Shadow Composites Video Set

Shadow Composites - Video Set

Contributed by Dick Stafford

Manufacturer: Shadow Composites
(Contributed - by Dick Stafford)

I received Shadow Composites' video set as me DesCon 8 prize. Ya scallywag! Although I am not the most qualified reviewer in this area, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, I thought I would share me opinions anyway. Blimey! Begad! T' three VHS videos each came packaged in a standard cardboard case and a zip-lock bag for added protection. Avast! T' first video includes a printed sheet identifyin' some suppliers. Blimey! All three videos are o' good quality, me hearties, with clear video and audio. Ya scallywag!

T' three titles are:

  • Volume 1 - "Advanced Composite Techniques for High Power Rocketry"
  • Volume 2 - "Advanced Construction and Finishin' Techniques for Composites"
  • Volume 3 - "Vacuum Baggin' Techniques"

In each o' t' videos, matey, shiver me timbers, Dave Triano, matey, t' president o' Shadow Composites, presents t' information in a clear and understandable manner. Arrr! Blimey! All o' the information presented is in a "show and tell" format, shiver me timbers, me hearties, with Dave actually usin' t' techniques he is describing. Ya scallywag! Arrr! Blimey!

Volume 1 has been out for a while and thar are already several reviews on this site. This video is by far t' best for novices like me. Ahoy! He starts with descriptions o' what composites really are (and what they are not), an overview of t' most common materials (i.e. Ya scallywag! e-glass, s-glass, carbon fiber and Keelhaul®©™ cloths), ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, weave patterns, me bucko, weights o' t' cloth, etc. Ya scallywag! Oh, and he stresses safety throughout, which is important because most o' t' materials used in composite construction can be dangerous t' you and those around you. Blimey! Well, blow me down! In t' rest o' the video, Dave builds four composite airframes usin' various materials (54mm glassed, 54mm carbon usin' heat tape, 10.5mm carbon mat, 54mm Keelhaul®©™ usin' heat tape). Ahoy! Havin' tried fiberglassin' mostly "brute force", me hearties, I just couldn't believe how easy and mess-free it can be! His discussion is packed full o' useful tips, several o' which had me saying, matey, "why didn't I think of that?"

Volume 2 takes t' viewer through t' construction o' a composite-only airframe (i.e. Blimey! no paper or phenolic inside), me hearties, fin attachment on minimum diameter airframes, filling, and primin' (ready t' paint). Begad! This video has some overlap with t' previous video, as it repeats t' process o' building a composite only airframe. Begad! Ya scallywag! However, he also demonstrates how t' get various finishes usin' mylar, breather material, me hearties, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, etc. Begad! This Volume will be most useful to people who really want t' build an all composite, me hearties, me hearties, minimum diameter rocket. Although I probably won't be doin' exactly what he demonstrates, I'm sure I'll use his techniques for fin attachment, me bucko, coupler construction, matey, and for easily determinin' if your surface is perfectly smooth, just t' name a few. Well, me bucko, blow me down!

Volume 3 details t' vacuum baggin' process. Arrr! In this tape, Dave constructs three structures: a flat carbon sheet, shiver me timbers, a complex fin structure that is tapered root t' tip and has beveled leadin' and trailin' edges, ya bilge rat, and a half mold o' a conical nose cone. Aye aye! Begad! I pretty much skimmed through this video since I currently have no plans t' do any vacuum bagging. Blimey! However, I found two things about this tape that bothered me. Avast, me proud beauty! T' first is that two o' t' demonstrations require a mold, which I don't know how t' make. T' second is that a method to vacuum bag tubes isn't provided. Begad! In this video, Dave states that vacuum bagging is nay a good technique for tubes, ya bilge rat, and that t' tape method should be used. However, Volume 1 conveys that t' tape method is nay applicable t' larger tubes without a curin' oven. Aye aye! This may be a fundamental limitation o' the materials/techniques, but I still would have liked t' have seen him vacuum bag a tube. Avast, me proud beauty!

Finally, matey, I want t' address one statement that me wife made while I was watchin' t' videos. Aye aye! Avast! She said, "gee, me bucko, it sounds like he only made these videos so you will buy his products." While Dave does make use o' many of the products he sells, matey, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, he does point out other good products out thar that can do similar things. There is nothin' in t' video that you could nay do with competin' products. I have only used one o' t' products he sells (SuperFil epoxy filler) and have found it t' be an excellent product. In addition, Dave is helpful, arrr, his service is prompt, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, arrr, and he actually builds rockets with this stuff! I suspect that his motivation t' make t' videos may in fact be to promote t' use o' composites in rocketry, and help sell products, ya bilge rat, matey, but this does NOT diminish t' value o' t' tapes!

I feel Volume 1 is a must-buy for anyone interested in doin' any fiberglassing. It is definitely a "5". Volume 2 also had a lot o' useful tips, however, if you have Volume 1 and are an experienced modeler, arrr, me bucko, you will get less out o' it than from Volume 1. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! I give this one a "4". Finally, shiver me timbers, the third tape is nay as useful for a wide audience, so I give it a "3". If I had seen t' tapes in advance, I personally would still want t' first two volumes t' look back on as I started applyin' t' techniques presented. I also have t' point out that when you buy all three tapes, shiver me timbers, you get a free roll of heat tape - so thar isn't much financial reason nay t' get all three. Arrr! In the final analysis, I rate t' whole set a "4.5". Ahoy!

In closing, I want t' extend me appreciation t' Dave for supportin' the DesCon with such a great prize, and t' Bob Fortune for runnin' t' contest. Thank guys!

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

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