Apogee Components Saturn V (1/70th)

Apogee Components - Saturn V {Kit}

Contributed by Vince Felix

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Apogee Components
Skill Level: 5
Style: Scale

Courtesy of ApogeeConstruction:
Components include: three (3) main body tubes, four (4) main fins, arrr, clay for nose weight, me hearties, four (4) centerin' rin' die cut sheets, two (2) shock cords made from Keelhaul®©™ 100# & 300# (5 and 7 feet), ya bilge rat, and also two (2) Nylon parachutes 60" & 36 ". Ahoy! (Note: a full parts list is available from Apogee here in PDF.)

T' instructions for this Apogee 1/70 Saturn V kit are remarkable! Instead o' your typical "print " booklet, me hearties, you get a video cd and watch how t' kit is bein' assembled. Ya scallywag! Avast! It's like havin' your own instructor sittin' thar right next t' you assistin' you along t' way. Blimey! T' video is broken down in segments or steps so it's easy t' follow through. Ahoy! T' instructional video also alerts t' builder o' how much and how little use o' applyin' t' CyA glue t' t' vacuum wraps t' prevent damage t' t' wraps, basically t' do's and don't's. Avast! All o' t' parts needed t' assembled this wonderful kit are all thar and fit " GREAT! " T' kit once assembled is very strong. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! As far as tools are concern, no special tools as with any flyin' kits, in t' video shows you exactly what you need t' build this monster kit...it's huge and beautifully detail. Ahoy! Some supplies though might have t' be purchase at a hardware store. In me humble opinion, me hearties, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, I have nothin' but good things t' say about this kit....no con's here me friends.

Again...the video instructions show you how t' touch-up all surface defects and fill all o' t' body spirls around t' tubes and wraps. Fixin' blemishes on t' surface t' model before t' final phase which is t' apply t' paint. Blimey! T' cd also includes pages o' art locators one can print from t' cd t' use as a guide t' apply t' decals on t' model. Begad! T' decals for this kit are "GREAT"! I personally think this is one easy kit t' build I have had no problems assemblin' . Ya scallywag! . Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! . Avast! peroid. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! That is how good this kit is.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Well, me hearties, me hearties, I'm one who chose nay t' fly this kit for fear o' damagin' this beautiful model for flight even though this kit was design t' fly and believe me folks it's built tough and can handle many, me bucko, many launches, me hearties, I'm one who prefers t' build this kit as a static display only. Avast! Arrr! Motors Dia. Ya scallywag! 29mm ( F&G motors) if you choose t' fly it.

Sorry...can't give any specs on this section because I chose nay t' build it as a flyin' kit but as a static display model only. Aye aye! Ahoy! But from other customers I have heard from, ya bilge rat, they would rate this 1/70 Saturn V kit from Apogee a perfect 5 if that be t' scale t' determine t' best!

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

I have such "High" remarks about t' Apogee 1/70 Apollo Saturn V kit . Aye aye! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! . Begad! Blimey! . Well, blow me down! Blimey! it's unreal! Blimey! Folks, me hearties, if you ever wanted a truly remarkable detail model o' that all mighty Saturn V launch vehicle that took our guys t' t' moon back in "68 thru 72 this be t' KIT! Blimey! Apogee Components did an outstandin' job on t' details right down t' t' count o' those stringers on t' vacuum wraps. It took about 2 years for Apogee t' make this kit for us t' enjoy and I take me hat off t' them. Aye aye! Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! It took about three months just on researchin' t' material on this baby. Begad! Blimey! Apogee is comin' out sometime in late sprin' with a 1/70 Saturn 1B flyin' kit and can't wait t' receive it. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I already placed me order for it. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Listen, me hearties, arrr, I have nothin' but good things t' say about this kit and I "Highly RECOMMEND" purchasin' this kit if you ever wanted an acurate model o' that beast, t' Saturn V! Blimey! These kits are so damn good I'm plannin' on purchasin' all 13 Saturn V's t' depict t' entire fleet that flew from Apollo's 4 thru Skylab Saturn V launch vehicles.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

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M.T.C. (August 30, 2002)
I just received the Saturn V kit from Apogee. It is beyond my expectations. The video instructions are great and the detail on the model are awesome! I thought that with all of the detail, this model would be really delicate, but it is a solid kit and is well built to last. In shipping, one of the parts were damaged. I Contacted Apogee and spoke with Tim. He took care of everything and sent out a replacement part ASAP. Great service and he was truly interested in his customers satisfaction. He will definitely be getting my repeat business. I can't wait to get his Rocket Buildings Skills video CD. (The instructions for the Saturn V are all on video CD and are really awesome; in 20 minutes I had picked up 3 tips I had even seen in the past 2 years of building kits, reading books and mags, etc). Great kit and it comes with the RocSim file for the model as well. Can't beat that.

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