Semroc The Point

Semroc - Point {Kit} (KV-58)

Contributed by Chan Stevens

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Diameter: 3.90 inches
Manufacturer: Semroc
Skill Level: 2
Style: Clone, Odd-Roc

Semroc The Point

T' 1969 Centuri classic has been brought back t' life by Semroc. Begad! Introduced at NARAM-48 as a special commemorative edition, you can now only pick up t' standard version for a bargain $7.50. Ahoy! This odd-roc design features cone stability (although thar are 6 fins used for support), and t' shroud serves as its own parachute.

Parts list includes:

  • Balsa nose cone
  • Laser-cut balsa fins
  • BT-20 motor tube
  • Pre-printed color shroud (heavy/glossy stock)
  • Reinforcement rings
  • Peel 'n' stick decal (1 small shroud)
  • 1/8" launch lug
  • Elastic shock cord

T' instructions are clearly written and well illustrated. Aye aye! Aye aye! Given t' very unusual nature o' this rocket, me hearties, you'd do well t' pay close attention t' them. I've built a number o' paper rockets and boat tails, so I had no problems at all with this and wrapped up t' construction in about an hour. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! After talkin' t' a few club regulars though, arrr, their general opinion (and in many cases recollection o' t' original) is that this would probably nay be a good choice for a first shroud/cone project. Begad! Begad! because o' t' nuances o' formin' and sizin' t' cone properly (plus applyin' a shroud sticker), shiver me timbers, I'd rate this somewhere betwixt a 2 and 3 on a 5-scale for difficulty.

Construction begins with sandin' down t' fins then tackin' them onto t' BT-20 motor tube. Aye aye! Since t' fins are mostly covered by t' shroud, thar's no point in fillin' grains or goin' for a super finish when just a light sandin' will do. Blimey! Blimey! Also, arrr, pay careful attention t' markin' t' fin lines on t' tube. There are two vent holes pre-punched and you don't want t' fins too close t' t' holes. Avast! T' fin guide printed in t' instructions is fine (I cheated and used t' Estes markin' tool and caught t' hole/alignment issue just in time).

You'll bond t' nose cone in place for this guy. Arrr! T' nose cone is mostly exposed so it would be a good candidate for careful sandin' and grain filling.

At this point, ya bilge rat, t' instructions suggest paintin' t' subassembly, which is a heck o' a lot easier than tryin' t' mask and paint after t' shroud is on. T' notes call for paintin' t' lower portion o' t' nose and motor tube white and t' upper nose portion red. Arrr! I looked at t' illustration on t' header card, arrr, which had a red nose, red tube, arrr, and black fins and thought that looked like a better idea. Arrr! Avast! Since thar's a sticker t' decorate most o' t' nose, shiver me timbers, I painted t' whole subassembly red, then hand painted t' upper portion o' t' fins gloss black. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! No masking, me bucko, shiver me timbers, me bucko, nice and easy.

With t' subassembly done, you now move on t' t' shroud. Well, blow me down! Shroud construction is straightforward: cut it out, roll it gently t' form it while bein' careful nay t' wrinkle it, and then glue it usin' an overlap tab. Aye aye! It always drives me nuts that when shroud patterns are printed, thar are no notes whether you should cut inside, outside, or on t' line. Ya scallywag! That might seem like a minor trivial matter, matey, but in this case t' distinction has two very important impacts: it affects t' finished appearance (either you get a thick black seam line or you don't) and it also affects t' fit. Begad! For this kit, shiver me timbers, me strong recommendation is t' cut t' shroud patterns out just inside t' black markin' lines.

To avoid an obvious seam on shrouds rather than glue usin' t' overlap/glue tab, me bucko, cut t' tab off--or better yet, cut a slightly wider one from spare stock. Ya scallywag! Mark a line down t' center o' t' strip, then glue one end o' t' shroud t' t' tab lined up on t' centerline. Begad! After this has dried, glue t' other edge buttin' up against t' first edge. Well, blow me down! This way t' two seams are even, nay one raised over t' other.

T' base o' t' cone needs a little structural help t' handle t' thrust forces. Avast! This comes in t' form o' a cardstock stiffener rin' assembly. Blimey! This is sort o' like a centerin' rin' glued t' a coupler, arrr, both parts made from cardstock. There are also a couple o' notched cutouts you need t' make for attachin' t' shock cord.

To wrap up construction, simply put a little glue on t' fins and slide t' cone over t' nose cone until it fits snugly over t' fin braces. Avast! Begad! I'd suggest white glue, as it doesn't shrink or discolor.

T' main cone/shroud is preprinted in color. Avast! I've got t' say, t' quality o' t' color and printin' be outstanding! I'll bet they could print these out for a third o' what they're payin' now, me hearties, but I've got t' say t' look and feel was amazing. Ya scallywag! It was t' best I've seen in any cardstock/paper reproduction.

There's really no "finishing" t' this other than t' subassembly painting. There is though, one little tricky decal t' apply. There's a preprinted peel 'n' stick shroud pattern designed t' wrap around t' lower portion o' t' nose cone. Avast, me proud beauty! It's challengin' t' get t' fit and alignment just right, especially since it's very tacky and doesn't lend itself t' peelin' off and reworking. Avast, me proud beauty! I must have gone a little heavy on t' paint, as me pattern had t' sit up about 1/32" forward o' t' nose/tube seam.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

There are lots o' warnings about this being, at best, shiver me timbers, marginally stable. Arrr! T' instructions warn t' use a B4-2 or B6-2 for first flight and suggest that a C6-3 may be too long a delay and/or unstable. It is also suggested t' fly on a calm day.

What t' heck... Arrr! This is an inexpensive, mostly paper rocket, so I had no qualms tryin' it out on a fairly breezy (10-12 mph) day. Ya scallywag! Ya scallywag! Blimey! I did at least cautiously go for a B4-2 though and waited until t' crowd o' 50-60 cub scouts and parents had left t' field.

T' flight prep is a bit different for this rocket. Arrr! T' shock cord is anchored t' t' bottom o' t' cone and on t' other end you attach a plastic ring. Ahoy! Well, blow me down! T' plastic rin' goes over t' back end o' t' motor (tapin' it on is a good idea). T' idea is that at ejection, t' motor kicks out and flops around underneath t' descendin' rocket. It acts as tail weight t' keep t' cone oriented fat-end down so t' cone serves as a chute o' sorts.

Make sure you also note t' tip in t' instructions t' use a clothes pin or tape t' start this about a foot up on t' rod, well away from t' blast deflector. Ahoy! You definitely don't want flames kickin' back up and ignitin' t' cone as it takes off.

Despite t' heavy wind, arrr, me Point flew perfectly straight and made a very amusin' whooshin' noise as it chugged t' about 150 feet. Begad! No stability problems whatsoever.

T' motor kicked as intended, however, I think t' wind was a little much and t' descent was almost sideways with t' nose pointin' downwind as it tumbled gently down. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! Despite its cone shape, t' 2 second delay be a bit late and ejection came as it had already turned over.

I recovered everythin' just fine and it will survive for another flight. Begad! I did notice one slight burn mark, shiver me timbers, so I am nay sure how many flights I'll get out o' this.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

PROs: Very cool design that certainly triggered a lot o' nostalgic comments from t' older flyers in me club (I be only 4 when it first came out). Begad! Ahoy! It flies fine and is a quick, easy build. Ya scallywag! Arrr! T' kit has exceptional printin' quality.

CONs: It's probably nay a rugged, shiver me timbers, durable flyer.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5



R.H.H. (August 17, 2006)
I've got to disagree that it won't be a durable flyer. My original Centuri Point had dozens of flights on it and the only thing that ever broke was the shock cord. After that, I flew it and just let the motor eject. The cone shape slowed it down enough that it landed with no damage. I liked it because I could fly it in the back yard without danger of losing it. I happened to mention at a family gathering that I wondered what ever happened to it and my brother told me that he took it and flew it often in the back yard.
M.J.M. (August 21, 2006)
Chan's review is dead-on. As always, the quality of Semroc's parts is outstanding. I agree that this is a bit more than the Skill Level 1 advertised -- probably more like a 2.
D.W.M. (August 23, 2006)
I have the original Centuri Point, built in 1970 and still on active flight status today. I've flown mine several times (recently) with the C6-3; flies stable but the extra 5 N/S impulse will cause the cardstock airframe to nearly buckle under the aerodynamic forces during acceleration. After that last C6-3 flight, I'd figured I'll just let it fly with the B4-2 or B6-2 for now on (until I get the SEMROC kit, then I can finally retire the Centuri kit after 36 years of faithful service!). Oh yes, The Point has been excellent for use in the Open Spot Landing event at NAR Sanctioned contests (and draws good attention!).
B.W.P. (January 27, 2007)
My first buying/building experience with Semroc is 100% positive. I fully concur with the high rating the review gave The Point. As this was my (and my son's) first paper shroud rocket, I would rate it as a solid skill level 3 due to the precise shroud work required. Semroc, with their superb product, clear instructions, made in USA product, and quick shipping has earned my repeat business.

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