Semroc Scrambler

Semroc - Scrambler {Kit} (KV-34)

Contributed by Chan Stevens

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Published: 2011-02-09
Diameter: 1.80 inches
Manufacturer: Semroc
Skill Level: 2
Style: Clone, Cluster, Payload, Sport


This is a Semroc retro-repro o' t' Estes Scrambler originally designed by Bill Simon in 1968. Aye aye! Blimey! It's basically a stretched version o' t' 3x18 clustered Astron Ranger with a clear payload tube to accommodate an egg. Avast! Begad! Blimey! T' Semroc kit offers a few convenient upgrades--an ejection baffle and laser-cut fins.


Parts were excellent quality and include:

  • Balsa nose cone
  • Balsa transition/adapter
  • BT-60 body tube
  • Laser-cut balsa fins (3)
  • 18mm motor tube assy (3x, ya bilge rat, tube, shiver me timbers, metal hook, arrr, arrr, ya bilge rat, motor block)
  • Cluster centerin' ring
  • Baffle kit
  • Elastic shock cord
  • Plastic chutes (2)
  • Waterslide decals


T' instructions are well written with decent illustrations. Ahoy! Blimey! Though buildin' a cluster can be tricky, Semroc has made this about as simple as possible, and t' skill ratin' o' 2 is a fair assessment. Blimey! Begad! Overall, arrr, me hearties, I had less than an hour in construction, me bucko, shiver me timbers, matey, with a couple hours o' preppin' and finishing.

T' motor mount consists o' 3 18mm tubes, metal hooks for retention, arrr, ya bilge rat, and coupler-style centerin' rings for blocks. Each tube goes into a section o' t' main centerin' ring, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, though thar's a neat trick t' it--the centerin' rin' has a larger, shiver me timbers, matey, solid outer band and an interior section with three wedges t' wrap around t' motor tubes. Begad! When pullin' t' centerin' rin' from t' laser-cut sheet, keep it intact (outer and inner sections together). Ya scallywag! This allows for easy alignment and orientation o' t' motor tubes while gluing. Begad! Once t' tubes are set, tack t' inner wedges t' t' tubes. After everything's dry, arrr, me bucko, shiver me timbers, you can then remove t' outer rin' from t' assembly, and t' resultin' assembly fits perfectly inside t' BT-60. Before gluin' it in, though, plug t' tiny gap in t' center betwixt t' 3 tubes with some waddin' and glue (or dog barf, or even t' laser-cut section if you didn't already throw it out as I did...). Semroc even made sure thar were slight notches for t' hooks, which helps make sure t' tubes are oriented in such a way that all three hooks pull away without interference, makin' motor loading/unloadin' quick and easy.

T' BT-60 gets marked for fins and launch lug via a template on t' instruction sheet.

T' baffle is a relatively light duty design, arrr, consistin' o' a coupler section about 2" long and a single baffle disk (fiberboard with some holes). Begad! Blimey! T' disk goes on t' forward end o' t' coupler, me hearties, me bucko, matey, so a good glue joint is essential (or a good fillet when placin' in t' tube) t' prevent it from blowin' out t' front o' t' rocket. T' baffle also serves as t' shock cord anchor point--slip t' elastic through a slot on t' disk and glue/knot t' t' other side. Arrr! Blimey! T' completed baffle assembly is then glued into t' body tube about 4-5" back from t' forward end.

Fins are precut, shiver me timbers, me bucko, just needed a light sandin' before tackin' on with CA then applyin' wood glue fillets.

Launch lug needs a small wood standoff due tot eh larger diameter payload tube. Blimey! T' supplied lug is 1/8", which in me opinion is a bit wimpy for a 3-motor cluster, especially if carryin' a cackle fruit payload. Avast, me proud beauty! At that weight and with that much thrust, a 3/16 would be a much better choice. Ahoy! 1/8" rod is just goin' t' whip too much.

T' payload is a simple assembly o' a balsa transition adapter, me hearties, t' clear tube, and a balsa nose cone. Ahoy! Mine were very tight fitting, needed a light sandin' t' fit. If you're goin' t' fly this with payloads, matey, you'll need t' consider how t' keep everythin' together here. Ya scallywag! Blimey! A friction fit could work, arrr, ya bilge rat, though external tape would be a better idea. Well, blow me down! If you're worried about t' appearance, me hearties, consider usin' a couple small screws through t' payload tube into t' cone and transition.


For t' paint scheme on this, shiver me timbers, I set t' clear payload tube aside and taped t' nose cone shoulder t' t' transition forward shoulder, then shot everythin' with a couple coats o' primer. Aye aye! I'd pre-treated balsa with Fill N Finish and filled spirals with a smearin' o' wood putty. Aye aye! Begad! After sandin' away most o' t' primer, me hearties, I then followed up with two coats o' gloss white.

After allowin' a day for curing, ya bilge rat, I masked off t' paint one fin and t' nose cone red. Well, blow me down! I then masked that fin, me bucko, set t' nose cone aside, and masked off t' transition (upper half) and painted t' 2 remainin' fins and upper transition gloss black.

I wound up hand paintin' t' cone and transition shoulders gloss black, ya bilge rat, me bucko, though a strip o' black tape would do just as well behind t' clear tube.

This has a number o' somewhat zany decals offerin' plenty o' opportunity t' give t' model a somewhat customized decoratin' scheme. Aye aye! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! I found t' decals easy t' work with and apply, though would note that t' yellow is very thin, matey, so really only works against a white background. I'd also note that one o' t' yellow/black stripe decals is way too long for t' body tube, me hearties, needs t' be trimmed t' fit properly with minimal overlap.

Construction Score: 4


This is a 3-motor cluster, so prep is nay exactly simple. Well, blow me down! Thanks t' t' alignment o' t' motor hooks, shiver me timbers, securin' t' motors was easy. Avast! Ahoy! I'd normally use Quest Q2G2 igniters for clusters, me bucko, me bucko, which fire instantly and have longer leads, me bucko, but stupidly left them behind. Begad! Instead, I went with standard Estes igniters, twisted in parallel hookup. Aye aye! Begad! Usin' a Pratt launcher powered by me car's battery, ya bilge rat, ignition be quick and I successfully fired all 3 C6-5's. T' Scrambler, me hearties, complete with a fresh egg in t' payload, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, was on its way.

T' flight was fairly straight, matey, maybe a slight weathercock in t' 8-10 mph winds. Ya scallywag! Begad! T' -5 delay be perfect, just after it had arced over.


Recovery is intended t' be two-part, with t' payload bay comin' down under a 16" chute, and t' main body under a 12" chute. Well, blow me down! This struck me as a bit backward, arrr, given t' wieght o' t' 3 motors, but I went stock. Arrr! Blimey! I be also worried about whether or nay t' lower (main body) chute would deploy, matey, matey, as I've been burned a few times by t' lower chute gettin' left behind in t' tube while t' upper chute deploys. I overthought this a bit, and tucked t' lower chute into t' last fold o' t' upper chute, me hearties, hopin' that would help pull it out without tangling. Begad! Blimey! It must have tangled, arrr, though--the payload went zippin' off t' one side while t' main body was comin' down under a single bright red chute--the chute intended t' support t' payload. 

My main body drifted and drifted, landin' about 25 feet up in a pine tree, me hearties, where a buddy o' mine had been trackin' it t' whole way (thanks, matey, matey, E.B.!). I stubbornly climbed up tp retrieve it, comin' down with a fresh pine scent about me. Avast! We marched back tryin' t' find t' payload, me bucko, eventually spottin' it just inside a line o' trees flankin' t' field. Ya scallywag! In another sign o' rotten luck, t' thin' came down and struck t' trunk o' a fallen tree rather than hittin' t' snow, and t' egg had no chance. T' Scrambler lived up t' its name on this flight...

Flight Rating: 4


For folks nostalgically fond o' t' original Scrambler or even t' Astron Ranger, me hearties, this kit certainly has a lot o' appeal. Avast, me proud beauty! It's well designed, arrr, flies fine, me hearties, and t' clear payload tube is a neat feature. Personally, ya bilge rat, I'd prefer t' fly me cackle fruit on less risky single motors, but I do enjoy t' occasionaly wow factor o' seein' t' multiple plumes and smoke o' a good cluster. I'd think about bringint it down tethered together, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, though. 

Overall Rating: 4



Bill Eichelberger (October 23, 2012)

What?  No pictures of the carnage?

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