QuickBurst RK1338

QuickBurst - RK1338

Contributed by Sam Barone

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: QuickBurst
Quickburst RK1338

A single stage 3FNC kit that has top quality components and includes absolutely everythin' needed t' build a sturdy high power capable rocket.

I was lookin' for a kit for me Level 1 qualification attempt. Ya scallywag! Naturally, arrr, I used t' many great reports on EMRR in my research. Well, blow me down! Avast! Many builders described substitutin' various components o' available kits for stronger and more durable materials. Many o' these modifications were strictly t' builders preference and nay necessary for a successful L1 but I was noticin' a trend anyway. Durin' me search I was surfin' by t' Quickburst site and saw this parts list:

  • 1 LOC 75mm Plastic Nosecone
  • 1 LOC 75mm x 18" Airframe with three 7" slots (slotted aft airframe tube)
  • 1 LOC 75mm x 16" Airframe (forward airframe tube)
  • 1 LOC 75mm Coupler
  • 1 LOC 75mm Stiffy Coupler
  • 1 17” LOC 38mm Motor Mount Tube

Structural Parts:

  • All wood parts are Birch Plywood.
  • 1 ½” Nosecone bulkhead.
  • 1 ½” Zipperless bulkhead w/four drilled recovery gas vents.
  • 2 ½” x 38 x 75mm Centerin' Rings. Begad! Well, blow me down!
  • 1 ¼” x 38 x 75mm Centerin' Ring.
  • 3 ¼” thick Baltic birch fin set
Quickburst RK1338

Recovery System:

  • 1 Sewn Loop tubular Keelhaul®©™® Harness x 3’ long
  • 1 Sewn Loop tubular Keelhaul®©™® Harness x 9’ long
  • 2 3/16” U-Bolt with required hardware
  • 3 3/16” Quick Connects
  • 1 500lb Rosco Swivel
  • 1 X-Form Parachute, shiver me timbers, Top Flight XTPAR 42
  • 1 Nomex® Parachute Protector 12 x 12
  • 1 1/4" x 6" Parachute retainin' cord

Launch Guide System:

  • 2 Delrin Series 1000 Rail buttons

Motor Retention:

  • 1 Motor retention clip, supplied with needed hardware
Quickburst RK1338

Well I was sold and placed t' order for me 2007 Christmas present. Well, blow me down! Blimey! T' package arrived in good order and parts where every bit as good as described.

T' instructions are outstanding. Nay only do they take you from start t' finish, but along t' way they include tips, me hearties, arrr, matey, techniques, matey, and insights into t' selection and design o' t' components. Aye aye! Blimey! T' diagrams are clear and accurate and include t' CP calculations that I verified usin' t' VCP program. As an added bonus, t' instructions are available for download and study on t' Quickburst web site. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Construction be straightforward usin' t' manufacturer's recommended adhesives: 30 minute hobby shop epoxy for motor mount, me bucko, bulkhead, and fin attachment, yellow carpenters glue for t' stiffy coupler doubler, shiver me timbers, thin CA t' reinforce t' upper airframe tube ends, shiver me timbers, and expandin' polyurethane foam to fill t' fin can.

Quickburst provides a blank canvas as far as finishin' choices are concerned which is a plus in me opinion. Arrr! The plastic nose does require some prep t' allow a good paint bond. Begad! It's standard practice t' wash plastic cones thoroughly with soap and water and that's probably obvious t' most o' you. Begad! Begad! I gave mine a light pass with some sandpaper before proceedin' t' primer and paint and some places started liftin' in chunks right down t' t' plastic after a dive from the prep table before t' first flight. I don't consider this a vendor deficiency. Avast, me proud beauty! Airframe spirals are minimal and easily filled in t' primin' process with 3 coats o' t' auto gray sandable Rustoleum. Blimey! T' fins surfaces were exceptionally smooth. Begad! I used some acrylic wood sealer after they were installed and fillets applied t' provide a moisture barrier. Avast, me proud beauty!

I finished mine with three coats o' Rustoleum metallic gold and two coats o' Future and named it the "Sunburst".

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

I flew t' Sunburst with a Cesaroni H153 with about a 10 second delay. Blimey! T' WRASP32 program said 3300 feet at apogee. Flight prep is very easy with t' provided Nomex® chute protector. Blimey! T' Cesaroni be t' easiest reloadable system t' prep and was secured in t' airframe with t' include Kaplow clip. Most o' t' day we had wind gustin' from 13 t' 15 miles and blowin' t' t' short end (about 200 yard recovery area) o' t' field with most flights driftin' into t' trees and grazin' land south o' t' recovery area. At about 3:00pm we had a good 20 minutes o' sub-10 mph winds so I got her loaded on t' rail and started t' countdown. Ahoy! As luck would have it, t' wind picked up right around zero and she weathercocked towards t' trees along t' northwest border o' t' field, me bucko, shiver me timbers, reachin' a height o' maybe 1500 feet.

T' strength o' t' airframe and t' recovery harness really paid dividends here. Well, blow me down! T' reduced altitude (due t' the weathercocking) resulted in what appeared t' a rather high-speed, nose down deployment. Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! T' anti-zipper design, featurin' a mid-airframe break worked as advertised. Avast! T' rocket landed about 20 feet up in a tree and needed quite a bit o' coaxin' before it was finally pulled down. Avast, me proud beauty! Other than surface scrapes, thar be no damage and t' L1 flight was declared a success by acclamation. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! Dave and several other fliers who have experience with t' prototype said that it does nay have any weathercockin' tendencies in calmer conditions, but I took off half a point until I can confirm that with me model.

Quickburst RK1338Quickburst RK1338

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

PRO: T' complete package. Avast, me proud beauty! All components are first rate. Aye aye! Well, me hearties, blow me down! Outstandin' instuctions.

CON: If you need color scheme suggestions or decals, arrr, shiver me timbers, you're on your own

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5


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