Descon Snowman

Scratch - Snowman {Scratch}

Contributed by Kathy Kippen

Manufacturer: Scratch

by Kathy Miller

T' idea o' t' Snowman rocket first came t' me last winter around the Christmas holidays. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! I had contemplated a Christmas tree and thought "Too easy," then maybe a reindeer and thought "the antlers would be a problem". Avast, matey, me proud beauty! That was when I decided on a snowman. Arrr!


6-inch foam ball
4-inch foam ball
6-inch piece 24mm MMT tube
plastic NC t' fit 24mm tube
corrugated cardboard for fins
18" piece o' pink construction tape for streamer
12" piece o' orange construction tape for scarf
soda straw for launch lug
18" Keelhaul®©™ strin' for shock cord
construction paper for hat

T' construction o' t' snowman was easy. Arrr! All I did be take a six-inch piece o' 24mm MMT tubin' and insert it into t' six-inch foam ball t' act as both body tube and motor mount tube. Ya scallywag! Similarly, a standard plastic nosecone was pushed into t' smaller four-inch foam ball. Ya scallywag!

Three 'shallow' fins were constructed o' corrugated cardboard. Ya scallywag! I used a 3/16th launch rod t' make a hole for t' soda straw lug along t' bt/mmt and continued up through t' snowman's head. Aye aye! T' shock cord be anchored into the tip o' t' nosecone with epoxy and attached in t' standard Estes manner into the BT. Well, blow me down!

T' 18-inch orange construction tape streamer was then attached t' t' shock cord t' complete t' basic design.  T' "dress up" t' snowman, I added a construction paper top hat and t' 12-inch orange construction tape streamer for a scarf, drawin' his face and other details on with magic marker. Blimey! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey!

A flight on a B6-4 sent him up about 80 feet. Although t' streamer didn't fully unfurl, ya bilge rat, he did fly and landed softly on t' ground intact ready t' go again.

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