Art Applewhite Rockets Double Helix (18mm)

Art Applewhite Rockets - Double Helix (18mm) {Kit}

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Art Applewhite Rockets
Art Applewhite 18mm Double Helix

Art Applewhite has recently been promotin' a series o' monocopters and, in t' case o' t' Double Helix series, bicopters. Avast, arrr, me proud beauty! T' 18mm version o' t' Double Helix is nay as simple as its 13mm siblin' but neither is it very difficult. Mostly though, they are fun t' watch and fly.

T' kit comes with instructions, a piece o' basswood that must be cut t' dimension, 2 motor tubes, matey, a 1/4" launch lug and a pre-marked body tube. Ya scallywag! All materials were in good condition and o' good quality.

T' body tube, ya bilge rat, arrr, such as it is, is marked by t' simple expedient o' bein' wrapped by a sheet with all o' the relevant locations indicated by polygons o' t' appropriate size.

T' first step in construction is t' cut out t' polygons on t' body tube. Ahoy! Blimey! This is done with an #11 X-Acto knife and t' blade needs t' be a new one. Well, blow me down! T' method recommended in t' instructions and, matey, which worked quite well, me bucko, is to push t' blade in perpendicular along one line o' a polygon, slowly push it in until t' blade completely covers one line segment, arrr, remove t' blade, arrr, and repeat as needed until all sides are cut out.

T' second step is t' cut t' basswood. Blimey! A single strip is provided and from that both wings and t' balance beam. When done, thar was a 4" x 3/4" strip left over that I am sure will come in handy one o' these days.

Art Applewhite 18mm Double HelixArt Applewhite 18mm Double Helix

T' marks were made on t' basswood and then a steel ruler be used t' guide t' X-Acto knife. T' key t' success is to do it slowly, nay pressin' down t' hard on any pass.

After t' wings are cut out, they can only be forced into the BT with some effort and flexin' o' t' tube out o' round. Well, blow me down! T' instructions say t' sand down either side for a distance o' about an inch. This was done by markin' t' limit on t' basswood, layin' a sheet o' sandpaper out on the edge o' t' work area, arrr, and workin' t' fin back and forth.

T' balance beam is supposed t' have a 3/8" hole drilled in its center t' accommodate t' launch lug. Begad! I decided t' go ahead and install t' beam so that I could use t' holes in t' BT t' make sure t' hole in t' beam would align. I had t' do a little trimmin' t' get it t' fit but then it slid into place. Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! I used a ruler t' make sure that each side extended t' same distance.

Art Applewhite 18mm Double HelixArt Applewhite 18mm Double Helix

Before gluing, matey, me hearties, me bucko, I also test fit each o' t' other inserts except for t' launch lug. When needed, I did a little trimmin' and then put everythin' in place. Aye aye! When all was ready, ya bilge rat, I glued it with white glue and applied fillets.

After the glue had dried, I got out t' 3/8" drill bit and made t' penetration through t' balance beam. Aye aye! Blimey! I then slipped in t' lug and glued that as well.

Art Applewhite 18mm Double HelixArt Applewhite 18mm Double Helix

I can be a real dunce sometimes. Most o' t' Helices I have seen have been flown "nekkid" but I like a little paint and t' instruction indicate that is just fine as long as too much is nay used. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! With that in mind, I put the now dried "Black Death" in t' booth and had at it with, me hearties, what else, ya bilge rat, but black. Avast, me proud beauty! Ahoy! About t' time I snapped a photo, me bucko, I realized somethin' was wrong but could nay quite put me finger on it. I went back t' me work desk t' get somethin' done on another project and, voilá, me bucko, thar were t' wings for t' Double Helix starrin' at me: I had forgotten t' install them.

When t' paint had dried enough for me t' mess with t' Helix and I had time, ya bilge rat, arrr, about 2 days, I took out the wings and test fit them. They fit fine but puttin' them in place be much more difficult than it should have been because o' t' paint, especially black paint.

T' BT is marked with black triangles t' serve as alignment marks. Aye aye! You insert t' win' and make sure that the edges lined up with t' points. Well, blow me down! Begad! At least that be t' way it is supposed t' happen. Arrr! With me, t' black paint had obliterated all traces o' 3 o' t' 4 marks. Begad! T' fourth line was barely visible.

I did remember that t' wings are t' be aligned at t' same angle as t' motor tubes. Well, blow me down! That meant that I be able to get t' wings right, I hope, but that I worked much harder at it than I needed t' have done. Blimey! Begad! Bad me.

T' wings were glued in place and filleted. Aye aye! Everythin' was eyeballed into place. Ya scallywag! I hope its good enough and the flight will tell.

With t' wings in place, shiver me timbers, I set up t' Helix and applied a second coat o' paint t' t' body and t' first coat t' the wings. Begad! I am goin' t' leave it at that so as t' nay add too much weight.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Art Applewhite 18mm Double Helix

Flight and Recovery:
I only got one shot at flyin' this one t' first time out. I chose t' use a pair o' C6-0s, prepped t' rocket by formin' a thrust rin' o' maskin' tape around each motor, and loaded it up on t' monocopter pad.

At ignition, me hearties, it started t' spin just like its supposed t' and took off in a slow motion flight accompanied by a buzzin' sound. Well, blow me down! Arrr! T' C6s were a good choice because o' t' duration o' t' burn.

When they had burned out, me hearties, ya bilge rat, t' Double Helix slowed down its revolutions, came t' a stop and then started spinning in t' opposite direction as it auto-rotated down. Arrr! This was by far t' best performance I have gotten out o' any o' the Helices.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

Cool rocket. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! Probably t' best o' t' Applewhite Helices.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Art Applewhite Rockets Double Helix (18mm) By Dick Stafford (June 14, 2008)

    Brief: The Double Helix is another new twist on the monocopter (pun intended)--it has two wings and flies on two motors. In fact, it's more or less two 18mm Helix Monocopters stuck end-to-end. Technically, it's not a monocopter but a bi-copter. Construction: The parts list: 3/32" Basswood sheet 29mm tube Two BT-20 motor mounts ¼" launch lug ...


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