Modification Prowler (Cluster Modification) Modification

Estes - Prowler {Kit} (2156)

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Diameter: 1.64 inches
Length: 40.50 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 1


I picked up an Estes Prowler after seein' how well a very badly built example performed at me son's space camp over t' summer. Arrr! Despite bein' indifferently built with plastic model glue, havin' t' wiggly fins stabilized with maskin' tape, shiver me timbers, and flown unpainted, t' Prowler impressed t' crowd with an excellent flight (and miracle recovery considerin' t' poor construction. Ahoy! T' recovery system and engine mount both blew out o' t' rocket at ejection.) I decided that anythin' that could perform like that Prowler did despite it's many handicaps was definitely a rocket that I needed t' further investigate. Avast! Besides, me hearties, even unpainted it looked good and I could see a lot o' potential in t' design. I bought one t' next day, but passed on t' model glue.


Switched t' Prowler from a single 18mm powered rocket t' a clustered 3 x 18mm rocket


  • 3 - 12" BT-60 body tubes
  • PNC-60NA nose cone
  • 3 - 2.75" BT-20 engine tubes
  • 3 - engine blocks
  • 36" Keelhaul®©™® shock cord
  • 36" 1/4" sewin' elastic shock cord
  • 3/32" balsa fin stock
  • 2 - BT-60 tube connectors
  • 2 - 1" x 1/8" launch lugs
  • 12" nylon parachute
  • Decal

I started this project at about t' same time that I received a three engine clip whip in t' mail from Thrustline Aerospace, so it was natural that I viewed every BT-60 based kit as a potential cluster candidate. Arrr! I built a three 18mm cluster mount usin' t' Astron Cobra directions, (with t' exception o' gluin' me Keelhaul®©™into t' space in t' middle o' t' three engine tubes,) and decided on a method t' seal t' three passageways betwixt t' cluster tubes and t' main body tube. Arrr! Begad! I decided t' glue a CR-5060 centerin' rin' t' t' top o' t' mount t' act as both an alignment guide and ejection gas seal. Begad! I glued it securely t' t' tops o' t' engine blocks, me bucko, takin' care t' seal every possible spot where t' gases might escape. Avast! When this was dry I carefully snipped away t' parts o' t' rings that partially covered t' tops o' t' motor tubes.








Because t' Prowler was designed with "through t' wall" (TTW) fin mounting, I had t' take a little extra care when gluin' t' cluster mount into place. Since t' TTW tabs would slip betwixt t' outside o' t' joined motor tubes, arrr, I needed t' sand t' edges o' t' tabs down somewhat. Avast, me proud beauty! I sanded all three fins and matched each one up with a particular slot, arrr, then numbered t' fin, t' slot and t' space betwixt t' motor tubes t' keep me alignment as close t' perfect as possible. T' system worked well. Well, blow me down! When I slid t' motor mount into place, shiver me timbers, me hearties, I dry fitted each o' t' fins so that t' alignment would be as close as possible t' centered. Ahoy! After t' mount had dried, matey, I pulled t' fins out, me bucko, spread some glue down betwixt t' tubes, and mounted t' fins for real. Ya scallywag! When they dried I had a very solid engine mount/fin combination, me bucko, and me last steps were puttin' a small amount o' glue soaked Estes recovery waddin' into t' passageways at t' bottom o' t' engine mount, matey, just in case, me hearties, and solidly gluin' t' CR-5060 centerin' rin' from above before permanently connectin' t' two lengths o' BT-60. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! From this point t' rocket be flight worthy in no time.


T' suggested color for t' Prowler was dark blue, but I found a deep burgundy paint that I thought would look really cool with t' Prowler's glow in t' dark decal. Aye aye! I made t' standard preparations t' paint t' rocket, sandin' all surfaces smooth after several coats o' thinned Elmer's Fill N Finish, but a launch beckoned before I had t' chance t' even get t' rocket primed, hence t' lack o' pictures o' t' finished rocket.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5


As you may have guessed, ya bilge rat, t' Prowler made but one flight durin' it's brief stay in me fleet, me bucko, but it was a memorable one. Avast! Blimey! Although nay me first cluster, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, it was t' sleekest from a design standpoint, and this really showed in it's performance. Aye aye! Roarin' off t' pad into a clear, matey, calm, ya bilge rat, late afternoon sky with all three C6-5's aflame, me hearties, t' Prowler looked t' be havin' a textbook flight. Avast! At ejection it was just a dot, ya bilge rat, but neither I nor me spotters noticed anythin' amiss with t' exception o' an excessive amount o' drift. Chalkin' it up t' a rogue thermal, I stomped off into t' heavy, me bucko, arrr, late summer growth in search o' it. A half hour later, I be disgusted and seriously considerin' givin' up when I caught a flash o' neon yellow as I did one o' t' 360 degree spins that I did every 100 feet or so. Ya scallywag! Avast! Legs cramping, arrr, matey, arrr, jeans covered in burrs and spider webs, and patience gone, ya bilge rat, I crashed through t' underbrush t' t' parachute, only t' find that t' nose cone, shock cord and Keelhaul®©™® thread were still attached t' t' chute. Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' body tube that I had sweated over was nowhere t' be found. Ya scallywag! Blimey! I searched without enthusiasm for a few more minutes, then gave up and returned t' t' range head. Aye aye! Blimey! Back thar I found everyone packin' up t' go, me bucko, but all present were surprised that t' separation had occurred without any o' us noticin' it. Ahoy! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! After breakin' down t' range, me son and I met me wife and daughter at a nearby pizza place, and all through t' meal t' loss o' t' Prowler stayed stuck in me craw. Arrr! Blimey! It be really buggin' me, and I mentioned it t' me wife. Begad! Blimey! "Why don't you buy another one?" she suggested. Ya scallywag! Blimey! I knew I married her for somethin' other than her good looks. I actually hadn't thought o' that, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, and stopped at t' toy store on t' way home. I got t' last Prowler on t' rack, ya bilge rat, and as it turned out, arrr, matey, t' last one that would be on t' rack as Estes discontinued it.


Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5


T' Prowler turned out t' be a great looking, arrr, impressive performin' rocket when equipped with t' clustered engine mount. Arrr! Plenty o' smoke, fire and altitude.


  • Through t' wall fins on an Estes rocket!
  • Sleek good looks.
  • Ease o' clusterability.


  • Nothin' t' stop t' parachute from droppin' deep into t' body tube.
  • Need t' figure out a more secure way t' mount t' Keelhaul®©™cord for t' shock cord.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

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