct shape nose cone is depicted throughout t' directions. T' decals were red. Nay good. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! I have several original Estes Andromeda kits both built and in t' package and they are all orange. Begad! Arrr! T' "portal plates" are in t' wrong place. Begad! Well, blow me down! They give you t' decals t' go next t' them, arrr, arrr, but they won't fit where they are and the directions don't show where t' put these decals. Ya scallywag! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! You don't really have much o' a choice if you go with option 2. If you go with option 1 or 3, matey, shiver me timbers, matey, glue them 4½" from t' coupler, 90 degrees from t' "Andromeda" decal. I also had a problem fittin' t' forward decals on t' reactor pods and I have yet t' figure out why.

None o' these nit-picky details are worthy o' takin' from t' review points. Aye aye! Begad! I sure I'm t' only one that would even notice, me hearties, and this is an upscale sport flier and nay supposed t' be an exact replica.

Finally, I wrote this review before I noticed that someone had already done one. Blimey! I thought about changin' my review t' complement t' review that Geoff Givens wrote, but I ended up leavin' them as they were and just addin' this note. Arrr! T' that I'll add: I received me kit after t' instructions had been revised. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I found no problems with them in any way. Blimey! Ya scallywag! T' only thin' that I disagree with Geoff's review is that this kit is just barely a 4 skill level. Ya scallywag! Definitely not a 5. Arrr! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! T' long motor hook was long t' accommodate AeroTech F and Estes E9 motors.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Qmodeling Andromeda By Chan Stevens (November 29, 2008)

    Brief: This is probably going to be considered the flagship bird of Qmodeling's upscale/mega retro series. It's a 1.65 upscale of the Estes classic Andromeda. As noted in the other fine reviews, this is a magnificently engineered design and a sheer pleasure to build and fly. While I will cover some construction detail and pictures, I'd also highly recommend Bob Cox's construction ...

  • Qmodeling Andromeda By Geof Givens (May 3, 2008)

    Brief: The Qmodeling Retro Mega Series Andromeda is one of the most formidable mid-power kits available. This beautiful kit is a 1.65:1 upscale of the Estes Andromeda. QModeling's BT-60 version stands nearly 6 feet tall. The 24mm motor mount is designed for high-thrust APCP motors such as F24-4 or F21-6. Construction: There are over 80 parts and also more than 80 construction ...



T.S. (July 4, 2008)
My only regret so far is that my Andromeda didn't appear to come with a serial #, only that it is a version 3.0 which is a good thing in itself, meaning the glitches had been well worked out. I have not flown my Andromeda yet, 1st launch is planned for NARAM 50 in late July, but the quality of the model is A+++ and construction instructions couldn't be better. The finished model looks awsum. Tom Quinn's customer support responses to questions and concerns is also top notch. I have 2 more Q-modeling kits on order and recommend his rockets to anyone I can. I hope Q-modeling continues to produce more RMS models... I'm sure that I will be a repeat customer.

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