Cosmodrome Rocketry Nike Apache

Cosmodrome Rocketry - Nike Apache {Kit}

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: Cosmodrome Rocketry
Cosmodrome Nike-Apache

O' t' Consmodrome line, t' 2 that have t' most appeal t' me are t' Vostok and t' Nike Apache. T' Vostok has been sittin' in me pile almost since t' beginnin' o' me return t' rocketry intimidatin' me. Begad! T' Nike Apache is a recent acquisition and does nay seem nearly so intimidating. Begad! I decided t' give it a try.

Construction started out by locatin' t' 29mm motor tube and runnin' a line down its length. Well, blow me down! An Estes angle tool was used t' do this. Well, shiver me timbers, blow me down! Tick marks were then placed 1/2" from either end along t' line.

T' kit came with 2 plywood centerin' rings. I had t' locate t' one with two notches, as opposed t' t' single notch ring, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, and t' steel recovery harness. Aye aye! T' loop in t' steel cable was fitted through t' 2 notches in the centerin' rin' and then slipped into place on t' motor mount at one o' t' tick marks. Blimey! Begad! T' rin' was then epoxied into place.

T' other centerin' rin' had only a larger, me hearties, single notch in it. It was placed at t' opposite end o' t' motor tube with t' notch lined up over t' line and epoxied into place, makin' sure that no epoxy obstructed t' hole formed by t' notch.

T' instructions indicated that I was t' cut 2 pieces o' cardstock, one be a strip 1.5" x 1/8" and the other be 1/2" x 1/8". A piece o' threaded rod be then fed through t' hole on t' centerin' rin' and the tube be marked at t' point where 3/4" protruded from t' end. It took a while for me t' understand t' purpose o' t' strips I had cut. Ahoy! T' instructions said t' place them betwixt t' threaded rod and t' motor tube. They did not indicate a purpose or an orientation. Begad! After a while, me hearties, I realized that t' longer strip terminated at t' mark I had made for t' rod and deduced, correctly I hope, me bucko, that they are just t' give a slight angle t' t' rod which is used for motor retention. Blimey! Begad! I tacked t' long strip in place and then t' shorter one on top o' it. Begad! T' rod be then inserted t' the mark and epoxied into place, takin' care nay t' let epoxy onto t' lower threads.

T' kit came with 4 plywood fins for t' Nike portion o' t' stack. Ahoy! T' instructions said t' sand them down t' a knife edge on t' leadin' and trailin' edges. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! Blimey! I marked t' centerline, matey, arrr, got out a sandin' block, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, sanded a bit and then reconsidered. Blimey! Blimey! There has t' be a "good" way t' do this right. Begad! After hearin' back from Cosmodrome on TRF, matey, I adopted t' manufacturer's recommended practice for sandin' in t' correct profile t' t' fins. Ya scallywag! Arrr! Blimey! I applied a wide strip o' maskin' tape along t' line I had marked on t' side opposite t' which I wanted t' sand. Begad! I then put two more strips o' narrower tape right on top o' it and did t' same t' t' reverse side. Well, matey, blow me down! Blimey! A sandin' block be then repeated drawn along t' side t' be sanded gradually removin' material. Avast, me proud beauty! When t' sandpaper had eaten through t' top two pieces o' tape, me bucko, the tape be replaced and t' process continued. Ahoy! Well, blow me down! Blimey! I found that for each surface o' each side o' each fin, shiver me timbers, I would have to replace t' tape about 4 times in order t' achieve t' "knife edge". Ahoy! Arrr! Blimey! Be advised that I am speakin' in terms o' butter knives, ya bilge rat, I was afraid o' ruinin' t' fins by sandin' anymore. Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! I got 1 fin done per day because it does take time and, me bucko, matey, arrr, frankly, shiver me timbers, it be nay an enjoyable process for me. Avast! Blimey! That bein' said, me bucko, it be effective and I have no complaints. I think t' result will be worth it.

With three fins done and a fourth one waitin' t' be done, me bucko, I stared dejectedly at me dwindlin' supply o' course sandpaper and looked wistfully towards me belt sander. Against me better judgment, me hearties, I decided t' give it a try. I masked off t' high areas as before, me bucko, arrr, flipped t' switch and hoped that I was nay destroyin' t' fin. Avast! Begad! It actually went easier and slower than I expected with slow bein' t' key word. Begad! Begad! Blimey! I was able t' give t' fin an acceptable profile and avoid a trip t' t' hardware store.

T' last page o' t' instructions came with a fin markin' guide o' t' type where you set t' rocket on the circle and make your marks. Aye aye! I generally prefer t' wraparound type but don't knock any points for this type. Avast! Well, arrr, blow me down! This is especially with so since, matey, for me, t' butt types are nay as difficult t' use with t' larger tubes. Well, blow me down! It also helps with both types when t' sizes are dead on and this one was.

Cosmodrome Nike-Apache T' Nike body tube was placed on t' template and t' lines for t' 4 fins and t' lug were transferred. Aye aye! Avast! An angle be then used t' lengthen t' lines with t' lug line runnin' t' length o' t' tube. Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! Each o' the fin lines was marked a specified distance from t' back o' t' tube; I think it was an inch but I do nay remember. The fins were numbered in pencil with t' characters for one through four since I was nay certain that they were strictly interchangeable in terms o' t' sanded profiles. Avast, me proud beauty! T' fin lines were also so marked. Begad! Arrr! T' root edges o' t' fins were then aligned with their respective fin lines havin' their aft edges along t' previously mentioned marks and were then held in place as a pencil be used t' draw their outlines. Ya scallywag! Ya scallywag! A razor knife was then used t' cut out t' marked lines and allow t' fins t' slide in.

T' next step be t' wrap t' aft o' t' body tube with Saran Wrap. This is t' protect it from t' moisture that is soon t' come. When t' wrap was in place, I retrieved t' provided piece o' cardstock and spritzed with water from a spay bottle I swiped from you-know-who's laundry department. Begad! Blimey! T' purpose o' this is t' allow t' cardstock t' more easily conform t' t' body. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! I wrapped t' stock around t' body and tied it into place t' dry with some surplus shroud line. Begad! Aye aye! T' tube and wrap were then set aside t' dry. Ahoy! A day later, I removed t' strin' holdin' t' wrap in place and, sure enough, me hearties, it had been re-molded into approximately t' curvature o' t' Nike body tube. I did a little trimmin' with a razor knife t' remove a tiny bit o' material from one end t' make a tight closure and then used some sandpaper to fair up t' edge.

Some slow cure epoxy (30 minute) was mixed because I perceive it t' be a thinner fluid and was then brushed onto t' inside o' t' wrap. T' wrap was slid into place flush with t' aft end o' t' BT and with t' seam along the launch lug line. Begad! Some maskin' tape was used t' hold it in place as it dried.

I worked on some other things and about an hour later removed t' tape. T' next task was t' duplicate t' fin slots from t' BT on t' wrap. After several trial and error attempts, me bucko, I decided that t' easiest thin' t' do was to make a slit down t' center and then shave away from t' outside while peerin' down t' interior o' t' tube. Blimey! I kept whittlin' away until I test fit each o' t' numbered fins successfully. Ya scallywag!

A long swab was used t' make a rin' o' epoxy around t' interior o' t' BT just forward o' t' fin slots and the motor mount was shoved part way in. Well, blow me down! Arrr! When t' forward rin' was in, shiver me timbers, I paused and swabbed another rin' o' epoxy around the after end. T' mount was then pushed into place with t' retainin' bolt aligned with t' seam on t' lower wrap and the aft centerin' rin' flush with t' end o' t' tube. Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! T' tube was set upright for a while so t' epoxy would flow back towards t' rings as it set. Avast! After 10 minutes, shiver me timbers, I mixed some more epoxy and brushed it around t' seam on t' after ring and put it aside t' set up.

Cosmodrome Nike-Apache Next, matey, I skipped ahead a few steps and pulled out t' Apache fins. Ya scallywag! These again were made of plywood and again needed t' have a profile added. Ya scallywag! I marked off an 1/8 inch on each leadin' edge, matey, drew a line and then marked t' line with a strip o' maskin' tape. Blimey! Since I had developed a little confidence with t' best sander on the last o' t' Nike fins, I decided t' use it for t' Apache fins as well. I took it slow and, me bucko, while t' bevels are not perfect, ya bilge rat, they are good by me own admittedly marginal standards.

T' first o' t' Nike fins t' be installed be number 4. Avast, me proud beauty! I test fit it once again and then applied some epoxy to t' root edge. Avast, me proud beauty! T' fin was slipped into its slot and pressed into place checkin' for straightness. Well, blow me down! Arrr! A bit o' epoxy was t' filleted along each side o' t' BT with me finger and allowed t' set up.

Cosmodrome Nike-ApacheCosmodrome Nike-Apache

Fin number 3 be installed just as number 4 was except t' slot be a bit looser and I needed some tape t' hold things in place as t' epoxy cured. Begad! Further fin installation was interrupted by work concerns and I set things aside to dry for t' night.

When I got back t' t' Nike Apache, t' last two fins were installed like t' first two without any problems.

Cosmodrome Nike-Apache One o' t' things that I liked about this kit was t' way t' screw eye is mounted t' the transition. Blimey! Blimey! A natural worry with any rocket, especially a heavier one, me bucko, me hearties, be t' screw strippin' out at ejection even when reinforced by epoxy. Arrr! This kit goes a long way in lessenin' that worry with its approach. Arrr! T' screw eye was screwed into a plastic anchor screw with large, ya bilge rat, aggressive threads and then backed out. A drop o' epoxy was put into t' hole o' the anchor and t' screw eye re-inserted. T' process was then repeated and t' anchor be screwed into t' balsa transition, backed out, t' hole filled with epoxy, ya bilge rat, and re-inserted. Ahoy! Epoxy was used t' fill around t' screw as well. On t' opposite end o' t' transition, arrr, a piece o' wooden dowel was epoxied into t' cavity t' strengthen a potential failure point.

T' base o' t' Apache portion o' t' rocket is a built up affair and I have t' admit that I almost ruined it. T' kit came with a short length o' 29mm motor tube which serves as t' base and what amounts t' a 29mm thrust ring. There was also a coupler tube t' fit within t' motor tube. Begad! T' first thin' I was instructed t' do was t' mark the longer o' t' two interior tubes at 1/4" and then epoxy it into one end o' t' motor tube leavin' 1/4" hangin' out. Ahoy! Begad! This was easily done but t' coupler would nay fit into t' motor tube so I had t' sand it down some, removin' me marks. It was easily marked again and then I decided t' use white glue instead o' epoxy. It be tight and I did nay think it be a realistic failure point.

T' next step was simple enough. T' thrust rin' was glued in place at t' opposite end o' t' motor tube. Begad! Blimey! Again, white glue was used. Well, blow me down! Blimey! T' interior joints at both ends were then filleted with white glue and it was set aside t' dry for a short while.

I took a look at t' Apache nose cone while t' base assembly was settin' up. Blimey! It was reasonably clear balsa with just a touch o' roughness on one side. Avast! I decided t' harden it some by dousin' it with some thin CA.

This next part is where things became dicey because I misunderstood t' instructions. Begad! Blimey! T' instructions were correct but I was lettin' a single word cause me t' misinterpret them and even ignore (subconsciously) other verbiage that should have set me straight. Aye aye! Blimey! I was supposed t' sand a bevel into t' portion o' t' coupler tube that extended from t' motor mount. Arrr! Blimey! It be supposed t' transition from its natural diameter t' t' diameter o' t' main Apache tube. Essentially, it was t' taper t' 0". Begad! Blimey! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! Blimey! That part I got and most o' t' taperin' be done with a sandin' stick. Begad! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! It was t' next instruction that got me. Blimey! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! I interpreted it t' mean that t' Apache tube would be butted up against t' freshly tapered coupler and epoxied into place with a simple butt joint restin' upon a "surface" that had just been sanded from a surface into an edge. Arrr! Blimey! I just knew it was goin' t' be t' primary failure mode o' each and every flight if t' rocket even made it t' t' field without breakin' at that point. Aye aye! Aye aye! I was already considerin' rollin' me own coupler t' fit into both t' original coupler tube and t' body tube so that I would have more gluin' surface and somethin' t' try and hold things straight. Aye aye! Avast, me proud beauty! As stupid as this sounds, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, I was convinced that was what I be supposed to do. Blimey! Ya scallywag! Thankfully, shiver me timbers, me bucko, an uncommon bout o' sense had me read t' instructions again and t' word that had thrown me was thrown up in relief.

T' aft end o' t' apache tube be t' be butted even with t' aft end o' t' base.

"Butt" had mislead me into ignorin' t' stupidity I was displaying. T' Apache tube fit through t' sanded coupler, shiver me timbers, through t' motor mount, ya bilge rat, arrr, and through t' thrust ring. Ahoy! Arrr! It should have plenty o' support. Aye aye! Blimey! I again used white glue instead o' epoxy.

With t' Apache tube secured in t' Apache base, I moved t' base over t' t' fin markin' guide for t' Apache and transferred t' marks. Avast! Doin' it with t' smaller tube made me wish again for t' wraparound type but t' job got done. Avast, me proud beauty! An Estes angle tool was used t' run t' 4 lines t' length o' t' base and one o' t' lines was run t' length of t' entire Apache tube. Each o' t' lines was marked off 1/4" from t' aft end and then t' fins and lines were numbered in t' same manner as t' Nike fins and slots were cut.

Mountin' o' t' Apache fins be for some reason more difficult than t' mountin' o' t' Nike fins. This is nay to say that it was really hard, ya bilge rat, they just did nay go as easily. Blimey! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! T' first fin be re-checked t' make sure it fit and then epoxy was placed in t' slot and along t' root edge. Blimey! Blimey! T' fin be then pressed into place and held with tape. The second fin also went on without any problem. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' third fin be where it stopped goin' so well. Aye aye! Blimey! It mounted easy enough and I kept eyeballin' alignment and finally realized that t' 1st and 3rd did nay line up as well as they should. I don't blame anybody for that except me but it is a reason I prefer t' wraparound guides t' t' butt end ones. Fortunately, me hearties, t' final fin was OK. Begad! Blimey! All were filleted with epoxy.

You may recall that early on in t' buildin' o' t' motor mount, t' instructions called for t' use o' some cardstock t' wedge betwixt t' retainin' screw and t' tube. Ya scallywag! I recalled it as well as I got t' next step and realized that I had cut t' strips from t' wrong piece o' cardstock. Well, blow me down! T' piece I had cut was supposed t' be used as t' forward wrap on t' Apache. Begad! Fortunately, t' wrap be a little bit big and needed t' be cut down a bit. Begad! That helped somewhat but thar would still be an ugly gap in one part o' t' seam. It be somethin' that I would have t' fix with filler later on.

I wrapped t' forward part o' t' Apache tube with Saran Wrap t' protect it from moisture and t' sprayed the Apache wrap with water t' make it more pliable. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! It be placed around t' tube, ya bilge rat, arrr, tied into place, and allowed t' dry out overnight. Arrr! Blimey! T' next day it had taken on its new shape. Epoxy was then brushed onto t' inner surface o' t' wrap and it was applied t' t' forward end o' t' Apache. Arrr! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! I tried t' line t' seam up with t' long line which had been run the length o' t' tube, however, arrr, me hearties, I must have let it shift without noticin' while gettin' things aligned. Ahoy! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! T' wrap be held in place with tape as t' epoxy set up.

T' wrapped, me hearties, forward end o' t' Apache was pressed against t' tube markin' guide and t' lines were transferred. A mark was then made on each o' t' lines a specified distance from t' forward end. If me memory serves, matey, each was 5-13/64". Avast, me proud beauty! These marks were t' locate t' penetrations for t' antennae. Ahoy!

T' penetrations were supposed t' be made with a drill. T' me horror, I realized that I had left me drill elsewhere doin' some actual maintenance t' t' house and that I be probably goin' t' have t' wait t' work further. Thinkin' about it though, t' bit I needed be small and t' materials t' be drilled through were nay tough. Avast! On a lark, I tried just twirlin' t' bit betwixt me fingers. Blimey! It worked!

Cosmodrome Nike-Apache Surprisingly, t' next step was one o' t' toughest for me. Arrr! T' antennae are formed by a pair o' styrene rods Each is t' be pushed through a pair o' opposin' hole. Blimey! Gettin' t' rods through t' first hole was easy. Avast! Gettin' it through t' hole on t' other side required a commodity o' which I am chronically in short supply: patience. Begad! Then gettin' t' one through orthogonal t' t' first is even tougher since t' holes are at t' same level. I never would have thought I could get them that exact. Begad! Begad! When t' two rods were in place, me bucko, I made sure that t' same amount stuck out in each instance and then used some epoxy t' fix them into place within t' tube.

T' kit comes with a hefty lead slug t' be used as nose weight and move t' CG forward. Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! Installation o' t' slug was simple. Well, blow me down! Some epoxy was slathered around t' top o' t' Apache tube and t' slug inserted. Aye aye! More epoxy was slathered on t' top o' t' slug and then t' Apache nose cone was seated. Ahoy! Begad! T' entire Apache assembly be then inverted t' allow things t' set up in place.

T' basis o' t' shock cord system be t' steel cable already installed. Arrr! Blimey! T' this is added a long piece of bungee-like cord. Ahoy! Blimey! It was bent t' t' steel cable with a double sheet bend. Begad! Blimey! At t' opposite end, matey, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, a loop was tied about a foot back from t' bitter end. Begad! Blimey! T' bitter end was then tied t' t' eye screw in t' transition.

For t' final step o' t' assembly, me hearties, me bucko, t' Apache base be glued t' t' transition. Avast! Avast! Although t' instructions called for epoxy, ya bilge rat, I used white glue since this did nay seem t' be a major failure point t' me.

T' first step in finishin' this beast be t' mix up some Elmer's Wood Filler and start fillin' in t' imperfections. These included t' grain on t' fins, on t' balsa, arrr, arrr, and t' seams on t' wraps. Avast! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! I put it on rather thick and gave it about a week t' dry completely. Then t' laborious sandin' process began.

T' nosecone and Apache wrap were nay too bad. Ahoy! T' wrap still needed some more work but t' fairin' be better than it had been. Avast! T' Apache fins and transition were a bit more work t' sand. It was nay difficult but it be tedious. T' appearance was definitely improved but thar were still some pits in t' transition that I was nay happy with. Likewise, me hearties, t' Nike fins and wrap were nay difficult t' sand, me hearties, just tedious. Blimey! I used a file and sandin' stick t' get right up next t' t' wrap. Avast, me proud beauty! That helped but thar were still some pits t' take care o' on t' wrap seam.

For t' next round o' filling, ya bilge rat, I decided t' try some Squadron green putty instead. Well, blow me down! T' seam o' t' Apache wrap got a layer along its entire length but t' cone needed nothin' more. Aye aye! T' Apache fins also needed nothin' else but putty was used t' fill t' pits on t' transition. Ya scallywag! Finally, t' Nike wrap seam got a stream o' putty as well and the Nike fins needed none. Begad! After a day t' dry, I attacked t' putty with t' sandpaper. Arrr! Well, blow me down! It took care o' t' pits in the transition and nothin' further was needed there. Avast! Ya scallywag! T' wrap seams on both t' Apache and t' Nike were another story and needed a bit more. I went back t' t' Elmer's Wood Filler this time, and after it had been dried and sanded, I was satisfied enough t' go on.

After dustin' everythin' off, matey, t' Nike Apache was taken t' t' booth t' begin t' primin' process. I started out by sprayin' 2 sides with Kilz. Arrr! Ya scallywag! A day later, t' rocket was rotated and I sprayed t' other two sides. Arrr! T' Kilz dried for a couple o' days and then I took a closer look. Ahoy! T' rocket had developed a bad case o' the "fuzzies" especially where t' wraps had gotten sanded while removin' t' filler material. Aye aye! I took it back to t' bench and sanded it smooth.

After dustin' things off, ya bilge rat, it be back t' t' booth where t' real paintin' began. On examinin' t' directions, I saw that t' body o' t' Nike was supposed t' be white. Avast! This be in accordance with me "memory" o' t' Nike series. With that in mind, me bucko, I went ahead and sprayed on a layer o' white. What I had a question about, though, me bucko, was the coloration o' t' Nike fins. Arrr! I had imagined t' normal fluorescent scheme but they were nay mentioned in the instructions. Aye aye! Avast! T' black and white photos I had seen were unclear on t' matter and, for some reason, I thought that this rocket would be different. So it is that I sent a message t' Cosmodrome askin' and he got back t' me quickly. Avast! Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! It wasn't t' answer I expected though. Arrr! Begad! He told me t' matter was unclear and sent me some links. Some versions did indeed have t' fluorescent red fins. Aye aye! Begad! T' one that captured me interest though, matey, had a dark red Nike body and fins. Ya scallywag! Blimey! I altered me plans then and there. Arrr! It also had red Apache fins but o' a possible florescent cast. Ahoy! That's what I decided t' try and do. Aye aye! T' photo I liked can be seen here.

When t' white had dried, matey, ya bilge rat, I took t' rocket back out and found that I had t' "fuzzies" again, although nay as badly in t' same places as before. Avast, me proud beauty! A little sandin' took care o' that and I began t' mask off t' upper body above t' transition t' protect it from t' red I was goin' t' use. I chose "garnet red" from Rustoleum for t' Nike section. Avast, me proud beauty! T' rocket was set in t' booth and given 3 coats. Begad! T' next day t' maskin' was removed and I liked t' result. Arrr! T' Nike section be then masked off and t' rocket be taken back t' t' booth. Avast! Two coats o' white were applied. Arrr! Examination showed that t' same fuzzies that had afflicted t' Nike had done so t' t' Apache as well, ya bilge rat, but to a lesser degree. Begad! They were sanded down with #400 sandpaper. Begad! Well, blow me down! T' rocket was then taken back t' t' booth for another coat o' white. Aye aye! Blimey!

T' rocket sat with t' white dryin' for a few days as I attended t' other issues and then t' maskin' tape was gotten out t' cover everythin' around t' base o' t' Apache except for t' fins. Avast, me proud beauty! It be then back t' t' booth again where fluorescent red was applied in very light coats buildin' up t' give t' red color. Aye aye! T' photos make it look much more red than it does in person. Blimey! A few days later t' maskin' came off. Begad! You can definitely see t' difference between t' reds but its nay unpleasing. Begad! I be also thrilled that thar were no runs.

With t' paintin' done, me bucko, me bucko, I could turn me attention t' t' last item o' construction: t' launch lug. Avast! T' kit came with a pair o' tubular 1/4" lugs. Arrr! I made t' decision early on that I wanted t' substitute a linear rail lug so t' originals were nay put in place. Ahoy! Begad! T' linear lug would need, shiver me timbers, however, a spacer t' clear t' transition, me hearties, just like t' tubular lugs would have needed. I traced t' outline o' t' lug on a scrap o' balsa and then used a razor knife to cut it out. Avast! I then held t' balsa spacer against t' lug and used sandpaper t' make t' outline conform better.

T' location on t' Nike BT chosen for t' lug had some o' t' paint scraped away and then a hole was punched through it t' make for a better epoxy bond. A few drops o' 15 minute epoxy were then mixed and spread on t' back of t' spacer and t' spacer be set in place on t' BT. T' spacer was then clamped into place. Well, blow me down! A couple o' days later I had a chance t' take t' clamps off. Begad! T' rail lug was then set on top o' t' spacer and t' screws were used t' mark t' balsa. T' lug be then removed and t' screws were turned through t' balsa and t' BT and then removed. Some epoxy be then mixed and brushed onto t' back o' t' lug and poked into t' screw holes. T' lug was then set in place and t' screws driven in.

T' decal work is seemingly simple on this one. There are 2 "United States" strips o' text. Aye aye! Blimey! They are mounted on opposite sides o' t' Nike with one havin' t' text run up and t' other run down. Arrr! Blimey! These turned out t' be stickers instead o' decals but t' quality was good. Arrr! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey! I peeled t' back off, set them in place and then burnished them. T' instructions made mention o' one more decal that went on t' Apache stage. I have no idea what it is supposed to look like because I cannot find it. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Let me hasten t' add that this might be me fault and that o' me chaotic work area.

At this point I thought I be done but as I was lookin' things over, me bucko, matey, I chanced t' look into t' body tube and saw a problem. Begad! T' screws from t' mountin' o' t' rail lug were pokin' through quite a ways. Begad! It be an invitation t' rip any chute that got packed in this rocket. I started t' remedy this problem by takin' a file t' it and worryin' down the points. This went slowly and then I had a better idea. Arrr! Well, blow me down! I took a scrap o' balsa and pressed it down over t' screw on t' inside o' t' tube. Begad! This took up some room. Blimey! I then mixed some epoxy and used it t' hold t' balsa in place and round and smooth off what was left o' t' protrudin' screws. Avast, me proud beauty! My reasonin' be that t' epoxy would help t' hold the screws it better and give a non-rippin' surface over which t' chute could move past.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Cosmodrome Nike-Apache

Flight and Recovery:
T' day o' t' maiden flight o' me Nike Apache found me ready t' go and t' others in attendance eager t' see how it performed. Begad! I loaded it with a Roadrunner F60-4 and took it out t' t' pad. Ahoy! Begad! There it sat for a while as some low powered launches took place and I awaited me turn. Arrr! Liftoff, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, when it came, shiver me timbers, surprised me. Blimey! Blimey! I did nay expect this rocket t' move as fast as it did but move it most certainly did. Ahoy! Aye aye! It was more like launchin' a light LPR. Begad! T' climb up was a good one. Ahoy! It was straight, did nay wobble at all, and looked quite impressive. T' motor selection seemed t' have been a good one. When t' pop o' ejection came, t' rocket could just barely be seen. We all saw t' laundry come out and then we all saw that thar be a problem.

T' chute be out but never really opened. I was "treated" t' a terrible sight. T' Apache portion of t' rocket was doin' its best imitation o' a lawn dart. Blimey! It was strugglin' t' aerodynamically make its way back t' earth as smartly as possible. It was constrained in this endeavor by three things: 1) I'm sure t' unopened chute contributed a small but real amount o' drag; 2) t' Nike booster was actin' like a streamer in its own right and tryin' t' impede its own impendin' doom; and 3) I'm am sure that t' sound waves from me plaintive cries from t' ground slowed it a little bit as well. Blimey! All o' this was t' no avail as it plunged downward. A video o' this sad event can be seen here.

An examination o' t' rocket, when I stopped crying, matey, showed that t' damage be nay as bad as I had feared. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! The fins o' t' Nike booster need t' be reset and filleted but t' entire booster is in pretty good shape. Ya scallywag! Even t' Apache came out better than expected. T' nose cone snapped but it is somethin' that is easily replaced. A member o' me club offered t' turn a cone out o' PVC for me and I accepted his offer in t' hope that it will be a bit more durable.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

I be impressed by several things about this kit. Begad! It went together fairly easy for a scale project. Well, blow me down! It looked good and it performed great. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! T' blunders that occurred in construction were due t' me own inattention t' t' instructions. It looked great goin' up and even kind o' cool comin' down. I think that t' nose cone is a bit tender and that the instructions could use a slight upgrade, me bucko, but t' former is a property o' t' material and Cosmodrome has informed me that t' latter will be addressed. Avast! Begad! Its a great kit.

Persons wishin' t' follow the exploits o' this rockets can do so here.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

[NAR][Sport Rocketry]

T' followin' excerpt is from "Sport Rocketry". Begad! Arrr! T' intention is t' allow guests t' get a basic feelin' about a kit. Aye aye! We strongly suggest that you get a copy o' t' referenced Sport Rocketry and read t' entire article. Ya scallywag! Inside you will find many helpful hints in construction as well as other useful information. Begad! For more information, use t' two links above.

(Sport Rocketry - May/June 2000 - page 41 - by Mark Sinicki) 

[Courtesy of Cosmodrome]"The Cosmodrome 1:6-scale Nike-Apache is one beefy kit . Ya scallywag! Blimey! . Begad! Blimey! ."
"Thick-wall tubing, me bucko, plywood fins and bulkheads, ya bilge rat, and a stainless steel shock cord anchor cable . Avast, me proud beauty! . ."
"Expect t' spend a lot o' time on step 4 . . Aye aye! . Avast, me proud beauty! Well, blow me down! fins get sanded t' a diamond cross-section."
"T' nose cone is a long, matey, narrow balsa affair with space in t' bottom for a large lead nose weight."
"Through-the-wall fin attachment . Well, matey, blow me down! Blimey! . ."
"Fin placement templates are provided for both stages."
"Plastruct-type wires are provided t' simulate antennas on t' upper stage."
"Applyin' t' self-adhesive decals was no trouble at all."
"T' kit was supplied with a 28" purple parachute."
"I found t' quick link provided in t' kit t' be very helpful . Blimey! Ahoy! . Begad! ."
"T' model made its maiden flight . Begad! . Ahoy! Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! . Begad! Ahoy! on an AeroTech F50-6FWL . Arrr! . ."
"T' bird landed on soft, me hearties, sandy ground, me bucko, but t' leadin' 1-1/2" o' the balsa nose cone was still splintered upon impact."

T' entire article gives t' impression that this is a nice kit t' experience more detailed and challengin' building.

Other Reviews
  • Cosmodrome Rocketry Nike Apache By David Sindel (August 27, 2009)

    Brief: This is a very nice 1:6 scale model of the Nike-Apache sounding rocket suitable for E motors up through small HPR motors. It's a hefty and strong kit capable of surviving almost anything you throw at. This was my L1 cert rocket. Construction: The parts list: Conical balsa nose cone, 6" long and 1" in diameter. 5oz lead nose weight, 1" long and ...

  • Cosmodrome Rocketry Nike Apache By Nick Hills

    Brief I have always liked scale kits, so I decided to try the Nike Apache kit from Cosmodrome Rocketry. I made a great choice. As the kit is real nice, and high quality parts used through out. Construction Upon opening of package, every thing was there all in one piece. The balsa transition and nose cone are awesome. They are done real well! You do want to fill any minor dents in ...



C.S. (November 1, 2000)
This is my second kit, the first one drifted away and we could not find it. I certified Level 1 this weekend with this kit on a H-238. It screamed off the pad and whistled on the way up, 1500-2000 feet. The only upgrades I gave the kit were 3-4 coats of glass resin to the nose cone and transition, this was to strengthen the balsa. I also used a longer motor mount tube, 2 more centering rings, and glassed it, because I will be using I200's in this kit. I also own a Black Brandt from Cosmodrome, great kits.

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