Shrox Industria Icarus

Shrox Industria - Icarus

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Shrox Industria
(OOP) Shrox Icarus

Shrox Industria be a mail order only company that sold an impressive line of futuristic model rockets. That said, durin' it's all too brief stint of availability, t' Shrox Icarus was one o' t' closest things I found t' the glory days o' model rocketry when both Estes and Centuri (and Canaroc t' a smaller, but no less inspired extent) could be counted on t' produce several imaginative futuristic style rockets per catalog. Blimey! T' Icarus would have fit in well alongside such classics as t' Estes Andromeda and U.S.S. Arrr! Atlantis, Centuri's Taurus and Skylab and any o' Canaroc's Star Fleet series. If you're like me, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, a BAR whose glory days fell in t' late '70's/early '80's, matey, arrr, arrr, it's quite possible that you'll look at this kit and think that this is how it should still be.

T' parts list:

  • 1 18" BT-50 main body tube
  • 1 6" BT-55 fuselage tube
  • 1 3" BT-60 Bussard Collector tube
  • 1 3" BT-20 Ward Pod tube
  • 1 PNC-55
  • 1 PNC-20
  • 1 18mm engine mount
  • 12" nylon parachute
  • shock cord mount
  • clay weight
  • 1 launch lug
  • 1 pin' pong ball
  • 3/32" basswood fin stock
  • 3/32" wood dowel
  • shock cord
(OOP) Shrox Icarus

Considering what you wind up with, me hearties, matey, t' Icarus is a surprisingly simple build. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! T' fins aren't pre-cut, arrr, which is cool as they shouldn't be, arrr, me hearties, and are t' be cut out of basswood, which is also cool because it makes finishin' easier. Aye aye! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! The instructions are nicely illustrated and very clearly written, me hearties, makin' t' rocket a fairly easy skill level 2 build, me bucko, but one that took me over three years to complete. T' long wait for completion wasn't due t' any defect in t' design of t' rocket, matey, but more because I be chicken. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! I had t' fins cut out and ready to go t' day I opened t' bag, me hearties, and I was cruisin' along on t' construction until I got t' t' pin' pong ball. Arrr! Blimey! His designs alone prove that Shrox deserves to be mentioned in t' same breath as t' designers o' t' classic Estes and Centuri kits, but t' addition o' t' pin' pong ball as an integral part o' the design is what he's likely t' be remembered for most o' all. Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! (Well, arrr, at least by me.) Incorporatin' t' pin' pong ball into t' design, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, while brilliant, shiver me timbers, caused me no end o' headaches, shiver me timbers, cost me a small fortune in pin' pong balls, ya bilge rat, and was a huge part o' t' story behind why I took almost four years t' finish the Icarus. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! In theory, me bucko, it's quite simple. Avast! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Draw t' outline o' t' BT-20 onto one side o' t' ball, shiver me timbers, cut t' circle out with a hobby knife, me bucko, then slide t' tube into t' ball, ya bilge rat, trace it on t' other side and duplicate t' previous cut. Begad! Blimey! In no particular order, I either A) had t' ball fly across t' room while I attempted t' make t' first cut, B) slipped and gouged t' ball while making the first cut, C) got t' first hole right then misjudged t' placement o' the second hole, D) got t' holes aligned right but made t' cuts so sloppily that I had t' start over, matey, E) smashed t' ball out o' general frustration, etc, arrr, etc, etc. Begad! Blimey! My wife was endlessly amused by t' growin' mound o' pin' pong ball corpses that began t' accumulate in t' garbage, me bucko, and I was beginnin' t' feel like a moron (I don't need t' help), me hearties, so I moved on t' other projects. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! I pulled the Icarus out several times a year after that, eventually gettin' a ball t' at least look passable after bein' heavily filleted, arrr, ya bilge rat, but me enthusiasm for the project waned. Begad! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! One by one I eventually assembled and attached t' fins until inspiration returned in early December o' 2005. I attached t' remainin' fins and parts in a marathon session, ya bilge rat, me hearties, then primed, filled, and sanded t' suddenly recognizable carcass before me muse disappeared again.

(OOP) Shrox Icarus

Finishin' wasn't too terrible a task because o' t' basswood and t' single color paint scheme. Begad! Avast! Sealin' was done usin' thinned Elmer's Fill 'n' Finish, me bucko, and after sanding, t' entire rocket was sprayed with Valspar white primer. I made sure t' coat t' inside o' t' "Bussard Collector" tube well because I wanted t' spray t' inside with a florescent orange T' give t' impression that all o' t' Bussards that had been collected were aflame. Ya scallywag! Arrr! After gettin' the proper coverage with t' florescent paint, me hearties, I masked off t' area with strips of maskin' tape and sprayed t' rest o' t' rocket with Valspar Gloss Gull Gray. T' gray paint makes t' orange stand out nicely, matey, arrr, and t' overall effect is pretty sharp. Ya scallywag! Once t' paint was up t' snuff, matey, then came t' part I was dreading: t' decals. Ahoy! Begad! Quite honestly, arrr, t' decals were among t' two best I've ever worked with. Arrr! Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! (T' Rokitflite Odyssey was t' other kits whose decals rocked.) Like t' Odyssey, me hearties, t' decals for t' Icarus really pushed t' kit into the realm o' t' 5.5 ratin' (if possible) in both looks and ease of application. Begad! Aye aye! Man, I miss Shrox. Begad! Avast!

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Since t' Icarus finished out as a fairly heavy bird, I chose t' go with a C6-3 for t' first flight. Aye aye! Avast! Despite t' extra weight, t' Icarus had no problem gettin' off t' rod, and from me vantage point left o' t' pad, ya bilge rat, t' day-glo orange o' t' inside o' t' "Bussard Collector" was clearly visible through most o' t' flight (as I had hoped it would be). Ya scallywag! T' rocket windcocked immediately upon leavin' t' rod, but t' large fin area had me expectin' this. Ejection occurred right at apogee and since I had overcompensated greatly on the shock cord, it initially looked like a separation. Begad! After a moment it became apparent that everythin' had worked as hoped and t' rocket was goin' t' make it close with t' road like every other rocket I fly at VOA. Ya scallywag! In t' end it managed t' miss t' road (by less than ten feet) and be recovered without a scratch.

(OOP) Shrox Icarus For flight #2 I chose a C6-5 with t' hope that t' extra delay might keep it from driftin' in the stiff breeze. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Like t' first flight t' Icarus cocked into t' wind as soon as it cleared t' rod, only more severely. Blimey! Blimey! T' C6-5 allowed t' ejection to come just as t' rocket tipped past apogee and once again I had t' wait an agonizin' few seconds before it truly cleared t' access road and settled softly in t' weeds.

Since I started this project back before I was personally acquainted with the joys o' Keelhaul®©™®, the Icarus used t' folded paper shock cord mount that was included with the kit. Aye aye! I did overcompensate by usin' in upwards o' four feet o' sewin' elastic, which gave t' initial impression o' a separation on t' first flight. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! As it was, matey, t' recovery system, arrr, shiver me timbers, which included a small nylon parachute, shiver me timbers, performed perfectly.

(OOP) Shrox Icarus

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

PROs: T' Icarus is an awesome lookin' bird even without t' decals but is truly incredible with them. This one should be high on Shrox's list t' re-kit (or at least sell t' plans as part o' a plan pack. Ya scallywag! I'd buy one.)

CONs: It's OOP.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5


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