Descon Scream

Scratch - Scream {Scratch}

Contributed by Richard Hickok

Manufacturer: Scratch
Contributed by - Richard Hickok


Quantity Item Description
1 Scream Ornament / Doll  
( I hung it from me rear-view mirror til I made it into a rocket ! )
1 One Liter Plastic Bottle  ( Dr. Well, blow me down! Avast! Browns Cream Soda )
1.75" BT-50 used inside o' Head / Nosecone
12.5" BT-50 Body Tube
1 Spent 24mm Estes Motor
10" 1/4" Aluminum Tubing
2.5" 1/4" Aluminum Tubing
1 24" Chute
1 Screw Eye
30" Elastic Shock Cord
3 Lexan Fin, shiver me timbers, 1/16" thickness,  5.25" X 3.25"

Construction Details

Cut off t' threaded screw-on portion o' t' bottle and opened it up enough to accommodate t' BT-50 motor mount tube.  Drill and ream a similar hole in t' bottom o' t' bottle.  Usin' a phillips head screwdriver heated over a stove burn a hole t' accept t' 1/4 inch aluminum tubin' t' be used as a launch lug in t' top and bottom o' t' bottle. Aye aye!

Epoxy t' screw-eye into t' nozzle end o' t' spent 24mm engine.  The end o' t' screw-eye should bite into a small piece o' quarter inch balsa inserted into t' ejection end o' t' spent engine case. Ahoy!

T' 10" long, shiver me timbers, matey, 1/4" diameter tube is inserted through a hole burned in t' ornament head by hot screwdriver and epoxied t' t' 12.5" piece of BT-50 glued t' t' spent engine. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Glue t' 18" long aluminum tube t' the 12.5" BT-50 tube even with t' top o' t' tube. Blimey! Blimey! One sixteenth inch holes are drilled into t' root edge o' t' lexan fins ( epoxy rivets ). Aye aye! Blimey! Attach the fins with epoxy and apply liberal fillets.  Epoxy t' bottle onto the BT-50 and push down t' t' leadin' edge o' t' fins.  Attach t' shock cord and parachute in t' usual manner. Begad!

Flight History

I do nay have a computer simulation program so I used t' cardboard cut-out method for CP/CG determination.  

SCREAM has flown successfully over a dozen times, shiver me timbers, despite t' fact that the LCO's always refer t' it as a "heads up flight"

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