Descon Fur-Lined Cold Weather Rocket

Scratch - Fur-Lined Cold Weather Rocket {Scratch}

Contributed by Richard Hickok

Manufacturer: Scratch
Contributed by - Richard Hickok

Fur-Lined Cold Weather Rocket


Item Description

1 Heavy Nap 9" Paint Roller
1 Plastic Easter Egg
1 Balsa standoff block for launch lug
1.25" 3/16 inch aluminum tube for launch lug
1 5.25" length o' BT-20
1 Robitussin Cap
3 Balsa Fins


This rocket was made from a heavy-nap 9" paint roller.  Add a 2.25" diameter plastic Easter Egg half as t' nosecone.  A Robitussin measurin' cup was glued with contact cement into t' nose cone as a shoulder.  A 5.5" BT-20 body tube is centered by through t' wall balsa fins and a forward (custom diameter) centerin' ring.  T' launch lug is 1.25" o' aluminum tube on a 1/2 inch balsa standoff.

T' cardboard cutout method was used for CG/CP determination and clay was added as nose weight. Well, blow me down! Two small holes were drilled into t' bottom o' the Robitussin cup bottom t' attach t' shock cord and chute.

Flight Log

T' "fur lined cold weather rocket" has flown successfully over a dozen times and is a real crowd pleaser.

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