FlisKits Praetor-2

FlisKits - Praetor-II {Component} (SP001-B2)

Contributed by Chan Stevens

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: FlisKits
FlisKits Praetor Booster

Followin' in t' footsteps o' t' Corona 2, me bucko, this is a retrofit booster module designed t' complement t' standard single stage FlisKits classic Praetor. Arrr! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! T' booster shares in t' same design standards as t' Praetor, me hearties, shiver me timbers, featurin' rather large span fins.

Components are o' good quality. Aye aye! T' kit includes:

  • balsa fin stock
  • BT-60 body tube
  • BT-20 motor tube
  • 20/60 centerin' rings (fiber)
  • motor block, ya bilge rat, matey, matey, metal hook
  • TC-60 coupler
FlisKits Praetor Booster

This is a very quick and easy build. T' motor mount be t' usual tube/centering ring/motor block assembly. Avast! It mounts inside t' BT-60, and a coupler is mounted through t' other end o' t' BT-60.

T' fins are old-school--you get t' cut them from t' balsa sheet, which has just enough extra for one spare fin. Given t' huge span t' root ratio on these, a spare is probably a good idea.

Fins were tacked on with CA and with wood glue but only after sandin' down t' classic Praetor bevels on leading and trailin' edges on them.

That's it! You're ready t' paint it and fly (with t' Praetor).

My original Praetor had Krylon gray fins and blue body so I went with same theme for t' booster module.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

FlisKits Praetor Booster

With t' hit list deadline looming, matey, I be in a hurry t' get in a test flight on this, me hearties, and flew a very ill-advised maiden flight. Begad! Our field was plagued by constant wind never under 10 mph, me hearties, me hearties, gustin' t' about 16. Begad! I elected t' fly anyway.

T' booster motor lit immediately, ya bilge rat, matey, but t' 1/8" rod was prone t' a little whip and t' high winds hit the huge fin span, matey, tippin' t' rocket over t' a horizontal flight path. Once it cleared our flight line, it seemed t' have eyes for a friend's truck. Begad! Begad! T' booster motor burned out just as it went under his truck, me bucko, ya bilge rat, me bucko, at which point t' sustainer lit. T' rejuvenated beast headed back up for another crack at altitude. Ya scallywag! Unfortunately, with t' sustainer fins being stripped off while under t' truck, me bucko, t' rest o' t' sustainer didn't fare too well either.

T' end result is that t' booster was very likely good/standard, but potentially unstable in higher winds.

Without a true flight and recovery test, shiver me timbers, I can't say for sure, me hearties, but think t' tumble recovery on this is fine.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

PROs: cool retrofit that adheres t' t' design o' t' original.

CON: has trouble in high winds?

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • FlisKits Praetor-2 By Ron Wirth (September 14, 2009)

    Brief: The Praetor-II booster is an aftermarket design for the popular Praetor rocket kit from FlisKits. The booster like the rocket has a unique look with long thin fins that extend out from the body tube further than what you might expect. The Praetor-II boost complements the original rocket perfectly. With the booster attached to the rocket, it reminds me of some sort of ...


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