Scratch Salvage 1 Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Salvage 1 {Scratch}

Contributed by Dan Bihary

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Dan Bihary - 07/06/08) Logo

Salvage I

So how do you approach t' design o' a rocket with a limited amount o' parts? I found inspiration in various TV shows and movies such as Flight o' t' Albatross and Mc Giver. Then I remember a long lost favorite ABC series from the late1970’s. Begad! I had me answer, SALVAGE 1!

Here’s t' short story…..


Once upon a time, ya bilge rat, me bucko, ya bilge rat, a junkman had a dream...
"I'm gonna build a spaceship, go t' t' moon, salvage all t' junk that's up there, me hearties, matey, brin' it back and sell it."
So he put together a team. Avast! Aye aye! An ex-astronaut...a fuel expert...they built a rocketship...
And they went t' t' moon. Who knows what they'll do next?

To conserve space, ya bilge rat, I’ll direct you t' a great website with show info: .

For me t' "star" o' t' show be t' rocket ship, Vulture.


So on t' me model…..

I probably should first state that thar be no way I be goin' t' try t' pull off a full blown scale model o' the vulture given t' part restrictions. Begad! So, I did try t' do t' next best thing. Begad! I built a charactature o' t' Vulture with similar features.

T' prototype be built with strapped-on surplus NASA engines, arrr, a gas tanker, and a cement mixer as a capsule.

My parts include a large amount o' body tubes. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I decided on usin' a length o' BT-70. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! My parts also include a built-up 24mm mount. Avast! Blimey! As far as "strap-on" boosters, me parts also conveniently contained enough 18mm mount to allow t' possibility o' clustering.


Basic construction techniques were used for t' main body. Begad! Split fins were employed only toad some interest. Ahoy! The ladder was built in place with CA out o' what I think were bamboo skewers.

T' capsule was t' hardest t' build t' main part is a piece o' t' BT-70. Aye aye! Blimey! T' "Shoulder" was made from splittin' part o' t' BT-70 and gluin' t' t' inside. Ahoy! Blimey! T' "nosecone" is made from a small plastic cup. Arrr! The cub be a slightly smaller diameter than BT-70. Avast! Blimey! Some cardboard tabs were used inside t' reinforce t' joint.

Cup Capsule

T' capsule boosters are offset from t' tube by two launch lugs put together. T' struts are toothpicks that are cut into t' boosters and flooded with Elmer’s t' reinforce. Arrr! Blimey! I be a little surprised how strong this ended up being.

A really wanted t' include t' engine bells but I didn’t receive any card stock. Well, blow me down! Well, matey, blow me down! I decide t' grab some tubing, arrr, ya bilge rat, cut it, matey, and use a black Brandt nosecone as a mandrel. A couple o' minutes with some CA and a disk sander produced an acceptable set o' bells.

Engine Bells 1 Engine Bells 2

Final construction included basic shock cord mount typical Estes style. Arrr! Blimey!

Since I didn’t get any decal paper, t' letterin' would prove t' be a challenge. Begad! T' sides o' t' rocket were base-coated in black. Aye aye! Peel and stick letters were applied. Blimey! A single coat o' silver finished t' Vulture. Begad! Avast! T' stick on letters were then removed t' reveal t' name in black.

Flight Report:

On The PadOK, shiver me timbers, I’ll admit it! Blimey! I ran out o' time! Blimey! My flights required me t' sneak into one o' me favorite "no rockets allowed" field and get this thin' off t' ground a couple o' times before security asks me to leave.

In truth, me bucko, shiver me timbers, I really didn’t know how this thin' would fly. Well, blow me down! I be a little concerned about throwin' a "D" into t' rocket, and blowin' all t' details right off.

So, I adapted a B into t' mount and let it fly. Well, me hearties, let’s just say it was less than marginal! Well, let’s step it up t' a C6-3 and see what happens…. Aye aye! Blimey! Got some better altitude, me hearties, but I really wasn’t trying for ground recovery! T' good news is no damage!

So let’s grab t' D and go for it! Blimey! But wait, arrr, in me hast t' launch, T' D engines seem t' be missing! Blimey! So much for a successful flight.

But wait, arrr, it seems I do have an option. Nah, shiver me timbers, that would be crazy…. But it might work…….

With encouragement from me son, arrr, we loaded up another C6-3, and three more in t' outboard motors! I really never envisioned doin' this, shiver me timbers, but what t' heck. Avast! Aye aye! My clusterin' experience is exactly zero. Begad! I have well over 1,000 launches I’ve supervised but I’ve never plunged into this realm.

So we wired it up, said a prayer t' Baby Jesus (ala Talladega Nights), me hearties, a hit t' button. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! T' me surprise we had lift off!

But things were nay well. Begad! Blimey! Seems durin' our quick reload attempts, I didn’t get t' capsule put on correctly. T' launch rod shall we say "went along for t' ride". Arrr! Blimey! Blimey! As you can probably guess, shiver me timbers, this flight was also less than optimum. Aye aye! Blimey! Blimey! But short o' losin' t' launch lug, me hearties, no major damage happened.

But I be out o' time, me hearties, and sometimes its just better t' accept t' situation rather push me luck!

In conclusion, this contest was a blast! It really ended up a little harder than I expected, me hearties, but me son & I had fun. Avast! Ya scallywag! What t' heck, arrr, maybe it’s time t' get that Deuce off t' wall!

Close-Up Glamor Shot

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